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Lucy NY

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Posts posted by Lucy NY

  1. I am sorry for scaring anyone, but i think we need to share this experience cuz this can obviously happen. I was sitting in my little pink bubble reading of all those people havin no issues =/ .. I am here in the end I mean and my Stamp is until January 3rd, BUT you never know what they wrote down in their computer..Cuz i said i will attend the flight on December 12th,.. though LEGAL it is January 3rd,.. ummm you never know if K1 is influenced by you staying over your statement to the officer =/

    Albiet scary, it needs to be said. You always wish you may be the one just floats through with no issues but the likely hood is - that wont happen! Best to be fore-warned, prepared and ready rather than oblivious and niave :blush:

  2. Yeah I really hope thats the case, I havent visited him since June 10th and I fly November 9th. I will take everything I have as this really needs to be a trip I make!!

    I have both job letters, return flight date, car insurance lease thats still got months left on it, phone bills, and letter from my rents to say they expect me back January 6th.

    I am going to br bricking it now but all you can do is make sure you got stuff and hope for the best. I will bring a copy of the NOA1, NOA2 ( if I have it then - unlikely!!)and some stuff I included in the packet. Urgh another thing to be worried about :wacko: How much ####### do they expect us to take - I just want to visit my OH!!

  3. Hello everyone,

    well I was almost beeing sent back home yesterday at POE JFK. No joke, and an experience I will never want to have again. Also wont have to, cuz I got threatened not to enter the US again until I have a granted K1.

    Funny Story is, with the first Officer everything went fine:

    OF:Business or Pleasure?

    me: pleasure, but not really cuz my grandmother is really sick and I hope to see her alive.

    OF: I am sorry to hear that, have you been here before?


    OF:When was the Last time ?

    Me: A month ago and I didnt plan to come back this quick but this is a special circumstance

    OF: Stamps and Nods.


    I continue to get my luggage,find it right away and wanna proceed through Custom Declartion when some one decided of them, cuz they must have been bored, cuz I was one of the last persons to clear immigration ( cuz it was BUUUUUUUSY) to take me aside and look through my Passport.

    When they found a various Number of STamps ( since I was mostly the one visiting my Fiance most of the time within 2 yrs), they got suspicious and entered me in their little sneaky ####### computer. Well me and my fiance went to Canada for Vacation and I guess that officer over there must have made some remarks already under my name,cuz after digging in there,...they started DIGGING DEEP.

    They took everything apart, my clothes,luggage and started mad questions, of course the usual,how I support myself, who gives me money, why can I go away so often from Germany,who do I know over here, do i work,do i have an own apartment, what does my fiance do,what is his name, how long we known each other,... They even had the guts to ask how much longer my grandmother has To LIVE because i have my return flight for december, so if he was that sick why would i have to stay that long !!!!!

    That just startled me and i started crying..

    Telling him that we are going the official way of the K1 didnt make any difference, he was just asking : "Oh how is that working out for ya"..

    I had Binding Ties,Bank Statements,Insurances of my Car,my Car Papers, and an OFFICIAL Letter by my Lawyer that I have to return to attend in civil court as a witness. They didnt even CARE.

    So then it was time for my wallet,and in my wallet supposably what they found must have been so startlin that the supervisor had to come and check everything out. I had various "Business"Cards from Friends that are Photographers. Especially now that my fiance and I are planning our wedding I needed those,t hats why they were in there, but they assumed that I PLAN to work with those photographers,asked me about every single card..

    When i told them to call them and verify they dropped it and were interested in calling my mother to see if she would varify my intention of coming back to my Homecountry.

    I wrote down the number, turned out, they just tried to mindfuck me right there again. Cuz they never called.

    Supervisor and Officer were taking a Moment aside,before mad notes were made in the Computer and the Threat Spoken: Not to return without any Visa Approval of my K1 cuz otherwise I will get denied next time...I wonder what they wrote down int he computer,

    but you guys can trust me : not gonna try again to see my fiance until I have some APPROVAL !!!!

