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Brussels, Belgium
US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2024-03-08 by SmPP

Phone Number: Embassy of the United States of America
Regentlaan 27 Boulevard du Régent, B-1000 Brussels
Phone: (32-2) 811-4000
Fax: (32-2) 811-4500

Consular Section of the United States of America
Boulevard du Regent 25, B-1000 Brussels
E-Mail: BrusselsIV@state.gov - put case number/name/DoB in subject line Reply depends but it can take up to 3-5 days.
Address: U.S. Embassy
I.V. Section
Boulevard du Régent/Regentlaan 25
B-1000 Brussels

Working Hours: Embassy of United States of America:

Opening Hours:
Monday through Thursday 8:30 to 12:00 - 14:00 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 - 12:00
Closed on U.S. and Belgian Holidays

Best Contact Method: Phone:
(32-2) 811-4000
(32-2) 811-4500

This form will help with possibly info and questions:

This email seems to be the only way to contact the embassy concerning Immigrant visas:

No email or contact info for Non-immigrant visas
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: Varies from 1 month up to 5 months as of February 2024.
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: Checklist:

- DS-230 part I or
- DS-160 instructions or
- DS-260 or
- I-134
- Photo spec sheet + addresses of photographers
- Medical questionnaire
- Addresses of doctors for medical (3 in Brussels, 1 in Luxembourg)
- Instructions for obtaining Police Certificate and Military Certificate. (Upon request they can provide you with instructions on how to obtain police records from abroad.). Not required for women.
- Birth certificate instructions
- Passport instructions
- Court and prison records instructions
- Marriage certificates instructions
- Translation instructions

Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known):
Forms to Consulate? Checklist
DS-230 part I
DS-160 : printed confirmation must be sent
Can be done separately.

For CR1/IR1:
Nothing is required to be sent back to the Embassy/Consulate but the interview will need to be registered along with your passport recovery here prior to your interview date:
Other Forms (if any)? - International Birth certificate: Go to the city hall/discrict house of either the city you live in, or the city you were born in. Cost is €6.50 (some towns charge only 1,50 Euro)

Luxembourg (you should get it from the "commune" you were born in): 2€

- Police certificate: There will be a letter in your packet 3 you can send, but if you don't want to wait for that, you can write your own letter to
Ministerie van Justitie/Ministère de la Justice
Strafregister/Casier Judiciaire
Waterloolaan/Boulevard de Waterloo 518
1000 Brussels

The letter should have your name, date and place of birth, and address, and your request for TWO copies of your Belgian police certificate (Uittreksels van het Strafregister/extraits de Casier Judiciaire)
The embassy will probably take only one copy, but you need to request two. They will send it to you for free in two or three days.

Template looks like this:

(Date, address of US embassy and Ministry of Justice at the top)

Ik, ondergetekende/Je, soussigné(e)/I, undersigned,

FAMILLIENAAM/NOM DE FAMILLE/SURNAME (meisjesnaam indien gehuwd/nom de jeune fille si marieé/maiden name for married women):

wenst hierbij een aanvraag in te dienen tot het verkrijgen van twee Uittreksels van het Strafregister. Deze documenten zijn bestemd voor mijn immigratieaanvraag voor de Verenigde Staten/sollicite l'obtention de deux Extraits de Casier Judiciaire. Ces documents sont destinés pour mon dossier d'immigration pour les Etats-Unis/hereby would like to request two copies of the Belgian Police Certificate. These documents are to be included in my immigration application for the United States.



Luxembourg: The "Extrait de Casier Judiciaire" is free of charge and takes 2-3 business days. It can be ordered online.

