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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    We met August 23, 2008 on Myspace, lol. We started out as friends and it quickly grew into more. Spent many hours chatting, emailing and talking on the phone. I flew over for his birthday September 2010, after promising his mum I was coming. My trip was short due to financial reasons, and we wed while I was there. I came home, hired an attorney and began the process of paperwork, which we submitted in December. Almost a year after starting the process we had our interview date, for which he was denied. Now we await the NOIR, and I am planning another trip over.

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  1. signed in to update, NVC received our petition today, its being forwarded to the Consulate. Another wait process for interview date. Signing back out, but first I will say God is good, all the time! Glory to Him!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I miss mine as well, and I try to appreciate the little moments we have now. I have a feeling we will both miss the butterflies when the phone rings, or the *ding on chat notifying us that one or the other is calling or online! We will have new butterflies, yet this part will be removed. I am such a sap, lol

    3. Louza


      Well said...you make a very good point as always. Here's to new butterflies! And you aren't the only sap around here ;)

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      After I wrote this, my mind got to thinking that once he's here, hubby and I will have to plan an online date once a month, only not really planned, but more of a surprise, just like it is now :). I am seriously gonna miss that *ding and reading "Hi Love" from him. But really I can't wait for the new butterflies either

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