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Costa Rica US Consulate Reviews

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Costa Rica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
98 Review(s)
Costa Rica
Review #26822 on August 6, 2019:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I got there almost 10 minutes after my appointment hour (thanks Uber -_-) but they took me in no problem, so not to worry if you get in there a little late, just explain and the embassy is very understanding.
My appointment was for 1:30 Pm and after having been put through security (mind you, anything metal that you have on you will have to take off, I even had to take my heels off!)
It was a non busy day whatsoever, there were no lines or anything of that sort, and the first guy is essentially is a person who scans your DS-160 and takes your medical)
I got my ticket and the moment I went in they were already calling my number (probably cause I was the last one)
The first lady was extremely nice (mind you, there's a distinction between the first people who tend to you and the consular officers themselves, as for the latter these are actual U.S. citizens)
She was very polite and asked me for financial evidence documents, I-134, civil documents (mind you, these must be originals, not copies) taxes & evidence of the relationship (She did not refuse a single page of my bulky proof of us still communicating after the original application, she took all the documents in)
Something that all future applicants should keep in mind is that the U.S. embassy in Costa Rica does NOT accept just being over the 100% guidelines, you must be over the 125%
I panicked just a little when she asked if we had a co-sponsor as she saw that the taxes were not over the 125% but thankfully I gained control of the situation quickly and explained that my fiance is making way over the 125% with his new job and that right on the affidavit of support she could check that alongside me offering his most recent paystubs, employment letter & benefits that his job offers, I also offered paystubs from his last job to contrast how much less he made in his last job and she took them gladly (she did say that all these documents were for the CO's satisfaction and to have a better feel of the situation, not for her)
Alongside all this she was explaining to me how I should not open an envelope that they'll give me at the courier, etc. (it almost feels as if they're approving you right there with no interview) and then she handed me the IMBRA pamphlet & my X-Ray result sheet.
Also as an important note, she took my passport right on this window and they didn't hand it back.
She then told me to wait and this was the most horrific part, I believe all papers were taken in around 1:50 Pm, they started calling people at 3:30 Pm and it finally was my turn around 4:10 Pm or so.
My heart was pounding from the nerves only to be greeted by the nicest little woman I've ever known! Her smile just instantly calmed me and I knew that all would be well haha,
Honestly that interview was more a formality than anything else as she didn't ask me anything in regards to our relationship (just 1 question-ish)
She asked:
-What's my full name
-What's my "petitioners" name
-Who is petitioning for me
-Where is he located
-What does he work at
-What do I work at
-What was my highest level of education
-Any children from either of us
- Any previous marriages
- Any crimes
- Where did we meet
- When was the last time I saw him
- Had I ever visited the U.S. (what was the longest stay, and what was the purpose of the longer stay one)
- Was this both our 1st times getting married (When I said yes she seemed happy haha)
She then had a quick look at our case, she was flipping through pages like crazy, probably too much evidence for her lol, didn't really bat an eye at the affidavit matter
And just like that she then told me that my visa was approved and that I could expect to receive it in 10 business days!
The interview took no longer than 10 minutes and I was out beaming with happiness.
Honestly it was such a breeze and even though it was easy I didn't expect for it to be that simple & straightforward really.
The embassy feels very welcoming (even the police officers were extra nice!) the first lady even complimented me on my hair saying it was beautiful and that she was "jelly" haha
10/10, absolutely the best experience I've had in the embassy so far (although I'm convinced they were just holding us up in there for that long because they had to close by 4:20 and they couldn't be done so quickly with us so they were on an extended coffee break of sorts hahaha)

Best of luck to absolutely everyone! Just know that the embassy staff is very very lovely and there's nothing to be afraid of.

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Costa Rica
Review #26785 on July 31, 2019:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We waited there around 4 hours with a toddler. The officer was intimidating but we understand he was just doing his job ( trying to find a weak point in the application/ interview) but we answered every question with the truth and at the end he said “ well, I couldn’t find a reason to deny your visa “ .
Honesty works so just make sure you are telling the truth.! He did the interview in English but we also speak Spanish , he basically just ignored my husband ( he is the petitioner)

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Costa Rica
Review #26535 on June 27, 2019:




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Review Topic: General Review

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Review #26426 on June 13, 2019:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Everyone at the embassy in San Jose, CR is polite and helpful. Did not have a problem getting through security and presenting at the service desk. The wait time was not long... we went in an hour early for our 1pm appointment, had the interview, and got approved all in about 45 minutes. We got in our car and drove off at around 1:45!
The interviewer was polite and asked us questions about our relationship mainly, as well as if I was the sole sponsor, and if my husband had read the IMBRA packet on immigrant rights/domestic violence. All of the questions were super easy to answer, and he was really just looking to see if our relationship was real.
As for logistics, there is parking across the street of the embassy. Make sure you have no electronics on you when you go up to the first gate because they will make you go back and store all your electronics before entering the embassy.

Great experience, had no issues.

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Costa Rica
Review #26198 on May 16, 2019:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

On Monday we had our visa interview at the US embassy in Costa Rica.

The night before, my wife happened to notice a line in the instructions, saying that if any of your civil documents are from a country other than Costa Rica, they need to be affixed with an apostille.  If taken literally the way it is worded, this suggests that a marriage certificate from the United States would need an apostille.  

Obviously it makes no sense to have a document from the US apostilled to present to the US, but the thought of maybe being delayed because of something that stupid worried us.

The wording of the instructions is a bad choice.  We presented our US marriage certificate without an apostille, and it was accepted without problem (it was the original certified copy with the embossed state seal on it).

Before entering we rang the bell and said we were coming for our visa interview. A lady came outside, asked for my wife’s name and took the medical exams. They later returned the envelope closed with staples.

At the door to the embassy, I learned that a 1980s-era Casio calculator watch is considered a "smart watch" by the United States of America.  Fortunately my suegro drove us and was able to park on the street a short walk from the door, so I could put the watch back in the car.  Really, don't bring anything.  If you can, get someone you know to wait outside for you to guard the surprisingly prohibited items you might inadvertently bring with you.

First we were seen by an agent, who collected our civil documents (marriage, birth and police certicate), passport size pictures and the Correos confirmation page, he also asked for my wife’s CR address and our US address and made my wife scan her hands.  We brought our own photocopies, which sped things up.  Our originals were returned to us.

Then we waited for a while before the consulate officer saw us.  I don't know how long we waited, because Casio calculator watches are forbidden.  The air conditioner in the room works very well.

Our consulate officer was extremely nice.  She was a young woman with short black hair.  She didn't ask us very many questions.

We did the interview in English.

My wife (the beneficiary) had to swear that the information was true to the best of her knowledge.

We were then asked the following questions (that we can remember):

- When were we married?
- Where were we married?
- Did we live together or separate?
- How did we go so much time living apart? (We were married two years ago)
- Why has it taken us so long to ask for a green card?
- How often did we visit each other?
- What is the longest my wife (the beneficiary) had stayed in the US?
- Has my wife ever been in trouble with the law or immigration?
- Where do I work?
- Where does my wife work?
- Is my wife planning to work as a doctor in the US?
- Are we excited to be together now after so much time apart? (We are)

The interview went by super quick.  They didn’t ask for the proof of relationship. We almost didn't believe it was done when we left. Two days later they emailed us the tracking number of the passport.

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