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    jodee reacted to Trompe le Monde in ATTN: VJ Women...order this book!   
    I didn't realize women could reproduce when they were a year old.
    My high school reunion put to rest the notion that men age better than women. Not all men are George Clooney it would appear.
  2. Like
    jodee reacted to Trompe le Monde in ATTN: VJ Women...order this book!   
    It's a really good question. In spite of speaking English as a first language we managed to get younger, richer and more handsome husbands who don't act like douchebags on internet forums. How can this be?
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    jodee reacted to Sofiyya in ATTN: VJ Women...order this book!   
    If these women are so amazing and superior, how did they end up with you guys?
  4. Like
    jodee reacted to elmcitymaven in ATTN: VJ Women...order this book!   
    Actually, life is very nice these days both in terms of boyfriend and job. Can't complain about either.
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    jodee reacted to The_Dude in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
    You say this, yet you keep coming back to post. Face it smoke, you're petty little comments on here reek of petulant butthurt.
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    jodee reacted to ^_^ in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
    If you have female members, would you be ok with pics of hot dudes?
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    jodee reacted to elmcitymaven in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
    Absolutely true. If you want a free-wheeling platform for character assassination using racial slurs, foul language and general abuse, you need to set up your own forum.
    Oh wait, that was Expats.
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    jodee reacted to The_Dude in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
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    jodee reacted to elmcitymaven in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
    We don't have to use it, but he knows it's there. In my experience, when you train a man properly, you only need to let a man know of its existence to maintain proper order.
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    jodee reacted to elmcitymaven in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
    People hate what they don't understand.
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    jodee reacted to elmcitymaven in I love her so much, I had to hit her.   
    Actually, it's us chicks who have AJ on a tight leash.
  12. Like
    jodee reacted to The_Dude in Looking for Russian stores in L A   
    West Hollywood has the 2nd biggest russian population in the U.S. (no, i'm not trying to mess with you, despite W. Hollywood's reputation). The area around Santa Monica Blvd., and Fairfax is the epicenter of the L.A. Russian community. All up and down Santa Monica Blvd. there are Russian bodegas and markets.
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    jodee reacted to jundp in 'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'...   
    Good fun?
    Since when was insulting each other and looking idiotic considered good fun? There's rarely any actual debate that happens because people are too busy saying "Like omgz0rz you are so wrong you stupid [insert over-used insult here]!!!!!1111"
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    jodee reacted to Trumplestiltskin in 'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'...   
    I'm not lying, Kip. And you're behaving like a child.
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    jodee reacted to jundp in 'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'...   
    You know what I love about VJ? It's a site filled with adults who respect each other and have the ability to debate in a reasonable, intelligent manner. It's not a place where people (who are presumably from other countries or in relationships with people from other countries) of diverse backgrounds lob insults at each other and resort to name calling: "You're a commie lib" "NO you're a right wing nut!" It's such an awesome environment in which to ...
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    jodee reacted to jundp in 'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'...   
    P&R means "resorting to the antics of whiny children"? I mean, I guess in the real world politics and religion does lead to that. So ridiculous. It's as if calling names suddenly elevates one to a higher status. Both sides who throw out these names look ignorant because no one fits the stereotypes completely here (IMHO).
  18. Like
    jodee reacted to jundp in 'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'...   
    Best. Mental. Image. Ever.
  19. Like
    jodee reacted to HannahP in Super ###### pissed off. Job = lifestyle?   
    You sound fat (edit or old). Bypass, really?
  20. Like
    jodee reacted to Brother Hesekiel in HELP!!!! Married on a visa waiver program!   
    Given that your husband entered the U.S. with no visa and got married to a U.S. citizen when the ink on your divorce paper wasn't even dry, you are opening Pandora's box. If the I.O. feels that he's being played for a fool, he can put an end to this with one signature alone: his own.
    Usually the applicant can appeal such a decision, but such an option does not exist for people who signed it away when participating in the VWP. That makes it easy for the I.O. to be "mean," as nobody can kick him in the buttocks for that.
    Worse yet, the I.O. can decide that your husband does not have ties to the U.K anymore if he quit his job, sublet his flat, or euthanized his gold fish and calls it misrepresentation. In this case the denial notice can be accompanied by a deportation order, also exclusively signed by him as he has God-like powers when adjudicating such a petition, which really can end you American Dream for good. Is it likely? No. Is it possible? Yes. Do you want to take that chance? Only you can answer that question.
    I, personally, suggest going the CR-1 route in a case like yours.
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    jodee got a reaction from Fandango in Alla Graduates, Finally!   
    Why_me, I think you missed the point and genuiness of my question. I meant that if her hubby had to proof read things for her, does this mean that her English is not strong enough to teach English?, or she did not have enough confidence in her English abilities, this is a honest question, not trying to be mean?
    Your response was more ignorant and rude than my actual question....
  22. Like
    jodee got a reaction from Fandango in Alla Graduates, Finally!   
    Umm, please excuse my ignorance...BUT, if you had to proof read everything she did, how can she get a job teaching English,....Just askin'?
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    jodee reacted to Ban Hammer in Alla Graduates, Finally!   
    behave - quite a number of you should know better - and that same number knows what happens when you disregard warnings.
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    jodee reacted to Captain Hammer in Alla Graduates, Finally!   
    My wife holds a Jurist degree from Ukraine, and is currently working on her J.D. here. She has an amazing grasp on the English language, especially considering that she's only been speaking it for less than 10 years. And yet, as talented and educated as she is, she still looks to me to do minor editing, or at least just going over some of her papers. Jodee, I think an honest answer to your question is that although Alla has a good enough grasp on the mechanics of the language, she probably still needs a little help on the "polish" that really only comes from being immersed in the language for many years. I wish I could think of an example off the top of my head, but sometimes I'll come across a phrase she's written that is clearly wrong, and yet I can absolutely see why she'd have written it that way. I guess one example would be articles. Because Russian doesn't have articles, she sometimes gets confused (is it "the" or "a" ?) or other times forgets to include the article at all. Not often, but often enough. In cases like this, even though he has no formal education, she can run it by him and he's going to be able to pick things up like that quite easily.
    Nice to see fresh faces, stick around, not all of us bite.
  25. Like
    jodee got a reaction from Ms. Squirrel in Alla Graduates, Finally!   
    Why_me, I think you missed the point and genuiness of my question. I meant that if her hubby had to proof read things for her, does this mean that her English is not strong enough to teach English?, or she did not have enough confidence in her English abilities, this is a honest question, not trying to be mean?
    Your response was more ignorant and rude than my actual question....
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