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Status Updates posted by Ayman___

  1. My husband said he is finally adjusted to My country Lol...He's working for a man from his country.Things are going good

  2. I am glad we have made it so far and I am sure we will go far as we have ,loved this journey that we took together years before;;;Happy Annversary Baby

  3. Loving Life With My Hubby

  4. Hope all is well for all VJ members I been busy working and taking care of my mom I have no time for the internet lately.But always I am praying for all of you to reunite with your love one

  5. Loving life now

  6. My husband is working and he got his driver license in January !!!Everything is looking good ....thanks to our GOD

  7. Happy and living life

  8. living life with my love

    1. tru_loves_journey


      Nice hearing you finally saying that..We wish you two the very best, it was a long time coming

  9. Been busy getting my husband adjusted to life here in the US

  10. we are living our life

  11. Life is Beautiful with My Love

  12. Happy Valentine's Day To My Hubby

  13. Happy to be under one roof with my hubby

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      The best feeling in the world!

  14. On-time - arrives in 2 hours 7 mins

    1. Sarah & Bahry

      Sarah & Bahry

      bsalama inshallah, mbrook!!

  15. My husband is on his way to Cairo Airport

    1. RFQ


      Safe travels!

    2. KimberlyAhmed
    3. Ayman___


      I been up since 4am I am so excited happy..... finally TOGETHER <3

  16. My husband will be here Thursday Afternoon in Mia

    1. RFQ


      omigawsh!!! yay!!! Mabrook

    2. Ayman___


      thank you GF... congrats to you also

    3. RFQ
  17. Just booked my husband's ticket for the 16th January I am excited

    1. H&I


      Thank you God!! I am so happy for you and wish you both the greatest blessings from Him! :)

  18. My husband finally got most of things done before he comes home to me:x wow today he went to get the police clearence to travel and than we can make the flight plans yay!

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      Hoping the time goes fast and he is here soon with you.

    2. H&I


      Am SOOO tickled that you are finally going to be together... I bet you both have butterflies in your tummy...*giggles*

      Hope you have a blessed reunion... I am so happy for you!

    3. Ayman___


      Thank you so much it really means alot to me that people remember us and we will continue to be on VJ to help others like us.you know its the army clearance lol not police sorry.... we are so happy. been along road...

  19. Happy New Year 2014 !!!!Wishing All Of You Hapiness Always........

  20. Merry Christmas Everyone........

  21. Merry Christmas VJ!!

  22. Ayman has the visa in hand thank you GOD and VJ members

  23. Can't wait until my baby is here

    1. samy + janet aly

      samy + janet aly

      Happy days are here for you. Congrats GF you and ayman deserve the best. i am so happy for you...yeeeeeaaaahhhhhh!

    2. Ayman___


      Janet thanks you been a good friend ...we are praying for you and Samy to get that visa and come home together

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