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Penny Lane

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Status Updates posted by Penny Lane

  1. Parents arrive on Sunday for a week and a half. Can't wait.

  2. Parents will be here in two weeks!

  3. Name change. Wee.

  4. New VJ. I'm liking it.

    1. Darnell


      How is it recently?

  5. Family can't visit in April, I will be flying back to the homeland in July instead. That'll have to do.

  6. Family might be coming down in April. Hoping it all works out.

  7. Trying to plan another trip home. Hopefully this summer :)

  8. Back from Canada :( It was nice being home.

  9. Leaving for Canada this weekend!

  10. 18 more days...

    1. C-ma'am


      YAY! Hope you have very happy holidays with your family =)

    2. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      Thank you. To say I'm excited is an understatement ... haven't been home since I moved.

  11. Happy November :) 51 days until I go home.

  12. Happy October. :)

    1. tru_loves_journey


      Same to you :) I love Autumn

    2. tru_loves_journey


      Same to you :) I love Autumn

    3. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      Same, my favorite season by far. :)

  13. Basically counting down the weeks until I get to go home for Christmas. I miss Canada so, so much.

    1. didopage


      Lucky you, I miss my country so much also... still looking if we can go there for Christmas.

    2. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      We're going for Christmas no matter what... there's no way I can go another holiday without seeing my family. I hope you guys can manage it, too.

  14. Hope everyone had a safe, happy Canada Day and 4th of July. Missing the homeland a lot lately.

    1. NinoniAndBoosBoos


      Ottawa? It is a great city, I miss Canada too...Hope you had a great one too, thank you.

  15. Obamacare!!

    1. VisaJourney2011
    2. JJ:(


      obamacare my ####.. syrians before American families...

    3. Penny Lane
  16. Green card in hand :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smokeysmom


      Congrats, now the journey continues.

    3. Smokeysmom


      Congrats, now the journey continues.

    4. NinoniAndBoosBoos
  17. What am I going to do for two years with no status updates to check, no paperwork to mail, no ridiculous fees to pay? I'll be so lost!

    1. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      Lol congrats!

    2. jaycali


      Wanna switch roles? Lol, you call NVC, I sit back and relax for two years :)

    3. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      lol, I think I'll pass. Good luck though!

  18. Green card approved!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      Thank you, I hope you get yours soon :)

    3. tru_loves_journey



    4. tru_loves_journey



  19. Status changed to "Response Review" late last night - come on, GC approval!

    1. S and P

      S and P

      *fingers crossed* Hope you get some good news soon!!!

    2. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      Thanks, me too! :)

    3. Kim.D


      Good luck! My local office is Milwaukee as well. The only issue I had with them was when they screamed at me for drinking water ;)

  20. lol, sorry for the confusion :D I needed a change!

  21. RFE response sent. Back to the waiting game.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. janybabe


      hi there is that an RFE for your AOS OR K1 VISA?

    3. Penny Lane

      Penny Lane

      For my AOS - USCIS lost my medical.

    4. AroojandAmin


      omg i've been waiting for my EAD and green card tooo n got an RFE two months ago askin for a joint sponsor...n now i've been waiting to hear from them

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