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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Pierluigi & Emma JFK 2019-11-24 - High Asked basic questions about the marriage and gave the officers the envelope. 2023-03-27
Alicia & Mark Houston 2019-11-25 - High Great and got through customs very quick Got through within 5 mins and was told by the officer to get married within 90 days or I will have to leave the country. 2020-09-11
Kenny & Koerrea Charlotte 2019-11-25 - High 2022-07-18
SaAa A & S San Francisco 2019-11-26 - High When my fiancé and I entered US, they told us to go to the non-immigrant line for POE (which was a long line). After reaching the counter, the officer took her to a different room for ‘further processing’. Luckily, he allowed me to stay with her. We waited for more than an hour in that room before the officer called her name. Once her name was called, the officer just took the sealed envelope from her and asked her some basic questions (like have you ever been to US, have you married before, etc). Within 5 mins, he said everything is good and we were out :) 2023-06-28
R & M Washington DC 2019-11-26 - High Short lines at the primary at IAD on the day of my arrival. My fiancee was with me and as soon as I mentioned K-1 to the officer, they took me into secondary, my fiancee joined and we waited there for almost 1.5hours. The names were being called but the waiting area was quite busy and noisy... I'm sure they could improve this! When they called my name, I came forward expecting questions but the officer handed me my passport and said I was good to go, so I asked him, somewhat in disbelief, if that was all and he laughed and said I am welcome to stay longer, if I want :p So we rushed to get our luggage (this wasn't inspected in the secondary) off the baggage belt. 2021-05-31
GabbyBrian2323 Gabrielle & Brian CDN-USA Border 2019-11-27 - High 2022-10-18
Kay & Lance Los Angeles 2019-11-27 - High Not one question, just "Welcome." 2020-03-18
Gb4152 B & G CDN-USA Border 2019-11-27 - High 2023-10-31
Distantlove718 O & R JFK 2019-11-28 - High 2021-08-23
Razak & Latrice JFK 2019-11-28 - High 2019-12-20
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