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Lucy NY

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Posts posted by Lucy NY

  1. Aw, well look on the bright side, at least you're being processed at Vermont and not California. :thumbs:

    Because I'm beginning to think that California has one lonesome employee doing all of the processing themselves with the way their moving.

    :lol: I am thinking they have one old fella to do all applications, and he changes centres every other day!

    Didnt think the wait would be this bad!!

  2. Feel really shitty today - just so fed up :blush:

    Another week will come and go and wont hear anything, hating this big time :wacko:

    Cant even be bothered to keep myself busy, have no motivation to do anything. Living everyday, doing the same thing, waiting for the same thing is starting to get rather repetitive.

    If this continues until xmas I am going to go insane!

  3. I too applied in June, and was last "touched" June 30th. I signed up tonight to read this thinking I would feel a little better, but I guess after reading how many people are out there also waiting , it has just made me feel a little more impatient and down. :( I fear this will never happen! Am I wrong in thinking that the 5 months was supposed to be from start to end, actually receiving the visa???

    I too, was hoping it was going to be 5-6 months from start to finish, now we are talking 5 months just to recieve the NOA2 - I am now thinking if the NOA2 does take 5 months, it is going to be close to a year that this process has taken which is officially pants :blush:

    What date in June did you receive the NOA1?

    It will happen, but feels like forever that we have to wait. Just so frustrating and annoying :angry:

  4. I too applied in June, and was last "touched" June 30th. I signed up tonight to read this thinking I would feel a little better, but I guess after reading how many people are out there also waiting , it has just made me feel a little more impatient and down. :( I fear this will never happen! Am I wrong in thinking that the 5 months was supposed to be from start to end, actually receiving the visa???

    I too, was hoping it was going to be 5-6 months from start to finish, now we are talking 5 months just to recieve the NOA2 - I am now thinking if the NOA2 does take 5 months, it is going to be close to a year that this process has taken which is officially pants :blush:

    What date in June did you receive the NOA1?

    It will happen, but feels like forever that we have to wait. Just so frustrating and annoying :angry:

  5. :wow: thanks for all the replies fellow waiters :dance:

    Its such an inspriration and calming feeling that you aren't the only one in the world waiting on something that seems like a life-time. I am positive that all posters will get to be with their loved ones eventually and patience and perserverence will pay off but its nice to know that i am not the only one going insane.

    As some posters have said, some days are fine, others a total nightmare, I find holidays quite hard and each others birthdays etc etc. Going to have to face the facts that Christmas this year will be spent at home and apart from each other. :wacko: Some days I feel like I am going to explode with all this frustration.

    Does anyone think they are putting their life at a total standstill for this? I am not even happy at home anymore because I am not doing anything or planning anything to make me excited other than the wedding and the visa ####### - which although is exciting, its all tainted due to waiting so much. Maybe I am just a very impatient person :blush: I almost feel like the direction I want my life to go just cant be done and everyday with work it feels like you are never going to escape the place. I guess for some partners its easier as thier life continues as normal, as I said my OH is much more relaxed about it than I am! He knows it will happen when it happens, I guess I should take a leaf out of his patience book :help:

    I really hope someone hears some good news soon and the key I think is too kepp as busy as possible :rofl:

  6. Something that will for sure take the heat off of waiting will be planning a second / follow-up meeting with your fiance.

    This may or may not be possible, due to work schedules, distance and so forth. But if it is possible planning or arranging to meet again (even with 2-3 months advance notice) makes the wait for some sort of status update in the process so much more bearable.

    You have something else to occupy your mind rather than worrying - which will be meeting again.

    Thanks Bobby- we see each other as much as possible and he is due over in a few weeks which I can not wait for.......even though i am mega excited about seeing him, there is always that horrible feeling of him having to go home and the whole missing each other starts over again but hey ho - can not wait for him to get here already :thumbs:

  7. Thanks Gingerpants, I shall take a look. I too, am dreaming of NOA2 day and the day I walk out of the american embassy with that visa on its way and the moment I arrive in the states and for once im not on borrowed time....and getting married of course lol :)

    I know all my friends are like well its got to be soon surely, and to try and explain the process over and over again its sometimes like way too much effort! And then u get the questions why is it taking so long and all u can say is I have no bloody idea!! Stop asking me!! I just wish there was a light at the end of the tunnel so it gives you a date to work for. the thought of all this lasting until like next summer is just too much to bear.

    Its just so hard and I kow we will get through it but sometimes u just feel so miserable about it all. And everyones is like oh cheer up it will happen soon, and by the end of the day u just want to chuck something at them!!

  8. I'm going through exactly the same thing and it sucks. I work on a computer all day and I'm forever checking my status. On the outside I'm calm but my hair is falling out like never before so I must be stressed on the inside. Don't know if it would help you but I've joined a gym to try and keep myself busier in the evenings (instead of wallowing in self-pity at home) and also so I look my best in my wedding dress!

    My work contract ends on October 31st so I've been thinking of flying over in November so I can spend Christmas and my birthday (February) with Tony, but it would be soooooo typical that everything would start moving along just as I've spent all that money on a flight and would have to pay more money to rearrange it or fly back! It's really hard to know what to do.

    I've only been waiting for just over a month and I'm already going crazy so it must be really hard for those waiting so much longer. Positive thoughts to everyone x

    I know I agree, I have been doing everything to try and keep busy but sometimes I feel so frustrated and im so tired of it all that I dont have the energy to do stuff to keep me busy!! I work two jobs, so that keeps me busy I guess and its all wedding funds and visa funds. I guess I just sick to the back teeth of it all and then that puts pressure on the couple in question, not only are you trying to keep a long distance ( and i mean long distance!) thing going but your also almost frustrated with each other because you havent seen each other. Its all blah :blush:

    I just find it so unfair that it is clearly not done in first come first serve order, and I think thats one major frustration as some people's fly through and others wait for months and months. So your sat there thinking when the hell is mine going to be stamped!! The OH is coming here in September and that will of been 6 months since I last saw him but then hes here for a week and then the whole waiting game starts over again!!

  9. Hi everyone,

    I wanted to post in relation to the stress and how everyone deals with the magic K1 waiting game, in particular the wait for the NOA2.

    I find I drive myself nuts checking the website and wandering when it is going to be. My dear OH lets say takes a much more relaxed approach. How does everyone cope with the waiting and being apart from each other? Each day goes by and you go about your day to day business but sometimes when I think too much about it I start to think how annoying, unfair and frustrating this process is and what the heck takes so long!

    Anyone else get sick of people asking the same question 'have you not gone to the states yet' 'why is it taking so long? I'm like you tell me, I don't know so don't ask me!!

    Any tips other than ' just keep checking' or 'be patient' - ive had that too many times and starting to lose patience with the damn immigration system.

    Sorry had to vent :angry::bonk::help:

  10. Hi guys,

    I have just signed up for the forum and can I say how good it feels to see that other people are going as stir crazy as me. We filed our K1 through Vermont, receieved the NOA1 and am awaiting NOA2. We received the NOA1 in beginning of July and im going insane waiting on the NOA2 even though we are still well within 'average time'. It annoys the pants off of me too see that other people gett approved whilst some are still waiting months.

    God do they not realise how hard it is to be apart from the one u want to be with!!! Hope im not the only one that feels like they are totally going insane with this stupid process.

    Also, I can not see anywhere when i log in to my case to check if its been touched - where abouts is the last updated section/link?

    Thanks guys xxxxx

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