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Italy US Consulate Reviews

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Italy US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
185 Review(s)
Naples, Italy
Review #28829 on November 25, 2020:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Had a very nice experience at the American Consulate in Naples. People are very nice and friendly! And trust me, I already had some bad experiences at the American Consulate in Brazil, that's why I'm saying this here - they are super nice in Naples!
I went to the medical exame the day before - got there at 07:15am and left at 10:30am. It takes some time so you need to be very patient!
The next day my appointment was schedule at 10am but I showed up at 9:15am and the security let me in.
I think the worse thing is the waiting but besides that everything went well!
I was out of the Consulate at 11am!
Visa approved!! Super happy!!!
Don't be nervous, the officers are super nice and you can speak in Italian if you prefer.
Just have all the documents ready and tell the truth ALWAYS!

Good luck everyone!

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Naples, Italy
Review #28428 on August 6, 2020:



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Review Topic: General Review

Nice experience, everyone both at the medical and at the interview was really great, especially at the consulate.

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Naples, Italy
Review #28425 on August 4, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi, everybody!
Today I finally got the interview at the consulate in Naples...
A beautiful experience, everything was done in a simple and organized way.
My appointment was at 9.30, but I arrived at 8.15, they told me to wait but not much. After 10 minutes they called me and let me in – checked my handbag, took my mobile phone and the electronic clock (it is a pedometer) which I always wear.
Then I went up to the second floor, and there were already 3-4 people waiting, a couple, a family with baby.
I had the n.6, but I didn't wait long and they called me to show the documents. The young officer at the counter asked me if I preferred to speak Italian, and of course yes!
At the beginning he took my passport and photos, he registered the prints of both hands and asked me the date of the wedding.
Then he examined all the originals of the documents, marriage, if I had already been married and previous divorce, birth certificate, crim... read complete review

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Naples, Italy
Review #28348 on June 24, 2020:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Naples, Italy
Review #28339 on June 18, 2020:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Medical passed very smoothly (15, June)- they need only passport, vaccine passport and the number of 260 form. They take pics inside so you don't need yours any more. We were only few people so within 2h everything was done. The fee is 220e
Interview was a nice experience as well (16, June), they did not question much, I had everything prepared and more about the past and the future. Took a bit of time to wait because my nvc was expedited and documents came all scattered as the consular said. So that wait time was a bit stressful. All in all besides the wait time my interview lasted like 10-15min. Docs they asked - was 864, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, police certificates, birth certificate and 260 form.
They do not give medical papers back any more, they send everything on their own. We have to pay for green card before entering the country. The consular provided the link to pay.

(updated on June 18, 2020)

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