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Cambodia US Consulate Reviews

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Cambodia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
92 Review(s)
Review #33396 on September 26, 2024:




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Review #30719 on February 7, 2022:

Paul and Sopheap


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview was short and only 3 questions were asked. When did you meet? When did your spouse first visit? When were you married?

Consulate was very busy and crowded, but the interview was simple.

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Review #30276 on October 17, 2021:



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Review #29110 on February 5, 2021:



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My fiance had his interview at the US Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He said he was very impressed with the professionalism, friendliness of staff, procedural flow, and overall way things went. This is his review of the experience:

My interview was at 8am. I arrived at 7:35am but was told by the security guard to come back at 7:50am. When I came back, I was allowed to go inside the first security check after they checked my passport to confirm that I had an interview scheduled.  

First step: 1st Security Check

They asked to see my passport at the first security check. Then they asked for my ID, my phone and smart watch (these things were returned after the interview as I exited the security checkpoint). I was asked to take my mask off to confirm my identity. I was allowed to bring my pen, extra passport photos I had in my pocket, and all of the documents inside the building with me. I put these things into a basket like they have at the airport to do security scanning. Then I walked through a body scanning machine, gathered the contents of the basket, and continued straight to the main building.

Second step: 2nd Second Security Check

The security guard asked me for all the documents I brought and he inspected them while I was walking through another body scanning machine. He asked what type of visa I am interviewing for and instructed me to go to window 7 to get a number.  

Third step: Getting number

I went to the window 7 to get a number. There was one young Khmer lady
sitting there asking me some Covid-19 related questions like If I had traveled
for the last 2 weeks. Then she asked for my passport. I was given a number and
left my passport at window 7.

Fourth step: Collecting documents

My number was called again. I went to the window met another Khmer lady that collected my documents. Since she already had my passport, she asked only for:

1. 2 Passport photos with my name and DOB written on the back
2. Original birth certificate + 1 copy + 1 translation
3. Police certificate + translation
4. I-134
5. Evidence of relationship

During this document collection,
she asked me some questions:
1. What is your name?
2. Where were you born?
3. Where does your fiancé live?
4. What is your phone number?
5. What is petitioner’s phone number?

After answering these questions I was instructed to go to the bathroom to wash my hands so I can be fingerprinted when my number was called. I then returned to the waiting area.

Fifth step: Fingerprint collection

Once my number was called again, I went to the window number 2. An American officer said good morning to me and asked me to take my mask off then put it back on so he could verify my identity. He then took my fingerprints and I returned to the waiting area.

Sixth step: The interview
Once my number was called I went to the window number 4 to do my interview where the immigration officer was waiting for me. She was friendly and began asking me questions.

“Is this your fiancé?” (pointing at picture)
“What’s your name?”
“How did you meet?”
“Where have you been traveling together?”
“You’ve been to China together?”
“Who organized this evidence?” (She was impressed that my fiancé organized
the petition so well)
“Where else have you been traveling together beside China and Vietnam?”
“I can see the timeline of your trips together” (my fiancé made a very
detailed and easy-to-understand timeline)
“Where did you stay in Koh Rong Sanloem (Cambodia)?”
“Where did you stay in Kampot (Cambodia)?”
“He’s old. Is he working or retired?” (We have a 17 year age gap, 38 isn’t “old”)
“Has he been convicted of a crime?”
“Are you sure?” (My fiancé was arrested 20 years ago on a very minor charge that the state refused to prosecute. There is a record of this but he was never actually charged with anything.)
“Where do you plan to live?”
“Where does your fiancé live?”
“Do you have any wedding plans?” (I explained that we did not have any concrete plans yet because we hadn’t been approved for the visa)
“So let’s say I grant you this visa today. What’s your travel plan?” (I told her the plans we had made based on being approved)
“Who will be coming to the wedding?” (We are doing a courthouse marriage because of Covid)
“Why just two of you? No friends or family?”
“Do you have any family/friends in the US?”
“Oh why not?”
“Where was your fiancé born?”
“Why did your fiancé change his name?” (My fiancé legally changed his name a few years ago because he didn’t like it. Once I explained this to the IO, she understood and was satisfied with my answer.)

She was satisfied with all of my answers and then took out the blue slip and wrote on it and congratulated me on K1 Visa approval.

There were a handful of immigrant visa applicants on my interview date at this embassy. I was one of the two approved cases by the time I left. Many people were issued yellow/white slips and asked them to come back so they can provide extra documents. A few cases were also rejected during my visit. :

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Review #28815 on November 21, 2020:




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