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    Noth reacted to newlyweds2010 in Too much evidence? Bank statements...   
    How about 1 for each quarter going back 3 years?
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    Noth reacted to VanessaTony in about to expire. need help!   
    There is no need to be arrogant about it. Some people aren't blessed with perfect lives and sometimes ####### happens and the money has to go elsewhere. That said, I had to get a loan to pay mine because of some severe financial issues we were having. It needed to be done so we did it. You don't live in others shoes so you can't assume to know what happens to them.
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    Noth got a reaction from VivaBaños in So tired of this...   
    hello There!
    there is a lot of good advise here, so i hope this helps the OP find a way to make it work with her hubby. I just want to confirm that the feeling of loneliness is normal for an immigrant. I've been here 2 and a Half years, i speak English fluently and scored a well paid, full time job. However, i still get blue now and then and miss my country, friends, life style, etc... I never planned to move to the US, i just met "THE guy and followed my heart and i am thankful that i chose well. but my home country is my home country and being nostalgic and frustrated is totally normal!
    I hope OP and hubby find a way to make it work!
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    Noth reacted to yachachiq12 in So tired of this...   
    I think this is pretty normal behavior for someone in your husband's position. My husband is still, 1.5 years after arrival, getting his feet on the ground. His first job was horrible (racism, bad hours, low pay, abusive behavior, you name it) and now he's in a much better position. However, we've noticed that he only receives job offers from other immigrants (I don't if our sample size is too small, but he's applied for more than 50 jobs, gotten a dozen interviews, and 4 or 5 job offers since arriving here). That's been disheartening. He has had to find himself again, start over professionally, and go through a lot of pain in improving his English.
    Language-wise, he was already nearly proficient, so if your husband is starting from scratch in a place where there aren't a lot of Latinos, it can be really challenging and can make a person feel very lonely. What kind of work is he doing? Have you thought about him working in a kitchen temporarily where there are both Spanish and English speakers so he can learn more quickly? I'm sure there are other jobs that would work like that, but being in a restaurant is the first that comes to mind.
    My husband has very slowly re-invented himself as a foreigner living in the US (as opposed to an urban Peruvian feeling at home and at ease anywhere in Peru). He took up a new hobby -- fishing -- and taught himself and found something to occupy him and give him a new identity. Can your husband find something like that? Maybe you two could join an adult sports team together like WAKA? Are you active in a religious organization? Are there any South American social clubs in your town? Maybe ask about organizations at the nearest Ecuadorian consulate.
    Basically, our experience has probably been similar to yours and it has just required a lot of patience on everyone's part. Some people adjust more quickly than others. I would say the number one priority should be to find a job he's comfortable in to give him a sense of self-worth. Tell him you don't care how much he makes for the first couple years, as long as it's something he likes and it's giving him needed experience (if you can make it work financially).
    If things really aren't working out, offer to move you both to Ecuador and see how he reacts (have you already tried this offer?). I always told my husband that would be an option if he hated it here. However, he sees the quality of life advantages in the US and wants to make the most of life here. Hopefully he will snap out of this slowly. Good luck to you! You're not the only one with this experience!
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    Noth reacted to kcoyclay1 in So tired of this...   
    It is hard to adjust when there are so many factors involved. Not only is there a language barrier but culture shock, homesickness, preconceived notion of the green-grass syndrome, demotivation, ego, to name a few.
    Somehow he needs to understand that he had to work at blending in to society. He has to develop skills which will enable his dreams to materialize. The main one is communication. Even if he got a high paying job, he will need to communicate and English is the first language of the USA. Ask him what other tools is there that he thinks he needs to adapt. Were expectations addressed? It seems to be the problem. As he uses the tools that are available to him, things will get easier. This is a stress on your marriage. Find out if there are free English classes where he will also meet others who are learning the language. It will compliment Rosetta Stone, but the added bonus is the reality that he's not alone in this. There are are others less fortunate than he is. Others crying out for a part time job, thinking how lucky he is. He needs to understand this. Everything won't happen overnight. It's a process. Like the marriage, he has to build on what he has to make it work.
