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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
LuckyDucky Linh & Daniel San Francisco 2008-06-21 - High 2012-04-15
Flavia & Michael Houston 2008-06-21 - High 2013-04-02
blank avatar MH & SH Detroit 2008-06-21 - High 2009-06-02
K32007 Hannah & Brian Los Angeles 2008-06-20 - High 2008-11-18
Sheridan & Annabelle San Juan 2008-06-20 - High 2011-01-11
Gemma & Paul Los Angeles 2008-06-20 - High not too bad, only an hour and a half wait... they opened up the packet the Embassy gave us, flicked through it, separated me from my fiance (now hubby), I got to sit in secondary (been here before @_@ at least it's not 7 and a half hours this time!), and told they'd call me over to ask questions. get called up and given back my passport and chest x-ray I was told to give them and told I could go, no questions, no quibbles, off I go to find my then fiance and collect our suitcases and exit customs in only an hour and a half! woohooo! 2017-10-20
Stuck_in_manila a & e San Francisco 2008-06-20 - High 2008-10-27
Vichygurl Vida & Derek Washington DC 2008-06-20 - High It went well and the officer just asked when will be the wedding. Other than that there was no harassment or anything like that.Thank God it was all well! 2011-05-31
Don2008 hoa & donnie Los Angeles 2008-06-20 - High 2012-03-21
Jlogajan Olga & John JFK 2008-06-19 - High 2012-09-06
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