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Posts posted by believe

  1. My kid had acid reflux and consitpation issues and was breast fed.

    Her father was completely bottle fed and barely eats any veggies but yet is one of the healthiest people I've ever met and always have been.

    Personally, I'm a little skeptical of one being worse than the other, but I know the momma juice is free! :D

    Free momma juice for everyone!!!! :)

    I was asking 'cos the baby may have been allergic to something mom was eating, which was being transmitted via la breast milk. I think with formula certain issues are easier to pinpoint.

  2. Oh ya I have friends that say just put her in bed and let her cry she will go to sleep. Umm no she won't she would puke all over the place exorcist style then continue to scream and rinse and repeat. My fil would say its not healthy for her to be up so late or not get longer naps. I just want to scream I can't make her sleep it won't work, heck one night she was teething I gave her tylenol and figured well maybe she will finally sleep. Nope she was all hyped up till 2am.

    She hated the carseat for the first 6 months she screamed bloody murder in that thing. Naps with her didn't last long either when she did nap I was lucky if she got 45 minutes.

    Her pedi actually asked me if she passes out from lack of oxygen when she gets upset, but she never has. THe first 6 months we also delt with bad acid reflux with her so sleep started out at 5 to 15minutes. I was about to lose my mind then.

    Was she formula- or breast-fed? Not that it has much to do with it, but I've read that kids who act like this sometimes have allergy issues.

  3. i'm having fish for lunch...it's pretty good :D

    Well its not that fish is bad, or even stinky fish for that matter, but in the work place you gotta worry about the smells you drag in. Like I love eating dried fish from the Philippines, but I'd never bring it into work, it stinks to high heavens!

    Fish is great! I don't see why people are so hung up on food smells and their "acceptability." Of course, I totally understand the stinky fish syndrome, or foods that are so foreign a coworker can't even taste it. Other than those, I say live and let live man. :goofy:


  4. big rant:

    just got home from grocery shopping at safeway. lady behind the deli counter was incredibly rude and insinuated we wouldn't be able to afford the ham we asked her to weigh. specifically, before agreeing to weigh it, she raised her eyebrow and said "these are really expensive" and after we nodded and said we knew how much they usually cost, she sighed loudly, rolled her eyes and said "i could do this all day..."

    i know that her job is probably hard and tiring and she had a long day on her feet but there was no need for her to be so openly rude. hey, talk about me behind your back, sure, but if you do it to my face, you're asking for me to say something. and at first, i didn't. jonas and i walked away and filled our cart with other things, but it kept bugging me, so i said to him, i'm sorry but i have to go back to the deli and say something. jonas suggested i speak to her supervisor but i said no because i've worked retail before and i know management usually sucks, so i just wanted to talk to the lady and tell her i didn't appreciate how she spoke to us.

    but, when i got there, she didn't even want to speak to me, asking her co-worker to go forward to help me instead, and then finally when i insisted on speaking to her, she met everything i said with "i have no idea what you're talking about." with this smug look on her face. i said, my husband *heard* you, i heard you. and she just shrugged and said, "no idea." and at one point, i said i've worked retail before so i know that shifts can be long and tiring and sometimes you have a bad day but - and she cut me off and said, "i've had a great day, what about you?" and finally she said, "we're busy here so do you need anything else?" of course there wasn't even one other person at the counter. :angry:

    She needs a good azz-kickin'!

    Friday back-report, si and sigh and ouch man:

    In morn, nuked imminently returning body-aches with Tylenol, no ouch man.

    In eve, did same.

    In between, noticed culprit back-muscle beginning to throb again, sigh man.

    However, only with most borderline of pain, NotMuchOuch man.

    Neverthelessly, this is disturbing, see and sigh man.

    'Tis only 2 days since last acu treatment, see man.

    Next acu treatment not till Monday afternoon, no man.

    We fear for the weekend, GS activity, and prepping for pending house-guests, sigh man.

    Morefurtherly, we have A Great Many% of all the symptoms of corticosteroid-withdrawal, shudder man.

    Recovery is not typically swift and is uniformly unpleasant, no and si and sigh man.

    Blood test for CPK (creatine phosphokinase) won't be available till Monday, no and sigh man.

    We fear agony, sigh man.

    Lying on heating-pad had zero effect, nada man.

    We are drowning our sorrows by severely damaging a bag of potato cheaps, ingest man.

    Immediately before, we drowned said sorrows by devouring the remaining Aldi-brand Oreo cookies, ingest man.

    We are supposed, instead, to be drowning in Gatorade et al. by hydrating like a baastard, see man.

    We have just polished off the last dregs of one such bottle, gulp man.

    We are debating going downstairs for a virgin bottle of same, hmmm man.

    Doing so would cause the cat to think that Daddy came to play with her, not feasible man.

    Doing so would risk certain wasteful sequelae in the wee hours, weewee man.

    Note to self, see here man: Do not (do not!) ever treat corticosteroids casually again, no man!

    To add insult to injuriousness, the GS itinerary for Saturday is thin, sigh man.

    Not a Good Friday, no man.

    And what is Steveklar doing up at Many a.m., huh man?

    Yikes T-B. Thy back has suffered many problems, and yet thou still walketh and driveth and choreth about? :)

  5. Yah that is pretty crazy sometimes. I was trying to deal with my insurance company about a bill for my daughter who is covered under my plan. It got billed to my daughter and my insurance, although it was really my mother who had been to the hospital. I had power of attorney for my mother's affairs and health. But they refused to talk with me about it. But they would talk to the daughter, who the hospital had accidentally billed, who had no say over the person's accounts who actually should have been billed, and I was the one paying for the insurance. What a mess that was.

