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Posts posted by AF-Wife

  1. If he is in the military you need to contact his commanding officer. If you look in the military spouse forum and ask your question there I'm sure there are more people there that can tell you where to get help. The military won't allow such behavior.

    Good luck!

    true! you gotta get somehow a hold of his squadron commander. what would make it easier: do you have an ID to get on base or do you have friends that can take you on base?

  2. My husband once held an Irish passport as well. He was coming to the US on a J program and the people who ran it advised everyone to get Irish passports (rather than British) because terrorists on planes always shoot Americans and English, and let the other people go. :lol:

    When he got his last passport (a red British passport) it only took a couple of weeks. I can't imagine it taking months. Ever.

    That's really not fair for you to say. You don't know the details of his entry and you don't know any of the other details of his case.

    Every case is different.

    what? what are you talking about? I refered to the details he gave us before. he entered legally, border protection cleared him & there was no misrepresentation. (like he explained it to us) I also know other people who successfully adjusted their status without any problem from VWP.

  3. OP should consult with a qualified immigration attorney before he proceeds.

    It's. That. Simple.

    you don't need an attorney, if your case isn't complicated. and from what I read, it isn't. I adjusted from VWP within 2.5 months without an attorney and I am glad I stayed here instead of going back. if you research all the papers you need, you will understand the whole progress. like I said before, MANY people did it and will still do.

  4. I am not as experienced as other people on here, but we are on our second round of K-1 Visa application because of a paperwork confusion the first round (gotta love Scotland's record keeping!!). Anyways, we have a lawyer this time, and things are going well. We had a vacation planned to Fort Myers Beach at my condo there, but she recommended we don't do that. The reason is a very small risk that he would be stopped at the border, and sent back because of a possible intent to marry here. Rather than take the risk, we choose to change our vacation to Toronto.

    In our case, if Mark had been turned back, it would have been a waste of money, but no ill effects on the visa application. In YOUR case, if there is an issue, it is not not appeal-able. No second shot. Wave bye to your wife. As I've stated, I'm not a lawyer, or an expert, but I would rather wait a few extra months and go through the CR-1 process, than take that 1% risk.

    you are right, that there's no right to appeal. but ... if that happens, just simply go home & file for your CR-1. I think listening to your story, it's worth a shot. many people adjusted their status from VWP successfully and many more will ... if it works out, you would be able to be with your partner while waiting for your greencard!

  5. just fyi, (i dont know why this bugs me)

    you too came here under the VWP - Visa Waiver Program.

    There is no such thing as an ESTA Visa.

    you can therefore NOT overstay your ESTA.


    from https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/WebHelp/ESTA_Screen-Level_Online_Help_1.htm#TA7

    The “Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007” (9/11 Act) amended Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), requiring that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implement an electronic travel authorization system and other measures to enhance the security of the Visa Waiver Program. ESTA adds another layer of security that allows DHS to determine, in advance of travel, whether an individual is eligible to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program and whether such travel poses a law enforcement or security risk.

    ESTA is the program that we sign up for the VWP. you don't have to attack that person, because they just said ESTA and not ESTA visa!

  6. Again, we have no way to know for sure that OP's story is legit but trying to poke holes in it based on her English or how domestic violence arrests work in your area is silly, IMO. I don't know what the hoopla is over her English, her written English is very similar to my husband's and almost identical to a foreign exchange student we hosted when I was in high school, who absolutely wrote that well after a year even though she didn't know a ton of English prior to coming. Again, I'm not saying the OP couldn't be lying but the best thing anyone can do is advise based on the idea that she isn't and leave it at that.

    It is also clear that many people here have never been in an abusive relationship and do not understand the dynamics involved it in from either side. If you've never been there you'll never totally understand, but nothing she has said about the status of her relationship would come up as a red flag to almost anyone who has been there.

    OP, obviously there is no point in continuing to hash out this thread. You've gotten advice on VAWA, I suggest you follow that if you have the evidence needed. I also suggest you contact a family law attorney. Your county may have resources for finding someone pro bono if you cannot afford one.

    well said. that's what I was thinking the whole time.

    PS: OP isn't looking for any advice anymore, she is just trying to defend herself the whole time. there shouldn't be a reason to begin with. good luck & I hope everything works out for you. keep us updated, what's going on!

  7. The poster first said that the marriage was a "secret" and that husband did not want his CO to know about it. However, poster has military ID which means that husband did fill out the proper forms and has official told the Navy about wife.

    OP mentioned before, that of course the military knows about her, but he husband is telling his commander that they are divorcing. for his CO, there's no reason not to believe him. squadron commanders are very busy with other stuff & wouldn't follow up on the situation. also, even if he would have enrolled her in the DoD system without telling his commander, he wouldn't know about his wife. commanders don't get the information: listen, one of your workers just enrolled his wife. my husbands command didn't know until we told them in person. the military is big. keep that in mind.

  8. If she doesn't have a SSN she would only be issied a temporary military ID valid for 90 days. So unless she gets it redone every three months she probably doesn't have a vaild ID. The military takes care of its families and they dont go by he said, she said so unless he submitted a copy of a divorce decree they know he is not a single father. They could make him file for your AOS and if he tries to stop you you could the police now that you know English so well.

    that's not true! my military ID is valid until 2016 and they STILL don't have my SSN in their system! please don't make comments, that aren't true. SSN has nothing to do with any military benefits.

  9. His being in the military and you being married to him entitles you to a dependant ID card and all the benefits that go along with being a military dependant. You need to contact the legal office at the base where he works as well as his commanding officer (CO)immediately. Something is seriously wrong with this whole situation. You know that if you can prove abuse that u will be granted permanant status without the need of your husband in the whole process.

    Abuse is very serious and I have seen it end very badly, he killed her then himself. I was a paramedic on a military base and witnessed this situation first hand and watched it play out for 2 years!!! GET HELP IMMEDIATELY as this is at least mental abuse!!!!!!

    OP said she has Dependent ID & tricare, ....

  10. contact the embassy, but that's about all you can do. the military will probably not able to help you. I've never heard of anything like the story that your friend told you. only ID card holders are allowed to fly on a military planes and celebs, if they are en route for the military.

    I would, even if you aren't close, contact your family. explain them you are in need.

  11. No one is disputing that you cannot use your husband name; it is your choice what name you want to use - maiden or married name.

    Also it have already been said countless time to travel with your MC if there is a discrepancy in the names - GC, Passport, etc,.

    One more question, is the Visa that was put in your passport also under your married name?

    Can you fill in your timeline so it can help others.

    everything was applied in my married name. I was just trying to tell the OP, that your statements above, that the visa will be issued in whatever name your passport states, is wrong. use the name, you wanna use in the US. that will save you hassle & money.

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