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Status Updates posted by Ayman___

  1. Please sign this petition for syria --- http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/provide-more-military-and-economic-aid-to-syria.html">Provide more military and economic aid to the Syrian Rebels Petition | GoPetition

  2. Happy Father's Day to all the daddy's on VJ!! Hope your day is full of fun

  3. Still waiting .....

    1. samy + janet aly

      samy + janet aly

      I wish you good luck on that. we were not so lucky today and going back again for review...that is cool your husbands birthday june 8, my husbands birthday june 9...lol

    2. Ayman___


      wishing you both luck..............Cairo is a hard embassy I can't understand what they want ...we sent the new co sponsor and they accepted it and when I check the website for AP I seen it was updated 3 times since they accepted it..strange

  4. waiting................................................

  5. Happy Birthday To My Sweet Husband /emoticons/default_sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />!

  6. I called DOS they said The embassy recieved the new co sponsor's papers and I asked about my husband's AP they said that Ap last 90 days I am not satisfied at all.It's been 81 days today. Have to wait until sunday to call the embassy and find out some info blah

  7. Waiting still for any words about our papers ugh

  8. Papers are in Cairo Embassy ..Pray for Us thanks everyone

  9. The papers for new co sponsor is in Egypt so by tomorrow they will get them now we just wait to see if it's good enough for them.way over 125%

  10. Well the papers now are sitting in the fedex until tuesday because of the holiday :( but at least they are there and ready to go to Egypt

  11. Well the papers now are sitting in the fedex until tuesday because of the holiday :( but at least they are there and ready to go to Egypt

  12. Well My friend she is doing the AOS hopefully it will be sent out tomorrow ..Ayman and I are so tired :( Miss him so much

    1. Ismael&Blair


      I can totally relate to this too! Stay positive and good luck!

    2. Ayman___


      Thanks alot ....yOu too

  13. Another day sending alot of prayers for everyone on VJ hope your Journey completes soon and reunite with your loved one's AMEN

    1. SteveKarlaMayer


      Amen. Please pray for us, we're still waiting for our case number, got approved on April 22.

    2. Ayman___


      praying you recieve it soon AMEN

    3. Adan qam

      Adan qam

      Ameen summa Ameeen :)

  14. Haven't been on in a Minute So much happenning.My brother is in the end :( we tried and still praying he heals.I never believed in giving up.Our new co sponsor been working late shift and hopefully will fill the new i864 this week INSHALLAH

    1. together4evr


      My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  15. True love is in no way simple, or easy. It takes time, patience, & understanding. If you really love one another, you will smile your way through anything.

    1. RFQ


      Really, truly this may be one of the easiest problems true love has to conquer to last a life time.

  16. Happy I am with Ayman even though far away from my family miss them alot ! will be leaving Egypt soon :( just wish my love was going with me

  17. Approved with AP because co sponsor was short 600 dollars we need to summit a new co sponsor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. samy + janet aly

      samy + janet aly

      Congrats!!!! get those papers in soon. i hope they dont leave you in AP for a long time!

    3. together4evr


      Congrats. I hope you can find a new sponsor quickly. 600 dollars short? How terrible. I wish the embassy would have just taken it.

    4. Shoot Em Straight

      Shoot Em Straight

      congrats on the approval and I hope u can find a solid co sponsor and get him here sooooooon. Also hope u both are well!!!:)

  18. 4:26am here in cairo ...we are at a hotel near the embassey in garden city

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marslove


      Good luck on your interview!! :)

    3. together4evr


      Please post a review while everythin is fresh in your mind. How long did he wait. How long was the interview. Did they ask for more papers, sponsor. Did they say how long ap will last. I hope it is quick and he gets his visa soon so you can focus on your future.

    4. Ayman___


      I will do it but tomorrow I didn't sleep since yesterday

  19. One day left ....GOD be with us AMEN

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stevian
    3. together4evr


      God luck tomorrow!!

    4. Ayman___


      thanks you guys ...been up so all night letting Ayman sleep so I can make sure he is up and ready

  20. I just wanna bring my husband with me :( Tired of living in 2 different countries...GOD help us

    1. together4evr


      You will soon!!!! Good luck at the interview.

    2. sweetlymystic


      Best Wishes !!!!!!! Your Time is long over-due..Many Blessings

    3. Ayman___


      It means a lot to me thanks so much

  21. Thank GOD I will be with Ayman on the 11th this month for a few weeks only :( but for me one day will mean so much

    1. tru_loves_journey


      Be safe in Egypt. My husband is there now and he says it's horrible there.

    2. Ayman___


      Oh that's bad I'm with Ayman since Monday ..I'm south of Cairo.

  22. 9 months I haven't been with my husband :( Miss him so much

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