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Posts posted by mike42979

  1. I have someone staying with me who was working in the Caribbean and was supposed to go back after 3 weeks but then Covid shut everything down. They were here waiting for their work permit to be renewed and it was meant to be processed within 3 to 4 weeks so they came and visited. Anyway, Covid-19 broke out and shut everything down and now that Job seems to be likely off the table. Here is the current plan,


    File an extension and continue to look for jobs in the Caribbean with the hope things clear up in 6 months time or go back to their home country on the other side of the world. The drawback to the later is they have no family in their home country and will likely struggle. They have lived in the Caribbean for 10 years since 15yo but do not qualify for citizenship in the country they have lived. They have about 1.5 months left on the visitors visa and we want to time the application for maximum extension time.

  2. Me and my wife would like to go to Spain next May but just filed the N400 paperwork in June, my understanding is the process will take about a year but does that mean I shouldnt travel? I wouldnt want to be on vacation during the time they tell us she needs to have her interview or for them to schedule the interview in our vacation window. How have some of you handled similar scenarios?

  3. So i got an RFE for I-751 stating that although I sent 2012/13 joint tax returns, lease agreement, 1 month bank statement, Vehicle Registrations, Insurance document, travel documents, monthly bills, utility statements, opies of credit cards and a picture of an ultrasound this is not enough evidence to support my marital relationship HUH!!!!!! Say again?????

    It continues with:

    The submitted bank statement only covers 1 month of your marriage and a minimal amount of usage. While this indicates these accounts exist in both of your names, absent other documentary evidence you have not demonstrated these accounts are used by both you and your spouse to manage common financial resources.

    You submitted photocopies of credit cards. while this provides evidence of joint ownership, it is insufficient to establish a shared commitment of both parties to a log term relationship.

    What a load of bunk! Good thing my child has since been born and we bought a house so i can send the birth certificate and deed or otherwise id be screwed lol what a joke. just wanted to vent thanks for reading :).

  4. I have a copy of our drivers licenses along with copies of our medical insurance cards with the same group ID's. I have my wifes life insurance statement showing me as the beneficiary, my wife is the permanent resident. I have a credit card bill but its not a joint account, her name was added to my account which shows transactions made by her on my account. I have an application for certificate of title showing both our names, 212 & 13 tax returns a residential lease agreement in both our names and car insurance ID cards.

    Umm do i need more is this enough should i include photos if possible? We have a joint bank account but the statements only have my name on them.

    Thanks again,


  5. I always read that you had to file within 90 says of residency expiration but not before 90 days but last year when me and my wife traveled and came back to the U.S the agent at the airport on re-entry told us we could file then. This was like a year ago so I brushed it off as he didnt know what he was talking about. Now my wifes greencard will expire in 110 days but we received a letter from the department of homeland security like a week ago notifying us that we have to remove conditions but makes no mention of the 90 days?

  6. Ok so someone i know calls himself an American even though hes only a green card holder. We had a debate if he can legitimately call himself an American lawfully even if it is only said verbally and not documented. I stated that it was actually illegal for him to claim hes an American even verbally. I know that USCIS said you can not claim to be an American but is there anywhere that states you cant verbally say you are; I mean we do have free speech in this country?

  7. Thanks everyone i just would rather lean on the cautious side. I know she wants to be able to show her friends and family but i think safety is more important unless someone can recommend a good insurance company for jewelry. Its not an expensive ring but its expensive nough for me lol.

  8. So my wife wants to take her wedding and engagement ring with us to Manila and Boracay when we go. Myself and some of her Filpina friends here in the U.S think she should leave the engagement ring here (ill get a safe deposit) and just take the wedding band. She disagrees but i think the risk of being robbed is probable because of the ring.

  9. Im going to Phil next month and was supposed to have a church ceremony there but me and my wife decided not to do it because of the cost and me never going through holy communion and stuff. It is not inexpensive as people have said, the plane tickets alone are costing me $3,000 yet its possible to find them as low as $2,000 for 2 people. So with trying to plan a ceremony and the church arrangements it was nearly impossible and giving my wife a headache. Now we are just having a dinner for the whole family up to 100 guests and going to Boracay as a sort of honeymoon.

