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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Shimpals Richard & Micah Los Angeles 2019-12-07 - High The border agent didn’t even say a word, just looked at the passport and visa, called someone to check the number, stamped the passport and handed it back. 2020-05-31
D & Serwaa Washington DC 2019-12-07 - High 2021-09-22
Ana & Bruno Los Angeles 2019-12-08 - High Christmas spirit, no harassment I guess haha 2020-10-24
Gina & David San Francisco 2019-12-09 - High 2024-06-11
Becky O Ehiremen & Rebecca Atlanta 2019-12-10 - High 2019-12-11
Ashley & Szymon Szymon & Ashley JFK 2019-12-10 - High 2022-09-11
Atchapb AB & JP San Francisco 2019-12-10 - High 2021-02-03
Ccass410 S & C Dublin 2019-12-10 - High 2020-12-08
Zsazsa S & K CDN-USA Border 2019-12-12 - High Entered through Montreal/Vermont. Easy process, just timely as it seems like they have quite a bit of paperwork to process right at my the border. Overall, officer was very nice. 2021-03-19
J Laredo Gustavo & Joyce Charlotte 2019-12-13 - High Don’t forget to take care of your green card payment stuff before entry. You can pay it after of course, but for some reason they had my old address from more than two years before and had to send his green card there even though I had changed my address well before the interview on everything. I didn’t see the thing at the bottom of the page that they gave him, and was waiting to receive instructions. Have I gotten on the website when I should have I would’ve caught the address problem and not spent two days on the phone trying to get to someone just to change my address. 2019-12-27
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