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Status Updates posted by Ayman___

  1. I'm pissed off... besides I just wanna cry :(

  2. waiting until cairo embassy opens sunday

  3. wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and sending wishes for all who are still on the Journey to reunite with there love one

  4. Delivered - : USEM Signed for byCAIRO 08:58

  5. Ya Albi Ya Ayman

  6. I am on cloud nine

    1. Amber & Ahmed

      Amber & Ahmed

      Hi doll I just seen your news! Congratulations!!! May he have a safe journey home! You two have been through so much.

    2. Ayman___


      Thank you Amber ,Missed you! How is it going?

  7. Just waiting the medical to be ready to pick up and send ...Just waiting that day my husband comes to Miami and we are TOGETHER!!!

  8. Happy , Happy .....

  9. So happy we coming to the end

    1. samy + janet aly

      samy + janet aly

      i am happy for you my friend!!!! congrats!!!!

    2. Ayman___


      Thanks so much....we are praying for you to get the visa soon

    3. R and F

      R and F

      Hey Congrats. wohoo

  10. Visa has been approved after 8 month AP

  11. Visa has been approved after 8 month AP

    1. samy + janet aly

      samy + janet aly

      hello there, how are you? did you make it to be beside your husband yet? i will be coming to egypt on november 29 2013. i waited out all the mess over there and paperwork here and not 1 but 2 notice of intent to revokes. we havent heard on uscis decision yet. hope youa re doing well.

  12. Congrats to SurrenderNess from Egypt His Visa was Issued Nov. 7th Happy for you >>http://www.visajourney.com/forums/user/158489-surrenderness/

  13. “Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content” ― Helen Keller

  14. In shock today

    1. R and F

      R and F

      Why r u in shock?

    2. Ayman___


      some people just put you in a state of shock about their actions ..that's all...

  15. another day ...............

  16. Now I am worried to much about my husband.His city became crazy with destruction and no police or army there :(

  17. Still waiting ..........Egypt is completely in messed up now :(

    1. together4evr


      How many days has it been since they received the documents? Usually it took about 2 months after they review them to ger approved if no background check issues but now you must add the embassy closures to the expected wait. And yes, it is a mess with no end in sight

    2. Ayman___


      6/02/2013 when they received it...I will be going back to be with Ayman soon.

  18. Well Ayman and I decied I would leave america to stay with him in Egypt until his visa is issued. I need him right now badly. I lost my mind losing my little brother really has hurt me deeply.

    1. tru_loves_journey


      We wish you the best. Stay safe while there

  19. My Brother Neil Passed away July 2 :( he battled almost 12 years of GIST cancer. He never got to meet Ayman :( GOD has another Angel

    1. Sarah & Bahry

      Sarah & Bahry

      Ameen. Allahyr7mu.

    2. samename


      God bless u.sorry for your loss.

    3. tru_loves_journey


      I'm so sorry for your loss

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