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Mexico US Consulate Reviews

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Mexico US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.7 / 5
573 Review(s)
Juarez, Mexico
Review #33404 on September 27, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

All clear , they were nice and helpful.

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #33226 on June 6, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Quick and painless.

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #32945 on February 10, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived the Saturday before the document entry appointment on a Tuesday. On Monday we completed the medical exam and the ASC appointment and it all went smoothly and quickly. The document check appointment was painless and spent more time in line. All appointments are first come first serve, so there is no penalty to showing up early if that’s what you would prefer. It seems like the earlier you show up the quicker you get through. The interview its self was also very straightforward. The consular officer asked the petitioner’s name, current address, current job, current location (in that moment), wedding plans, and he was approved.
We waited in Juarez to receive the visa. He was approved by 10am Wednesday and we were notified by 1pm Friday that the visa had been printed and was ready to be picked up. We picked it up at the ASC office and crossed the border by foot on the bridge of the americas from Juarez to El Paso and flew out of El Paso airport. There was no line at t... read complete review

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #32941 on February 10, 2024:

Dalila Gonzalez

Dalila Gonzalez


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Review Topic: General Review

The first interview date was concerning. On the first date of the interview you are met with other Mexicans requesting the original paperwork from you and they are quite rude and harsh towards you. It makes the experience more nerve wracking, however when the second interview comes around which for us was next day, the American officers holding the interviews are polity.

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #32923 on February 1, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Not a bad experience, in and out relatively easily. They made us wait for an unnecessary 2nd interview, but it was overall an easy experience.

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