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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Olga & Brian Chicago 2009-04-29 - High They were very accommodating, they only asked a few questions, did the fingerprinting. Liza is only 11 so they did not do fingerprints on her. They took about an hour from touchdown to finish. We were not able to make the connecting flight, but were rescheduled without trouble. 2014-07-12
Vicmo Victor & Monika Chicago 2008-09-07 - High 2011-01-18
K1researcher Elena & Jim Chicago 2009-04-14 - High 2012-02-26
Arshi & Waheed Chicago 2009-06-10 - High 2009-06-11
Kha Han & Bobby Chicago 2010-04-27 - High 2017-08-14
Laura & Mike Chicago 2009-05-27 - High 2017-01-31
Phil&Tanya Tanyusha & Phillip Chicago - High 2013-07-20
Stuart & Kristine Chicago 2009-03-26 - High 2010-02-06
blank avatar amy & marvin Chicago 2009-08-10 - High very easy poe looked at passport and visa just took photo and finger prints asked a few questions then looked at enclosed paper work we received with the visa stamped some papers took about 15 minutes then said welcome to the united states 2013-07-13
Peggy & Mark Chicago 2009-06-02 - High 2009-07-22
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