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    Noth reacted to Ontarkie in husband tells lies about me to his family   
    OMG I can't believe you want her to be a better wife, he should be a better husband. You don't go tellilng your family lies about your wife, you don't go getting your sister involved to help you attack your wife (verbaly).
    She has been a stay at home mom for 5 yrs taking care of their child, something he wanted her to do, durring that time he is spreading lies about her, being verbally abusive and has started physically abusing her. No way on earth is she at fault, with an abusive man nothing will make him happy, she could be making 100k a year and he would still not be happy.The way he is getting his familly involved while he belittles/makes up ####### is abuse. This has been building up for 5 years, he has her feeling lost and confused, he has her daughter telling her he is mad at her how he doesn't love her. No parent should ever put their child in that position, that is child abuse.
    Abuse is a deal breaker seek help for your daughter and yourself.
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    Noth reacted to RandomRealityShif in I-751 May 2012 Filers   
    Check has now been cashed, so hopefully I see something in the mail soon.
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    Noth got a reaction from C-ma'am in Cheating Husband   
    i would divorce him first, and with the proof you have that he cheated i would make sure he pays alimony for the rest of his miserable life!
    then i agree with what Cino said. but divorce him first!
    good luck!
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    Noth got a reaction from besaangel in No Biom etric appointment yet. Why????????   
    there is only one thing you need to know: there is no rule!
    each case is different and timelines are just "similar". One can have it's case going super fast and others super slow with RFEs etc... it depends on so many things that it's impossible to tell for sure how many time the process is going to take.
    Just be patient and you'll see.
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    Noth got a reaction from Lili in France/America couples   
    hehe comme je te comprend Aloha!
    Bon pour le chocolat, une fois de plus le seul qui ai trouver grace a mes yeux de gourmande c'est le chocolat aux noisettes Trader Joes, on dirait du cote d'or, donc miam!
    Pour la creme fraiche liquide j'ai jamais trouver par contre!
    En Yaourt, les seuls qui aient trouver grace a mes yeux, encore une fois, trouver a trader joes, et ça s'appelle les french yaourts, ya vanille ou fraise, et ya une version "dure" comme nos yaourt nature et une version "actimel".
    En gros vraiment Tader Joes ca reste mon fournisseur n°1 de victiuailles, la grande majorité est bio a des prix vraiment abordable, et ils ont vraiment bcp de refenrences francaises et autre (j'en reviens la et j'ai trouver du vinho verde portugais, j'en revenais pas!)
    Moi aussi mon homme n'avais RIEN pour cuisiner, mais ca m'a pas choquer en fait, monsieur ne SAIS PAS faire (d'ailleurs je reste persuadée qu'il m'a epousée pour que je lui fasse des bonnes quiches et des gratins tt le reste de sa vie ^^) Je pense que la plupart des ricains ne cuisinent jamais et sont addict a la junk food (oui vous avez devant vous une grande fan de Jamie Oliver qui veut changer tt ca, vive la vraie bouffe bon sang!!!)
    Sinon pour les 7kg de viandes, bah en effet c'est bizzare, j'ai jamais entendu parler d'un cadeau de ce genre, mais ca reste un present de qualité, a condition d'avoir un super gros congélos quoi!!!!
    Sans transition, j'avais quand meme une question a poser:
    Comment vous avez fait pour que votremariage soit reconnu en france? en passant par le consulat? et a votre avis, est-il possible de se remarier en france plustard (genre 2011) car les 3/4 de mes potes et familles ne pourrons pas venir cet été, et ca m'arrache le coeur de pas me marier dans ma ville natale...
    Autre question, plus pratique celle ci, comment je doit faire pour declarer mes revenus 2009?
    merci d'avance pour vos réponses! bonne journée/ nuit!
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