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Posts posted by jelti

  1. I'm almost done assembling Aidan's Adjustment of Status package...and I've been putting it together as if Aidan is the one sending it. Therefore, the cover letter has his name, address, etc., and is signed by him at the bottom.

    I know this seems trivial, but am I doing it correctly? Is the USC supposed to be filing for the Non-USC or is the Non-USC supposed to file for him/herself?

    Or should we both sign the cover letter?


  2. The more you stress, the more you are likely to miss something, so relax and put aside a half hour to double and triple check you package...and then just mail it ;)

    We used 1 ACCO fastener for our petition, which included the I-485, I-864, I-131 and I-765, assembled in this order. We only included 1 copy of each piece of evidence i.e. birth cert, I-94 and put all this together in the same file with the sticky out label on the bottom saying "Supporting Evidence".

    I think once you make it as user-friendly for whoever will be looking at you case, you will be fine.

    Good Luckand hope all goes well :thumbs:

    * adding: we just used 1 cover letter for the entire file

    What "Supporting Evidence"? :blink:

    I thought we didn't need supporting evidence for the Adjustment of Status package. :(

  3. Many Mexicans have legitimate family in US. They're called Chicanos, or Mexican-Americans. If it's easier for Mexican nationals to cross our border 'illegally', they will continue to do it. Getting a visa can be an expensive process for them, and they may not want to wait.

    Also prior to 1846, a large percentage of SouthWest USA was Mexican territory. Mexican-American War grew out of an American expansionist policy known as "Manifest Destiny" and Mexico's refusal to recognize Texas as a legitimate state . Mexico lost half of its territory in the war. Mexican families ended up within some of the new annexed US territories. In that sense, I don't think Mexicans are true foreigners here.

    I don't see this new immigration bill changing much of anything here in USA. I would be very surprized it if did. A lot of companies would lose a big chunk of their workforce, especially in outdoor fields like construction, landscaping, fruit and vegetable harvesting, ect.

    Besides, Mexicans aren't illegal until they're caught.

    I doesn't bother me if someone can find a shortcut to get in here. I have the ways and means to work within the US immigration system. I prefer the legal system myself. I'm not much of a risk-taker either.

    I agree with pretty much everything you just said. :yes:

    I've been wanting to say it myself for a while now in response to all the "anti-illegals" posts I've been reading lately on VisaJourney, but haven't had the energy to do so.

    Bash if you will, but I don't see how any of us has the right to judge illegal immigrants. We do not know their particular reasonings or life-stories. Someone asked the other day the age old question, "If your family were starving, would you steal bread?"...and then had the nerve to answer no. Me? You bet your a$$ I would steal that bread. Family comes first and foremost. Always. If I were living in a country where I could not provide for my family, and had no way to legally move into a better situation, I would without a doubt do whatever it takes to give my family a better life. If that meant becoming an illegal immigrant, so be it. Love, help, take care of your family any way you can, even if it is illegal...or follow a set of rules put into place by the descendents of those who make these rules a complete hypocrisy in the first place? Which is the greater sin?

    As was on the sign of a young Mexican girl marching in Orlando the other day, "We are ALL immigrants."

  4. No need to get hostile. It's just a discussion forum. You should try something relaxing, like gardening or yoga. :D

    I think alike too. Boiler should try something relaxing, like gardening or yoga. :lol:

    (Boiler @ Apr 5 2006, 07:40 PM)

    I do not get it, if you have those views ####### do you want to move to the US?


    If there's any such thing as putting words in someone's mouth over the internet, you certainly just did so.

    And that's not nice. :no:

    Oops. That was me, not aidan80. :P

  5. As for everyone talking about Aidan and the mumps vaccine...

    He has had two measles vaccines. He has only had one mumps vaccine. The civil surgeon said he needed another mumps vaccine and is letting us fax the mumps info so she can send us our I-693A in the mail. We've already paid her the $50.

    I called my GP and asked him if this was correct...if Aidan needs another mumps vaccine (not measles) in order to live in the US and he said yes. :unsure:

    So Aidan's getting the MMR shot (they don't have just a mumps vaccine) tomorrow afternoon, and that's that. This sucks. :(

    That really is weird.....I guess it's another case of "everybody getting different answers".