    I dont wish this on anyone!!

    This has just made me ###### bricks - im flying into JFK next month to saty for 6 weeks and now I dont want too :help:

  4. Aw thank you so much, very stressful but also relivied that we are doing something about it. I cant just sit back and watch it fall apart without trying :thumbs:

    I have the most supportive friends, family and bosses ever of which I am truly thankful :star:

    I shall make sure i bring as much stuff as I can to ensure I have done the best to my ability - I am just trying to think what else I could take!!

  5. Your return ticket and your letters from both employers are good, What about bills that you have pending (utility bills, cell phone bills? credit card bills)? Do you pay your parents any sort of rent? A letter from them would be good of when they expect you to return.

    While visiting is not a guarentee, the more prepared you are, the better chance you'll have at admittance.

    Oh, don't forget a copy of your K-1 packet

    Good luck

    Yes I still ahve bills to pay here - such as phone and loan - but how do prove that I will still be paying these? Also, copy of the whole packet we sent or just our NOA1??

  6. Morning guys,

    I am really hoping to get some help/ advice on what I should do next.

    The last few days have a been a rather rocky road for me and the OH. We have agreed that I will fly out there next month over the thanksgiving and Xmas holidays whilst my K1 visa is going through. I am still waiting for the NOA2. This is to reinforce things as things have been difficult for various reasons of which I wont go into but we need to spend some time together. This isnt an option I take lightly for various reasons but one that is neccessary if we are to last and see this through. I am not asking for opinions on our relationship - only advice on what I should do regarding POE.

    So, I have spoke with both employers and they say that they will hold the positions open for me for when I return In January. I am going for a period of 8 weeks. What I am concerned about is port of entry and whether they will turn me away due to pending visa. I have visited twice since last year, and have never overstayed and only been there for like a week at a time. I am concious of the fact they will question me hard on my intentions.

    So what do I need to get me through POE? So far:

    1) My return ticket on the 6th January

    2) Letter from both of my employers to say they expect me back on the 6th?

    I dont have any renters agreements as still stuck at home with the rents :wacko: Maybe a letter form them too to say they expect me back on the 6th also?

    Would appreiciate any input and any more ideas?



  7. Hi everyone, I have viewed posts for the last 3 months. I only registered today to encourage everyone and share the good news.Vermont is rolling again!!! Whoo hoo This morning I saw on the website my NOA 2 dated 10\1\10 is in the mail. My NOA1 was July 2nd.Be encouraged! Yours is on the way.thank u to everyone who has ever posted anything! Knowing others were in the same boat has helped me maintain my sanity in the past three months! Happy dance ;)

    Oh my god this is great news....... :thumbs::thumbs: Thank goodness :thumbs:

    A huge congratulations, the feeling of elation you must be going through!!

  8. This process is possibly the most stressful and frustrating thing I have ever been through. Truly a test of true love. I am part of the collective mass of touches but i really dont think this has bearing on the speed of the NOA2 as nearly all got touches, even very very recent filers. Im guessing they have batched July/Aug and Sept together and moved us to another room/ box. That or the system has been programmed to run a automatic update on a particular day ( would explain the wierdness of a sunday) and i think it was a mass update of outstanding petitions. As much as I would love to think it could be them moving, i am feeling a little scepticle about it as i am really not sure it means anything on such a big scale :wacko:

  9. Really? Who? I'm going to go check USCIS!

    It seems alot of people filing through Vermont including very recent filers have all been touched yesterday - to be honest to have a mass tocuh as thins i think just explains that the system automatically updates on outstanding petitions or they are moving files from a spot to another spot, i am not convinced it has any meaning on the speed of the NOA2 :blush:

  10. My thinking is, if many of us have been touched on the same day, it is more of a case of pulling the July file off the shelf and scanning some in to be looked at? I guess you could spend hours wandering! Wish they would give you more information about what sort of update - even if they broke it down into further stages.

    Whats peoples thoughts? I know it might not mean much but its all about the PMA!

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