  10. Most organized Christian churches even in the US require some form of association (even if it is only one of the parents or godparents of the couple that is a member) to conduct a wedding within their sanctum. Yes, money can talk here in the Philippines just as it does in the US, but the OP was looking for a church or garden wedding and even specifically rephrased his request as a renewal of vows towards the end of his post. As they are already married a marriage of any sort in any location is impossible. Only a renewal of vows is possible and one can be conducted in a Catholic church as long as his wife has her baptismal certificate and he can get a dispensation from the bishop (a simple request and a week or two of waiting for the paperwork). The local parish priest may ask for additional requirements and that is why I suggested he ask his mother-in-law to request the local requirements from the parish priest directly. Renewal of vow ceremonies are common here, usually done for 25th and 50th anniversaries though doing one at an earlier date is not out of the question.

    Ok lets clear some things up. The Catholic church does not recognize my civil marriage and one day we would like to have a Catholic church wedding but thats not going to happen as of right now so for now we are perfectly ok with an outside Renewal of vows/ wedding ceremony + Reception. This is mainly for her family to attend and make her marriage to me feel as close to the real thing as possible as opposed to the court house we went to here in the U.S. Her parents and brothers / sisters all live in the cayman islands so its not as if they can walk into the local government office in the Philippines to find out the requirements or someone to officiate a renewal of vows. That is why im asking here, i thank everyone for their responses and did not expect the subject matter to become so convoluted. Again thank you everyone for your help.

  11. Or you may have a simple renewal of vows with a judge, but with all the works like ring bearer, flower girls, your wife in a wedding gown, you in a barong tagalog perhaps. It's like a civil wedding ceremony but complete with the traditional wedding scene (walking down the aisle, reception and party after the ceremony).

    If your wife has a specific venue in mind already, she may also get in touch with the hotel or resort to know what the possible options are.

    Good luck!

    I think this is going to be the best option because were going to visit in June, anyone know where i can find a civil judge to renew our vows for hire in Manila?

  12. There are nearly just as many Christian sects in the Philippines as there are in the US. If you just want a renewal of vows and a large ceremony you shouldn't have any problem finding a pastor that can help you arrange something nice. However your wife's family may not be comfortable with a non-Catholic ceremony so keep that in mind.

    You say you are Catholic but are not confirmed? Do you mean you just attend a Catholic church and have not officially converted?

    No, i was baptized catholic as a child but my Family didnt continue practicing the faith and i never went through holy communion or confirmation.

  13. Hi, Me and my wife already married in the U.S by civil ceremony would like to have a church or garden wedding in the Philippines. We are both catholic but catholic wedding has been ruled out because according to our church deacon I the husband was never confirmed and they can not confirm me because i married my wife civilly within 90 days. Anyways we want to go in the Philippines and find someone that can marry us or should i say renew our vows in a larger propper ceremony weather its outside or in a church it doesnt matter. Do they have pastors that do this?

    Thanks for your help!

  14. Ok so we filed adjustment back in early February so right about 6 months ago. I called USCIS today for the second time in this time frame once when the case was transferred to California office also in February and again today; yeah im fairly patient lol. The USCIC operator told me that until California transfers the case back to another NSC they can not give me a timeline and the stated time on my NOA is no longer a valid estimate. Umm thats bullshit what should i do or can i do?

  15. oh k. so i will need a co-sponsor ?? i will send my tax return for 2011 and my co-sponsor from 2010, will that be ok ?

    FIN FIN this isnt that difficult; even if you were under the poverty guidelines for 2010 if you have since brought your earnings up to meet or exceed the poverty guideline you may still qualify on your own without a co-sponsor. 2010 tax return is not as important as current earnings although it helps to be over for consecutive years because it shows stability it is not necessary and is at the discretion of the IO.

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