    In Germany, you now have to have ALL your vaccinations completed in order to be able to get the K-1/K3 visa and go to the US, and I had only one mumps shot, and passed without problems.

    Then I went and had the I-693A filled out over here: Again, no problems with just the one mumps shot.

    And then you, on the other hand, are told that a second shot is necessary....that doesn't seem fair. :angry:

    Oh, well.....I guess there's not much that he can do than getting the second shot :(

    Hopefully all will go quickly for you after that.

    Good luck,


    PS: At least he didn't have to get the varicella shot as well....I know some people who also had had chicken pox as a child but had to get the shot anyway :(


    It isn't fair! Lots of people only had one mumps shot...I wish I would have researched some more civil surgeons!

    Oh well, you're right. At least he didn't have to have another varicella. But all this still sucks. :(

  6. uhm.....I have to get chicken pox on friday because they didn't have it available in Italy when I did my vaccination for my K3 Visa :(

    Our civil surgeon asked Aidan if he has had chickenpox, he said yes and she marked it off. No varicella vaccine needed. If you've had chickenpox before, perhaps tell them that and maybe they won't make you get the shot?

    As for everyone talking about Aidan and the mumps vaccine...

    He has had two measles vaccines. He has only had one mumps vaccine. The civil surgeon said he needed another mumps vaccine and is letting us fax the mumps info so she can send us our I-693A in the mail. We've already paid her the $50.

    I called my GP and asked him if this was correct...if Aidan needs another mumps vaccine (not measles) in order to live in the US and he said yes. :unsure:

    So Aidan's getting the MMR shot (they don't have just a mumps vaccine) tomorrow afternoon, and that's that. This sucks. :(

  7. As for the job application..all I can say is that they put the announcement on a foreign (American) job board (not international). They were willing to hire foreigners. Otherwise they would not spend money to put that ad there. There were no mentioning of EU citizenship. But when I applied new requirements came up all of a sudden. That was certainly discrimination. I do not think it is the Irish only to have this type of mentality.

    I have add my $0.02 in here because no one has mentioned this yet.

    Did you stop to think that perhaps they advertised this job on an American job board because of the massive amount of people living in America that have dual (American and any EU country) citizenship?? And actually, nevermind...they don't even need dual citizenship. There are tons of people who are working here temporarily, even people who come visit family for a couple months out of the year, people who are members of the EU...I believe that job advertisement was aimed at them. It wasn't aimed at Americans who don't have work authorization to work in an EU country. Trust me, I know. I tried to get work in Ireland a few years ago when I was naive enough to think I could just work wherever I wanted anywhere in the world. And I couldn't. Why? Cuz I'm American. And America isn't part of the EU. ;)

    Most people realize that one either has to have special work authorization to work in another country, or be a citizen of that country (or group of countries as is the case with the EU). It's just common sense (which I shamelessly admit to not having any of a few years ago). :yes:

    I'm totally not trying to be rude here...but you need to get your head out of your hole and realize the world isn't out to get people who aren't exactly like them. There are just certain rules we have to follow. Rules that we might not like, but have to follow regardless. *shrug*

  8. I just wanted to hand out a few related links here:

    I recommend all women check out the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" - by Toni Weschler (I got mine on eBay!). It's an amazing resource for women of all ages to learn more about their body, their cycles, and their fertility (or even infertility). It's my body bible. (L)

    Also, someone earlier up mentioned the toxic chemicals that go into making menstrual products in the US, and the world over. Consider the DivaCup or clothpads for a healthier you and healthier environment. (F)

    I'm the USC, and my cycles started going wacky once I realized Aidan and I would have to be separated. Not only that, but I got hives! A pretty moderate case of them, that appeared on my forehead, arms, back of neck, and breasts. At the time, we thought it was a food allergy or eczema, but when I got back to the states, my doctor said, "You don't have eczema, you have hives!" He offered steroids, but I refused and once Aidan moved here and the wedding was over, the hives went away. Was a very itchy 10 months, though.