    Insurance is a complete headache. Such a vague maze of cr@p.

    Or change the password and contact information on his WoW account :rofl:


    what kind of lunch sits in a toaster?


  6. Morning all...weekend was good..worked on roof, still cleaning garage, did some driving....some more practicing for the driving theory (I cannot help it..unless I know the book 100% I won't take the test...yup...crazy).

    Emailed the hubs....I am sorta angry with him cause he has been acting like an azz......just not responding to me and pretending I am not there...like, can he at least say "ok I will show up at the signing and ok I will split the costs with you"....seriously....he is the one hurt here ? I am out all of my savings, 25k in debt, moved countries 2x, taken care of everything since I got here and cooked for whole family most of this time and yet.....he is the poor thing who is hurt ? But keeps eating the food I make but won't acknowledge the fact that I even exist...so I am his servant ?

    Went out for groceries and FIL asked if i asked him what he wanted me to buy ...and i am like "uh...he is not going because he is playing world of warcraft, he is not talking to me at all and I should be asking him if he wants me to bring him food from the store ? No I did not ask him and don't intend to anymore..if he wants something he better go out and get it"

    rant over.

    sorry I know I should have expected it but still.

    Giiiiirl! You are a saint! I agree with Ontarkie. Time to stop playing nice. He's going to keep trying to guilt you until you leave.

    Another reason to stop being nice. He will play the victim so his family will feel sorry for him. It does not matter that it's his fault he will never take the blame, once you are gone never look back.

    I know....and it drives me up the wall...this was my last attempt...I told him I take responsibility for being so stupid and not questioning him more about things and not making sure he was truly ready but for the rest...it is on him and his mom. I may have also said that he gets this behavior from her...that she got a dog thinking it will just be hers by default and expected the dog to take care of itself and he got me and treated me the same way.....let me just be and expected me to cater to his needs whenever he felt he needed to be babied.....and that plush animal might be a better choice for both of them rather than a dog that is alive and a human being (aka me)...ok I was being angry here and lashed out a little but god i had to ...could not help it.

    You've earned the right to lash out in worse ways than this. Don't beat yourself up.

  7. Hey!!!! I'm out for one day and the thread's changed? *grumble grumble*

    Ontarkie, good job there by your son. That car can last another 3 years even with some damage as far as he beats it out. He should check the other side for corresponding damage to the frame.

  8. Hi Believe.....but who are you? lol

    There's like 15 to 20 prequels to this thread lol.....


    Heh heh... I think I started trying about 2 prequels ago. I couldn't catch up, so I just gave up reading. But who can resist a good rant? ;)

    Not sure how to introduce myself, but when I do post I typically post in the Effects forum. I follow from a hand phone, and I live in the same city as Uncle D and T-Bone.

    *Obligatory rant* I forgot my rant... :(

  9. Ok..Well i didn't know a thing about VAWA..Guess 1 of the requirements is to actually be marriedwith the USC for 3 years....i learned something new :) anyways thanks for correcting me about the VAWA issue...I knew about becoming a USC with a clean background after a few years...By the way, if she has a baby girl, if she divorces, she can still claim for her child support right? Personally i believe so.

    Self-petitioners that receive relief under VAWA can file for naturalization after 3 years of being an LPR (INA 319(a). The OP's friend in this case did not get her green card through VAWA relief so she cannot benefit from this three year rule.

  10. My husband and I had a happy relationship before I immigrated, but I was unaware he had serious anger problems. He has physically and emotionally abused me, strangling me, threatening to kill me, forcing me to do things that make me uncomfortable, you name it. My AOS is being processed but I don't know how long I can stay in this relationship. I have found someone else who truly loves me and I am positive I would be happier with that person. Is there any way I can still be granted a green card even if I file for divorce? Or is there any other way I could stay? I just wanted to go home before, but I really believe I could have a true shot at happiness if I stay but go with this person who desperately wants to save me from this hell I'm in with my husband. I can't even leave the house without him, I just have no life, but I want a life with this person. He isn't someone I just met, we first met two years ago.

    Please help.

    Like someone else said, abusive people usually don't show that "side" of them until their victim is fully committed with nowhere to go. It may seem good now to run into someone else's arms: someone who wants to save you, but it's advisable that you find the strength within yourself to walk up and out of your situation and clear your head, before you continue your relationship with your new friend.

    Immigration-wise, you can file for relief under VAWA. The form is the I-360, and you can file it concurrently with the I-485 & I-765. You will need to prove that you entered the marriage in good faith, are a person of good moral character, and were abused by your USC spouse. There are domestic violence shelters that can help you escape and begin your legal road to status and separation. Your hisband sounds like he's crazy enough to hurt your friend, so you'll need to warn him too.

    Since you don't have a phone your situation is a tad more delicate in terms of contacting the DV hotline and local shelters, but it can be done. Join the VAWA part V thread for more information.

  11. Anajnic remember to have copies of all the documents you take. Make a copy of your drivers license also in case you need to show proof of an updated address. Next, organize all your documents. The more organized you are, the easier you make the interview for the IO and yourself. I used the interview letter to guide me in arranging my folder, and I used tabs and paper protectors to separate my documents. E.g. - tab 1 - Proof of identification: Originals of passport, DL, and BC; followed by copies of the above-mentioned docs. Hope this helps.

    It'll be ok. Use your nervous energy to prepare yourself, eat a good meal beforehand, arrive early, and don't forget to smile. You are a survivor and you are strong! Go with God.

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