- Proof of payment
- Divorce/death certificates if applicable.
- Military certificate: The Belgian Military Certificate (Certificat de Militie/Militiegetuigschrift) can be obtained through the Service Milice/Dienst Militie of the local town hall authorities. Persons who were exempted from military service as well as persons who benefit from the new legislation suspending the military service also need to present this certificate.
Direct Consular Filing Offered? Yes
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country?
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? Yes
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Ahead of Time
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? 2 days. they give a call when its ready and you go and pick it up yourself. Or up to 5-7 days when sent to your home/business address.
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? No
Cost of Medical Exam? Will be refunded by Mutualiteit/Mutualite. You will receive the "green slips" you get from regular doctor's visits. (Brussels does not refund any of the costs, whether you are with a mutualiteit or not)


Brussels €120
Luxembourg €110

Brussels €100
Luxembourg €27

Brussels €25-50
Luxembourg €30-60

Brussels: €245-270
Luxembourg €167-187

The prices are old and have not been udpated in quite some time:
Diphteria, tetanus, and pertussis and polio (Tetravac): €20,72
Tetanus, diphteria pro adulto: €3,05
Polio IPV (Imova) €3,59
Measles, rubella and mumps: €18,79
Hepatitis B Junior: €15,47
Hepatitis B Pro Adulto: €30,47
Haemofilus influenza type B: €18,49
Varicella: €45,07
Pneumoccocal: €17,92
Influenza: €9,05
gardasil: € 131 for females under 26 (for brussels: you can get it with your family physician after the medical, and send the proof later. you'll get results after the proof has been sent (by email or fax))
COVID-19 Vaccine: Free
List of doctors? BRUSSELS
Dr. M.J. Schellens
Dr. Ralphael Nardone
Dr. Louise Hermand
Centre Medical Meiser
Boulevard Leopold III no. 5
1030 Brussels

Online appointments:

Dr. Jean Koppes
Dr. Daniel Mart
29 rue Alphonse München
L-2172 Luxembourg
Phone 00352/45.83.93

How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 1
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? An hour maximum.
Vaccination requirements? Only get vaccines that are age appropriate.

Mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphteria, pertussis, hepatitis B, varicella, haemophilus influenzae type B. For people over 60 there is also an influenza shot.

Varicella is not always given and Hep B is usually recommended only for those < 19 years of age. You will however require these for your AOS.


HVP for females under 26

A table is available to check to see which vaccines are required in regards to your age group:
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate? I don't think many people will need a hotel, but if you do ... http://www.ebrusselshotels.com/
Additional Info? To obtain a police certificate (from the Justice Ministry) or you can download it via your e-id card.
New address:
5-8 avenue de la Porte de Hal / Hallepoortlaan 5-8
1060 Brussel / Bruxelles

Additional information about the medical appointment(s) in Brussels:

Q&A regarding American immigration papers:

Q: How long does it take to get an appointment?
1) Choose an availale date via this site:
2) Doctor's appointment is only 30 mins long according to the schedule but could last longer.

Q: How long before the interview should the candidate plan his/her
medical examination appointment?
A: 1. It is advised to plan the medical examination at least 3 days before
the interview at the embassy.
B: If you cannot get a medical appointment before your interview, the Brussels embassy allows you to attend without it but will hold off on approval AFTER your medicals is finished and documents are with the Embassy.

Q: What to do if the candidate does not have a vaccination card?
A: 1. The doctor will check which vaccinations are required and will
administer the injections during the second appointment.
2. All types of vaccinations are dealt within one appointment.
The candidate does not need to come back for multiple vaccinations.
3. You will need to get vaccines done before Medical appointment to not prolong any results or delays before your interview.

Recent Visa Approvals

Sou Jed & Sou
K1 Visa (2024-06-21)
Manchurian Skyler & Sara
K1 Visa (2024-06-07)
Benny1337 Kelly & Benny
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2024-04-24)
Julie238 Mathieu & Julie
K1 Visa (2023-12-15)
Reckolaa Shawn & Laura
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2023-10-06)
Albert Riley Albert & Vanessa
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2023-08-10)
Matt D A. & M.
K1 Visa (2023-07-07)
Artuicune Alex & Henry
K1 Visa (2022-11-03)
Nika P Katelyn & Nika
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2022-09-06)
DC & Julija
K1 Visa (2021-07-08)

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