    Now that we're dealing with AOS, my cycles are all screwed up again--along with severe cramping, breast pain and tenderness, headache borderlining migraines, and bad lower back pain. Stress can mess with the body in all sorts of ways. All we can do is try to relax, eat a healthy diet (cut back on salt and refined sugars, especially around period time), exercise, and share love with our families as much as possible. :luv:

  9. correct. i have not yet filed and my visa expired 2 weeks ago (hard to scrounge the money up for it on one income). I am not sure if i should put K1 or "adjusting from K1 visa" what do you think?

    I would put "adjusting from K1" especially given the fact that you are actually not in possession of a valid K1 visa at this moment.

    I agree. I don't think it'll matter all that much, because with the photocopy of your visa, the USCIS already knows you're out of status. But, "adjusting from K-1 visa" probably is the proper answer.

  10. You are not out of status if you have file the I-485 and have the NOA1.

    Yes, but I think that's what she's trying to say. She has not yet filed the I-485, and her K-1 expired. Therefore she is out of status until she files the I-485.

    Same as us. Aidan's K-1 expired in February, and we haven't filed the I-485 yet (can't afford it! :crying: ). So he's technically out of status until we can afford to file. :yes:

  11. It will depend on the civil surgeon. The one we went to was pretty lax. He didn't ask for any proof of chicken pox and said that some sort of immunization record would be a fine alternative to the actual medical worksheet.

    Good luck!

    This is good news! Hopefully we'll have a laid-back sort of Civil Surgeon, too!

    Rebecca, Aidan's records clearly show which vaccines he's had. They're on official paper and stuff...so let's just hope our Civil Surgeon doesn't wanna be a jerk and try to make Aidan get all his vaccines over again. Cuz that would suck. :(

  12. Hey guys. Aidan has his appointment with the Civil Surgeon in Orlando today, to get his vaccination supplement (I-693A). We're going to tell them that he's had chickenpox and hopefully they'll accept this, but if not, we'll try to get the titre. This process will cost $50 for the transfer of info to the I-693A, plus the cost of either the titre or the varicella vaccine. More money that we really don't have. :(

    Anyway...I was reading on here that we're supposed to be bringing a copy of the DS-3025 for the civil surgeon to transfer the information to the I-693A. We don't have a DS-3025!! Aidan's medical was two days before his interview, so the people at the medical kindly sent all his medical information straight to the US Embassy in London...therefore, Aidan doesn't have copies of any of his medical stuff!

    The receptionist at the Civil Surgeon told us to bring his passport and shot records...will his shot records from Ireland be enough or do we need the DS-3025?? If so, we're totally screwed. :unsure:

  13. I really don't know about the convictions. Have you managed to find anyone else that has had a similar situation by doing a search on the forums? It might be worth tossing the question into off-topic or whatnot too.

    Personally, I would include the criminal record information so that it's up front. If necessary, include an additional letter stating he was acquitted or whatever have you. It's probably better to be upfront now than have it come up in an interview as an uncomfortable line of questioning and possibly a reason for your case to be delayed by the reviewing officer.

    Thanks Autumnal. We're going to include the Certificates of Conviction just in case they have any questions about it. I think we'll be fine...I mean, they wouldn't have let him pass the K-1 interview only to be denied AOS, right? :unsure:

  14. My advice is to get the vaccinations and to comply with the requirements. :)

    And yet again, I will state that Aidan has had all vaccinations (therefore complying with the requirements) except the varicella vaccine. The varicella vaccine was classified in along with two other vaccines that were merely recommendations. I was simply asking what to do in this specific circumstance, since he has already had chickenpox and therefore should not be required to get the vaccine. Many people here have already stated that they were not required to get the varicella vaccine because they have already had Chickenpox. And they were still complying with the requirements. ;) Therefore, I was wondering if Aidan and I would be able to do the same.

    We have decided to get the titre, which will prove that he has had chickenpox, resulting in him not having to have a needless vaccine. All while still complying with the requirements. Because I'm cool like that. B)

    Good luck. I'm not a civil surgeon or do I work for the USCIS. Just trying to give you links to good info.

