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IR-1/CR-1 Spouse Visa Timelines

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Names Country Service
Xfer? Consulate I-130
Packet 3
Packet 3
Packet 4
Interview Visa
US Entry Marriage Total Days
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Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
GhQuestions LAST NAME & FIRST NAME Ghana Texas No Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016-07-07 2016-07-21 2016-07-25 2016-08-04 2016-09-06 2016-09-15 2017-10-15 2017-03-22 N/A* 2021-05-22
Adotey & Retta Samuel & Retta Ghana Texas No Armenia 2021-12-31 2021-12-31 2021-03-05 N/A 2022-01-14
blank avatar Layla & John Ghana Nebraska No Armenia 2021-06-01 2021-06-08 2018-08-27 N/A 2022-01-04
Myfriend dela & elorm Ghana National/MSC No Armenia 2016-11-01 2016-11-03 2017-12-18 2018-01-05 2014-10-10 N/A 2018-05-27
RA & Pa Ghana Texas No Armenia 2017-05-03 2017-05-08 2017-12-30 2018-02-05 N/A 2018-05-02
Mister Quame Roger & Pearl Ghana Texas No Armenia 2017-05-08 2017-02-17 N/A 2018-01-10
Nanabagyemang my wife and daughter & myself Ghana Nebraska No Armenia 2016-10-27 2016-11-01 2017-05-19 2017-06-20 2018-01-05 2018-02-14 2018-04-02 2016-07-17 435* Hello Concerned Person, The dates I have provided are 100% accurate. Due to the fact that I had set-up an e-mail for correspondence I was able to receive notifications and then take any necessary action before receiving the letter form; I highly recommend communication via e-mail. When and if I can pay a bill or send something in I did it immediately as I could. My one mistake was sending in the wrong marriage certificate to NVC which delayed us an extra 2 months since NVC takes up to 8 or more weeks to process documents. This CR1 case was filed for my wife in Ghana, who was pregnant with our daughter. I filled a CONSULAR REPORT BIRTH ABROAD for my daughter. I can post any relevant information regarding the CRBA filing at the US Embassy in Ghana....please let me know. My wife was able to take our daughter to her interview since she was an infant. All her interview questions was about our daughter....basic questions including her birth date, hospital records and if we had filled CRBA for the child. Off course my wife knew information about me. USCIS, I believe, provides sample type questions. After receiving her visa we had to deal with getting a birth certificate for our daughter.....NOT THE RED ONE, but rather the adults one. This took a while....Ghana system.....if you understand then you understand. READ THINGS CAREFULLY, CALL USCIS AND ASK QUESTIONS, YOU CAN CALL AND ASK THE SAME QUESTION JUST TO DOUBLE CHECK THE AGENTS ANSWERS.........................................PRAY.................... 2018-04-06
Yakubu & Theresa Ghana Texas No Armenia 2017-06-27 2017-07-05 2016-02-13 N/A I am sorry I'm not very techy so I have not done a good job of filing this in. I have someone helping me. I had a bad car accident with a severe concussion so my brain is still healing n this is to much for me but we r to the point of sending in the paperwork. The DS261 had already been sent n we paid all fees. Thank you 3-4-20.well here well 4 years later all the papers in, we got a sponsor, he passed the interview, the doctors, the shots and then they ask for my 2018 taxes and because of my car accident i did not make much money so just yesterday we got a refused pending administration processing. Not sure what that means.My health is failing and I need my husband. I really don't know what to do. I made over 23,000 this year so I am thinking of sending this years taxes and hope they will let my husband come home to me. Any advice would b much welcomed. 2020-03-05
Kwame & Amma Ghana California No Armenia 2012-04-18 2012-04-25 2012-12-18 2012-12-26 2013-05-07 2013-05-17 2013-06-15 2011-04-29 384* 2013-06-16
Simpletabi Kofi & Ama Ghana Texas No Armenia 2019-10-10 2020-06-03 N/A 2022-03-01
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