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We Keep Receipts

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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Dakine10 in Illegal Alien Who Killed Nun Was on Obama’s Supervised Release   
    Drunk driving is a serious issue as is the fact that criminals are not locked up (or deported in the case of someone who is here illegally).
    I would have been happy to discuss things pertinent to either of those issues without introducing a broader generalization about Mexican males. Somehow I get the feeling if the perpetrator of this crime was a white frat boy, we would have been discussing him and not his race.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Dakine10 in Apple says it took "courage" to remove the headphone jack on iPhone7   
    Repairing cell phones is a hobby of mine, and internally, there's a huge difference in quality between Apple and some of the android phones. The Xiaomi might look as nice on the outside, but often they are skimping where you don't see it. If you upgrade once a year, you may not notice but I'd bet they don't last near as long.
    The hard part with android phones reminds me of that Forest Gump quote. You never know what your going to get. I haven't used an iPhone since the 4, but then again if my phone stops working, I fix it, flash it or whatever else I need to do. Or I buy a new one with the money I saved by not buying an iPhone.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Dakine10 in Newly Discovered Flatworm Is Named After Obama   
    Xenoturbella hollandorum is another newly discovered species of flatworm. Described as having large mouths but lacking a brain brings to mind a certain Republican candidate whose name rhymes with Whump!
    Renaming species is not always an easy process, but given the circumstances, this one seems to be a no brainer.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Rob L in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    Trump is taking the lead in both categories, God help us if he is elected and we have to learn the hard way which issue will destroy the country first.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Dakine10 in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    Trump is misogynistic and sexist.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Jacque67 in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    So, because her father cheated on her mother, any critique she has of Trump is invalid.
    Great logic.
    Wimminz know your place!!!!
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Jacque67 in Chelsea Clinton just called Trump ‘misogynistic’ and ‘sexist.   
    Trump only has one barrel. He hasn't tweeted on this as of yet.
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    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from elmcitymaven in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    All AI starts from a human interface. IMO it's just reacting to what it's been programmed with. I'll wager there were parameters in place and the robots went off that.
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    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in Chicago surpasses 500th homicide in 2016   
    The victims of these killings aren't hood rats, but I wouldn't expect you to know that. Don't know why you're determined to be racist about it, or why all these I'm sick of talking about race don't check you.
    You want to join? Let me know and I'll send you the link. You can't possibly know how silly you sound.
    Next time a white person does a shooting, I'll make sure to ask about White Lives Matter.
  11. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from smilesammich in Chicago surpasses 500th homicide in 2016   
    How would that be racist? Only if you were assume only minorites are in gangs. Because that shootout in Texas with the bikers? I'm sure that's a gang.
  12. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Apple says it took "courage" to remove the headphone jack on iPhone7   
    6 edge plus holder here. And I have the new wireless ear buds that have no wires. No way in heck I'll go back to Apple in terms of phone. Love their computers, but that's about it.
  13. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from CarlosAndSveta in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    All AI starts from a human interface. IMO it's just reacting to what it's been programmed with. I'll wager there were parameters in place and the robots went off that.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to The Nature Boy in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    You win game set match ???
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    ? is your husband white? NB said only Indians and Asians program computers.
    Sounds like your husband knows his stuff. Somewhat the same thing i said, but no one listened. Lol
    That white guys aren't in IT and CS? Yes we know. Lol
  16. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Jacque67 in Darren Seals: Ferguson, Mo., Protester Found Shot to Death Inside Burning Car   
    Um, can you post the link with this info, cause I'm looking and don't see anything of the sort.
    But you're right. The police would never do anything like set a black man up.

    I'm curious, is this a conservative thing or a Vermont thing?
  17. Like
    We Keep Receipts got a reaction from Jacque67 in Darren Seals: Ferguson, Mo., Protester Found Shot to Death Inside Burning Car   
    And you're still going. Won't respond to a direct question, but sits back and takes shots at my replies. The dude who used to leave walls of texts when it came to his issues. That's funny
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in A beauty contest was judged by AI and the robots didn't like dark skin   
    Not deemed by me, but keep twisting my words like a pretzel. See the article below. Btw a black person didn't do this pathetic research.
    I try to stay clear of reality shows so I've never seen 90 day visa.
    I'm not sure about your Forrest Gump references.i don't understand what you mean.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to smilesammich in Seven gas cylinders found in car close to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris   
    and your ownership of that laziness is what makes you endearing, nb. that and my soft spot for old skool rasslin.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to smilesammich in What really happened at Donald Trump's Intelligence briefing   
    trump has never had to actually play by the rules a day in his life.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to smilesammich in Darren Seals: Ferguson, Mo., Protester Found Shot to Death Inside Burning Car   
    exactly. and it would be wrong of you to assume such a thing.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to smilesammich in Darren Seals: Ferguson, Mo., Protester Found Shot to Death Inside Burning Car   
    everyone has prejudices, most were formed in childhood or from traumatic experiences. i think it's our responsibility to try and recognize those prejudices in ourselves and break them down.
    what is interesting to me, is why i read about the death of darren seals and see how important he was to so many people and i feel genuine loss, it's tragic. you read about his death and wonder what brother offed him and if blm had anything to do with it and question if anyone's going to be out and about protesting his death. there's a huge difference in the way we see the same event. is that due to your prejudices or mine? i don't understand the knee jerk distaste for a dead man without prejudice existing somewhere..
  23. Like
    We Keep Receipts reacted to smilesammich in Darren Seals: Ferguson, Mo., Protester Found Shot to Death Inside Burning Car   
    well now, nb just said we're all prejudiced to some degree and i completely agree with that. i have to agree in reading you and roy and nb over the years, i've seen plenty of racial bias on display. you just don't see it in yourself, which isn't surprising.
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    We Keep Receipts reacted to Janelle2002 in Darren Seals: Ferguson, Mo., Protester Found Shot to Death Inside Burning Car   
    Funny how people use proportional statistics to absolve them from 84% white on white murder, or committing over 31,000 sex offenses a year. But hey, keep pointing at black folks if it helps you sleep at night kido.
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