    Thank you. If I seemed short in any of my comments, it truly was not directed towards you. We all have differing opinions, and that's what makes life interesting! I do thank you for your input, and realize it was well-intended. :)

  15. Wow what a fuss over a shot that costs $15 at the local clinic.... as far as I see I would rather send that amount and not have the hassle from USCIS and be with my husband than make a fuss and make things harder.....

    Hope your test comes back and showes he has had them... Just hope he is not like a poster on another forum that had chicken pox as a child but only a mild dose and the test came back showing the levels were not high enough... so he had to have the shot in the end and pay for both...


    Kezzie, I appreciate your concern but the fact of the matter is that I would rather pay for both than jeopardize my husband's health by taking the easy way out and getting him a vaccine that could very well make him sick. What is the point of doing that when a titer would prove that he has enough chickenpox antibodies?

    Again, I thank you for your input, but I disagree on the fact that I should just get him the vaccine and get it over with.


    We've got the vaccine thing settled now, anyone have anymore input on the certificates of conviction? I suppose we could simply include them in the AOS packet for good measure, however if they are not truly needed, then it would probably look a little better for him if we did not include them. I mean, they know about them anyway because he gave them to the K-1 interviewer. Just wondering if anyone has any personal experience regarding this matter. :help:

  16. My advice is to get the vaccinations and to comply with the requirements. :)

    And yet again, I will state that Aidan has had all vaccinations (therefore complying with the requirements) except the varicella vaccine. The varicella vaccine was classified in along with two other vaccines that were merely recommendations. I was simply asking what to do in this specific circumstance, since he has already had chickenpox and therefore should not be required to get the vaccine. Many people here have already stated that they were not required to get the varicella vaccine because they have already had Chickenpox. And they were still complying with the requirements. ;) Therefore, I was wondering if Aidan and I would be able to do the same.

    We have decided to get the titre, which will prove that he has had chickenpox, resulting in him not having to have a needless vaccine. All while still complying with the requirements. Because I'm cool like that. B)

  17. http://uscis.gov/graphics/generalvac.pdf

    Here's the form with a $265 filing fee. Let us know if you are morally against the fee too.



    After looking at that form, it's stating that current ACIP recommendations include varicella, haemophilus influenza type B, and pnemococcal vaccines. Aidan didn't need the haemophilus or pnemococcal vaccines because he's not over 65. They classify the varicella in the same category as the other two...so maybe the varicella (along with the other two vaccines) are just recommendations, and not requirements??

    And trust me, if we had the $265 for the waiver, we would gladly pay it in order to not have to pump more unecessary poisonous chemicals into Aidan's body. :yes:

    http://thinktwice.com/ ;)

    Is his health worth $265? After checking out that link I think that's the real question here.

    Some more good info on vaccinations.....

    Aidan's health is too precious to be worth any amount of money.

    I have read all the pro's and con's to vaccinations. I have researched my decision properly. I am an adult who came to an adult decision that no amount of government pro-vaccine websites will change. You have your data, I have mine.

    Regardless, since he has already had Chickenpox, there is no need to be vaccinated against it--this fact does not change whether or not one believes vaccinations are healthy.

    He has had all other vaccinations required of a K-1 Fiance'. So your advice, and link, does not apply in this specific situation. :no:

  18. It might be worthwhile to get the 'titer' (thanks, Ktun, couldn't remember the official name) to prove he's had varicella. When I went in, I had only a written note from my mother on when I'd had chicken pox and no other proof of immunization. I hadn't received a vaccination for it either, because my parents didn't agree with the varicella jab (two British-descent families'll do that to you! ^^).

    I told the civil surgeon about the experience, which I clearly remember despite being three at the time, and he marked it off.

    So, see how it goes. If your civil surgeon pushes it or isn't budging on that, then go get the confirmation you've already got the antibodies or whatnot running around your system, take it back and be glad for the $10-30 payment versus $200? :D I mean that in the nicest way possible; don't pay if you don't have to? :)

    Thanks, Autumnal. We'll have Aidan explain to them that he's already had the chickenpox, but if it doesn't work, we'll just get the titre. It'll postpone sending his AOS forms AGAIN, but if it must be done, it must be done. Better than getting a needless vaccination.

    Thanks again! :)

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