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Italy US Consulate Reviews

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Italy US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
186 Review(s)
Naples, Italy
Review #33304 on July 21, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

15/7 Medical examination

Staying in the Spaccanapoli area I had calculated that it would take longer to arrive by taxi so at 5:45 I was already outside the Varelli center, the first there. After about five minutes, however, the second person arrived and at 7:00 we were probably about ten or so.

I join everyone else in strongly recommending arriving early, possibly around 6:00. Waiting for that hour outside is absolutely worth it to be among the firsts in line.

At precisely 7:00 a.m. they allow us to enter and a gentleman distributes the numbers that will be used throughout the process. In groups of six he accompanies us to a waiting room where one at a time they check us in and take the passports, and then direct you to the blood draw. If under a certain age, urines samples as well.
Kind and fast nurse; it is not necessary to fast.

Always in groups of six, they send us to a small waiting room for the chest xrays.
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Naples, Italy
Review #32996 on March 1, 2024:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Naples, Italy. My CR1 timeline and detailed experience with medical exam and interview

i130 filed :17 september 2022

Petition approved: 8 August, 2023

NVC Case creation: 12 August 2023

Submitted nvc documents: 11 October 2023

Documentarily complete: 19 October 2023

Interview letter: 8 Januarry 2024

Interview: 28 February 2024

Passport received: 1 March 2024

**MEDICAL EXAM (automatically scheduled the day before the interview) they open at 7AM**

The people are very friendly and make you feel comfortable.
I arrived at 6:25 and was the first person there. People started arriving quickly afterwards.
At 7AM one of the staff called the "consulato" people in and he gave us tokens.
Everything went smoothly after. They didnt require a urine test. Only bloodwork and chest xray.
After these were done th... read complete review

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Naples, Italy
Review #32734 on November 27, 2023:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had the best experience! Everyone was extremely nice and welcoming. I got asked just 2 questions:
What's your fiancé job
Where you're gonna live
And that's it! I got approved with final question and they didn't ask for all the documents I had, which was surprising to me.

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Naples, Italy
Review #32562 on October 5, 2023:

G and B

G and B


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The process was very smooth and everyone was super nice to me. They schedule the medical the day before for you.
I just got asked a couple of default questions like: when we met etc. They requested just the Italian records (birth certificate, police certificates) and the payment confirmation. They requested just the I-134 and my fiancé paystubs.

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Naples, Italy
Review #32491 on September 8, 2023:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview on September 5th, medical appointment automatically scheduled for the day before.
The medical center opens at 7:00 a.m., and the instructions said to arrive by 8:00 a.m. I arrived at 6:20 and there was already a line. I walked in and out in exactly three hours.

My interview was scheduled for 8:50 a.m. I wanted to arrive much earlier, like at the medical appointment, but I read their rules on their website and it said they don't allow you in more than 15 minutes before your appointment. Nevertheless, once inside I found people already waiting that got there much earlier than their scheduled time, so I guess you can try to go early. The rule that was observed is that electronic devices aren't allowed in, so I left my phone at the hotel since it was right next to the Consulate, and their website specified that they're not responsible for damaged or missing items. Bags are also not allowed, so I left my backpack at the hotel as well and just carried my binde... read complete review

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