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US Immigration from Qatar

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Got laid off, haven't gotten an interview date yet.
5:58 am May 8, 2024

Yonas and Selama


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i'm still technically getting paid till June 7th and make over 96k a year. I have about 30k in saving (after getting a severance) and 25K in my 401k.

Can I list this as evidence?

I can't show the statement from my employer so what do I do.

I am the petitioner and the consulate is in Doha, Qatar

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It is been almost four months and I still did not receive interview letter
5:29 pm May 2, 2024



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PD is on 3/Jan/2023

DQ 5/Jan/2024

US embassy in Qatar. Is anyone facing the same thing? From what I have seen on Reddit people usually get an interview letter after 3 months maximum

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319(b) Process Questions - American Institute of Research
9:04 am January 7, 2024



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I work at a University in Qatar that recently received American Institute of Research (AIR) recognition.

I have USCIS approval for my husband, and we are now in the NVC process. We have lived in Qatar our entire marriage and will continue living here for the time being. What do I do about proving domicile at this step? We will be remaining here and we will be submitting an N-400 as soon as he receives his green card.

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Would this be my fiancée interview appointment???
8:37 am November 17, 2023

Sal A.

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Hello, please ready and advise:-

after waiting for 3 months to be scheduled for an interview (total 19 months) at the consulate/ embassy; I, the US citizen petitioner, and another US citizen petitioner ( no relation whatsoever) received an email ( as in the email was sent my email address and his email address) from the Immigrant Visa Unit with the subject line (Immigrant Visa Pre-Interview instructions) starting with Dear Applicant, your immigrant visa interview appointment has been scheduled to be on xx-xxx-xxxx etc

- the email has no reference to my fianc e name or case number or the other man fianc e /spouse ; the entire email is generic with nothing specific.

- Checking the CEAC y fianc e case status is READY.

- US travel docs indicate no appointment currently scheduled.

- I have emailed the embassy referencing their email asking for more information received no response

to get her medical done and be where the interview at, expenses going to run up to at least $3,000.00;

- the clinic wants an appointment letter with her case number which we don t have since the email is generic;

- beside how would she even get inside the embassy for the interview if she doesn t have an appointment letter with her case number or her name.

super frustrated time is running out we need to get medical within the next 3 days or we lose and if she travels to get it done spend the time she might be turned down by the clinic and later by the embassy guards; what should we do?

this is happening at the Doha -Qatar, any similar experience?

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Biometrics Appointment Married Name on Letter With Maiden Name on ID and Marriage Certificate
9:16 pm October 21, 2023


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When we got married we used her maiden name for the marriage license thus the marriage certificate also has her maiden name. We weren't sure at what point we would be changing her name. We didn't think much of it until we were starting the paperwork for adjustment of status. She intends to change her last name so we used her married name on the forms and put down her maiden name on "other names used". We are currently under the assumption that when the AOS is completed, she will have her name change official.

Wait I can explain.... In the form it asks if she wants a social security card. She does currently have one, in her maiden name. We are assuming that by checking yes on the box in the AOS form, that USCIS will change the name on her current social security number and give her a new one with the married name, which is the name we used to file the forms. Are we mistaken in making this assumption?

So now, she has a biometrics appointment that states in the letter to bring a form of ID that matches the name on the letter. Well it seems typically anyone in this situation would bring their marriage certificate with them that shows their married name to explain why the name is different on the letter and on the ID. That doesn't work for her in our case. Are we going to have problems or should we immediately go on Monday and try to get a new marriage certificate with the name change or possibly just go straight to the social security office and get a new social security card with her married name?

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