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Status Updates posted by Ayman___

  1. If a member post a question topic to be asked Please people don't give smart axx remarks they are not necessary. People need help not headaches we have enough with everyday life thank you

  2. Congratulations on the Approval, Did you get though the AP process? what kind of Question they asked you, I have an Interview on 17 of March! Wish me a good Luck! Thank you!! Been married for almost 3 years

  3. Happy Valentine's Day My Love and To All VJ member's hope soon you reunite with your love one and for those together wishing you this day a beautiful one...GOD BLESS

    1. tru_loves_journey


      Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I hope your soon together forever

    2. tru_loves_journey


      Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I hope your soon together forever

  4. Congratulations on your Visa Approval, Did you get through an Administrative Processing?

  5. Song for 2 of my men in my life My Husband Ayman
  6. Going to take care of Neil now ..Have a great day Vj members !

    1. together4evr


      Say hi to Neil for me!! I hope today is a great day for him

    2. Ayman___


      thanks alot... I am keeping faith in our GOD to heal him

  7. My brother made me cry he said I can't wait to meet Ayman :( GOD I am asking you for time Please heal Neil AMEN

    1. together4evr


      I pray you get to meet him. I pray he gets a second chance and I pray all your futures are bright

    2. Ayman___


      Thanks so much..

    3. Ayman___


      Thanks so much..

  8. One day closer to being with My sweet wife and Meeting My brother Inlaw Neil GOD willing AMEN Love you Rina!!!

  9. Thank You GOD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarah & Bahry

      Sarah & Bahry

      Congrats Rina i hope everything goes well for you. I admire you for being so strong.

    3. Ayman___


      Sarah thank you so much wishing and sending good thoughts and prayers your way <3

    4. Ayman___


      Sarah thank you so much wishing and sending good thoughts and prayers your way <3

  10. don't these people know our life is in there HANDS:( :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RFQ


      Still no interview date? Egypt is such a mess right now. :(

    3. Ayman___


      :( It's so sad I pray everyday the pain knowing Egypt is still not a stable country and My brother's Illness besides mine is very overwhelming we just want to be normal married couple that's all. I know many going through the same thing and I am praying not just for myself but all who truly love each other GOD BLESS <3

    4. together4evr


      Congrats on the interview!!!!


  12. Ayman, When your look at me I look like nothing is bothering me but once you look away and I look at you a tear slowly comes rolling down my cheek and I whisper: I miss you....

  13. My brother went to the GIST specialist the tumor is stable hasn't grown Thank you GOD AMEN

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tru_loves_journey


      Good news..May he continue to get better

    3. tru_loves_journey


      Good news..May he continue to get better

    4. Ayman___


      Thanks so much <3

  14. Another day without Ayman beside me another day fighting to save my brother's life :(GOD please give me strenght to endure all this that is on my plate AMEN

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. together4evr


      Just focus on your brother. Ayman will be here soon

    3. Amber & Ahmed

      Amber & Ahmed

      Hey! Sorry to hear all this is going on. Hang in there sister! Tough times can't last forever. I'm going to pray for your brother and pray tour visa journey is over soon.

    4. Amber & Ahmed

      Amber & Ahmed

      Hey! Sorry to hear all this is going on. Hang in there sister! Tough times can't last forever. I'm going to pray for your brother and pray tour visa journey is over soon.

  15. Still waiting a interview date :( Praying it will be soon need Ayman beside me..My brother still fighting GIST Praying for GOD to heal him ,AMEN

    1. Sarah & Bahry

      Sarah & Bahry

      Ameen, hopefully you will receive an interview date soon.

  16. Been busy with taking care of my brother ...Hapy New Year Everyone

  17. My brother is in the hospital :( going to spend the night there with him

    1. Shoot Em Straight

      Shoot Em Straight

      I hope he has comfort and peace surrounding him...good thoughts to your family Rina

    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      speedy recovery for him..

  18. I'm depressed :(

    1. together4evr


      You should be happy you got CC. Enjoy the moment for yourself. I know you are going through alot and I pray things will calm down for your family. Ayman will be here in no time! Think positive

    2. Ayman___


      Thanks for your encouragement the NVC complete was the most happiest moment I had in months.we can only trust in our GOD for everything to be ok.I want my husband to meet my kind brother who helped me always when I needed it.Now he needs me and I need Ayman to hold me up and keep me strong.As I feel nothing is impossible with him beside me

  19. Spending the night with my brother

  20. NVC completed Just called Nvc and now waiting interview date

  21. Still waiting for NVC to to complete our case ..My head hurts everyday .I can't go see my husband because my brother is not doing good.I can't leave his side when he needs his family so much now more than ever. please GOD help us..AMEN

  22. GOD please comfort the families that lost there loved one's from this school My heart breaks that someone could just walk in a school and kill innocent children and people :(

  23. :( Christmas day will be 7 months not being next to Ayman ...GOD I need him more than ever I'm am going through some really hard days watching my brother ...
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