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US Immigration from Switzerland

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Moving to the US when married to an inmate
11:19 am July 9, 2024



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I just got married to my now husband that is currently in jail and looking at a longer time in prison. I live in Switzerland and would now like to start working on the visa process to be able to move to the US to be closer to him. His family is very supportive of everything and are willing to be my sponsors. I m a bit lost to what the next step is and what kind of visa I need to apply for. Is there anything I need to look out for or anything that might not work due to my husbands charges? Does anyone know more and could help guide me through this a little?

I appreciate your help and time :)

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Marrying a U.S citizen who's in prison - which visa ?
7:16 pm March 6, 2024

Liya S.

Liya S.

Read 7082 Times
48 Replies

Hi everyone!

So my boyfriend & I have been dating for almost 6 months and he's currently in prison. He's getting out in 13 months and has expressed an interest in marrying me. I wanted to know if marrying someone in prison as a foreigner was even possible and if so what kind of visa would i need? He says it is because he knows people who did it but i'm still unsure lol. I haven't met him yet but i plan to in July & August (i got approved for visitation). Would those visits & our messages/phone calls be enough proof? Or would it be better to wait until he's out? I don't really know much about applying for visas & the timelines so i don't know if i could even be approved for one to marry him before he gets out (13 months). I have enough money to support myself but i read that a joint sponsor would be required since he's technically unemployed and will be for the next year. More information : i'm from Switzerland, he's from Kentucky ; we're both in our early twenties (if that matters) & he's in for manslaughter and robbery. Thank you all!

Ps : i don't want to be judged i would like some advice or testimonies before considering consulting an attorney.

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Moving back to the States after moving out?
7:28 pm January 30, 2024

Milka & Chris

Read 768 Times
9 Replies

Hi Guys!

it s been a while since I was last in here and a lot has happened. In 2021 I finally got approved for my Immigrant Visa to move to the States with my Husband after of almost 2 years of waiting for it!

I became pregnant and we had our baby in the States and that s when I started feeling uncomfortable in the States. I was dealing with a lot of Anxiety and was going through some health issues. After 10 Months of me being there we decided to move to Switzerland in where I come from because at that time I felt more safe being home with all I was going through. It s been over a year now since I am back with my Husband living in Switzerland. We do think about moving back to the states in a couple of years. Would I have trouble getting another greencard? And is it gonna affect me traveling to the States in the future?

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DV Lottery of K1 Visa - Can I file for both?
11:54 am January 4, 2024

Petrisaint Mpaka

Petrisaint Mpaka

Read 11049 Times
27 Replies

I applied for the DV lottery 2025 and hope to be selected this year. My fianc and I discovered that there is a fianc visa for the USA. Do you think that if we apply for the K1 visa and that I am selected can I stop the fianc visa process ? Will I have to stick with the K1 visa process or can I continue with the DV process ? If I can choose, is it going to cause us problem in my process? For those on the K1 visa process what the processing time for that ? And for the lottery after how much time can you expect to have an interview after being selected ? Thank you for the help !

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Moving before applying for naturalization
2:22 pm July 30, 2023



Read 1600 Times
9 Replies

The text of the policy manual, the CFR and the INA have always read ambiguously to me. I'm sure it's clear to a jurist/immigration lawyer who knows how this is applied in reality. Here's what they say:

INA 316(a):


No person, except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, shall be naturalized unless such applicant, [...] has resided within the State or within the district of the Service in the United States in which the applicant filed the application for at least three months, [...].

8 CFR 316.2(a)(5):


Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, to be eligible for naturalization, an alien must establish that he or she:


Immediately preceding the filing of an application, or immediately preceding the examination on the application if the application was filed early pursuant to section 334(a) of the Act and the three month period falls within the required period of residence under section 316(a) or 319(a) of the Act, has resided, as defined under 316.5, for at least three months in a State or Service district having jurisdiction over the applicant's actual place of residence;

USCIS policy manual:


In general, an applicant for naturalization must file his or her application for naturalization with the state or service district that has jurisdiction over his or her place of residence. The applicant must have resided in that location for at least three months prior to filing.

It sounds simple but the fact that it says "state or service district" is confusing to me. So practically speaking, let's use a state that has multiple service districts such as Pennsylvania, and let's say someone lives in Philadelphia and moves to Pittsburgh. Same state, different service district. Then they file for naturalization without waiting 3 months after moving. Are they OK because they stayed within the same state despite changing service districts, or are they not OK because they changed service districts despite staying in the same state?

Been debating this elsewhere so came here hoping for a clear answer. I always thought moving service districts (even within the same state) was grounds for a denial. Please don't speculate if you're not sure, although this is just a theoretical question for my own knowledge. Thanks!

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