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Italy US Consulate Reviews

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Italy US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
185 Review(s)
Naples, Italy
Review #30611 on January 13, 2022:



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It was pretty fast! I had the appointment at 8:45 but went there around 8 and there were already two people before me, it's pretty much "first come, first serve". I was allowed inside after maybe thirty minutes, left my phone at the entrance, and got a visitor badge. Waited another thirty minutes and was called to a desk. A polite lady asked me some questions and for the documents I brought, it lasted around ten minutes. I was sent back to the seating area and called again after a bit, there wasn't the console interviewing people, but another officer who was kind and fast, he asked three questions in English and told me I was approved! at 9:49 I was already outside.
I was super super anxious, but if you have all the documents needed and the proof of relationship is good enough, it's all fine and dandy!

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Naples, Italy
Review #30548 on December 29, 2021:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Very smooth and organized process.

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Naples, Italy
Review #29524 on April 21, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my medical on April 7: everything was very smooth. I got to the Istituto Varelli 30mins before my appointment. On the entrance pick a number, you have to choose "CONSULATE". After that, all of the people with the CONSULATE number has been called. They first call you to check some personal infos, then they checked my vaccine record (a copy is fine). They had to put everything on the computer so it might take a bit but I wasn't missing any. In case you do, they're gonna tell you and then you'll have to get them after all the medical exams. They asked for your address here in Italy and what's gonna be your address in the States. Then they made me pay for the medical exam (220 euros, you can pay by cash or card).Then you go to get your blood tested and urine. (The doctor did not find my vein because she said they were too small - she said "oh, well.. blood is blood" and in my head I was like "wtf"). Whatever tho, she was alright. Right after we went to do the x-rays (if you're a woman, make sure you have a sportsbra or at least a very thin top so you're not completely naked on the top). After that I went to do a general medical checkup, so they asked for my medical records, checked my blood pressure, my breathing, weight etc. And boom, that's it. I was out in an hour. Unica pecca, ma non é niente di che in realtá: I've been asked so many times if I spoke Italian because I look for sure Asian and I was treated like I couldn't understand them which brothered me a lot because they have my records and passport where they can read and for sure read that I'm Italian and born in Italy since they were putting everything in the form. It never ever happened to me in 23 years. I understand you have foreigners coming for Consulate appointments but ask me once, not multiple times. (It was just one person tho, the first one who checks your documents).

Day two: INTERVIEW (April 8) Got there 30 mins before my interview because I knew there weren't many of us. Went through security, they took all of my technologies (phone, usb cables, headphones etc). They gave me a visitor pass. went inside and I waited for them to call me. They asked for my birth certificate, casellario giudiziale and carichi pendenti (all originals). Then they asked for my fiancé's tax returns from the previous years, they didn't specify which ones but I gave them the last 2/3 years; they also asked for his employment letter and asked me about his job, what he does mainly. They asked questions about my ds160 - since I was a filipino citizen before they asked me things about it (police certificate). Told them that I was born in Italy but since my parents are foreigners, according to the Italian law, I only get the Italian citizenship after living continuously 18 years here since birth. So that's about it. I wasn't required to give them my police certificates from the philippines because I always lived here.
They asked me about my job, how we met and If I visited him the past years.
After that, I've been called again by another person, this time is was the american consular officer. She asked me if English was fine, so we talked in English. She asked me again how we met, what's my fiancé's job, where he lives (state), how many times I visited him, how many times he visited me in Italy. She gave me a pamphlet with general things you need to know, so what are your rights in the States, what numbers to call I'm case of domestic violence etc. And that's about it. She said "Congratulations, your visa has been approved!". I was so shocked because of how easy it was, she said "yes, it is very easy. It doesn't look like it on the site but it is". Also, she reminded me I had to quarantine in a third country before entering the States. Told her we had plans to go to Mexico. But with big surprise, same day that afternoon immigrant visa and K1s got a blanket NIE! So I just booked my flight to the States immediately ✨😁🙏🏼🍀🎉 very blessed and lucky day. Don't stress out, don't be nervous. As long as you have everything ready you're gonna be fine. Be yourself at the Interview!
Last thing, I was at the Consulate for a good two hours even if no one was there because they had technical issues with their computers.

My interview was on a Friday, I received my visa on Monday. I didn't even received the tracking link lol On my visa there's the stamp "EXCEPTION UNDER PP ON NOVEL CORONAVIRUS".

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Naples, Italy
Review #29474 on April 12, 2021:

Mariam toure


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Naples, Italy
Review #29465 on April 9, 2021:

Stephanie Ruble

Stephanie Ruble


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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