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Posts posted by jelti

  1. Ok, so I got a receipt from the post office when I mailed off Aidan's packet. I checked up online and the package was signed for yesterday at 2:26pm. :dance:

    I got all excited and went to the uscis.gov site, and then couldn't remember how to sign in. Then I remembered that I had signed in last time with the receipt number on the back of my I-129F check. So I got all excited again and checked my bank account, but the I-485 and I-765 checks have not been cashed yet. :(

    Is there any other way to check the status of Aidan's AOS packet...or do I have to wait for them to cash the checks?

    Thanks! :luv:

  2. alrighty, I see lots of fish taco lovers aboard.

    But now back to topic for at least a half post:

    How do I prepare tofu right? I have been trying and it tastes like shoot evry time. I don't know how to do it right!!

    But I do find also that italian, mexican and indian places most likely have something vegetarian on the menu. And I'm always the first ot know what I want as my choices are limited

    The best way I've found to prepare tofu is to get the extra-firm Hawaiian style, poke little holes in it with toothpicks, wrap it in papertowels to absorb excess moisture, marinate it overnight in the sauce of your choosing (I like teriyaki), and then cut into chunks and grill/saute'/fry!! I usually make either veggie kebobs or stir-fry with it. I *love* tofu, but only if it's prepared right. :)

  3. I just ask them "where are you calling from"

    when they say the USA I say

    "well you do realise you have called the UK"

    They usually get off the phone PDQ!! :lol:

    gotta try that one!!! :D:thumbs:

    LOL, I've done something similar! When I lived in Ireland with Aidan, some drunk party guys prank called and I picked up the phone. They were surprised to hear an American accent and asked who I was. I was like, "OMG, I LOVE your accent!! Are you Irish?!" The guy said, "Yes, are you American?" I said, "Well of course I'm American, you just called Florida!" :D

    Needless to say, he hung up right away. :lol:

  4. If that doesn't work, or I feel I can't use it with the specific caller, I usually tell them (all rushed-like) that I've got dinner on the stove and I don't want it to burn. :P

    I used that once too, and the idiot on the other end sarcastically said...well, if you went with our service, you wouldn't have to cook dinner, you could afford to eat out!! Needless to say, I hung up after that and I have despised those telemarketer's ever since. I did sign up at the DONOTCALL.GOV website and it really does help!

    LOL, what a jerk! I woulda hung up on him, too! I think I'm gonna register at that donotcall.gov site, I'd never heard of it before. :no:

  5. I don't like being rude to them, so I usually make up some far-fetched story that allows us both to say a "have a nice day!" at the end of the conversation.

    If they're trying to sell me a service, I say something like, "Wow, that's interesting! Does this apply overseas, because I'd like more information but I'm moving to Ireland in less than a month." They usually say no, they don't have any companies overseas and we both say goodbye. No hurt feelings. :thumbs:

    If that doesn't work, or I feel I can't use it with the specific caller, I usually tell them (all rushed-like) that I've got dinner on the stove and I don't want it to burn. :P

    LOL, one time, though, when I was still living with my mom, a telemarketer called for my mother and my brother answered the phone. They asked for Virginia, and him with his deep voice said, "This is she." :lol: He said the person on the other end of the phone stuttered the whole way through the conversation as my brother kept responding with his deep voice! :lol:

  6. Thanks everyone for the replies... I am less worried now. I will make an appointment at our family doctor soon. I had a chickenpox 5 years ago, so I don't need a varicella vaccine. It is correct?


    You should not need a varicella vaccine if you have already had chickenpox. However, some civil surgeons require proof that you've had chickenpox, and most people do not have that. Other civil surgeons make it mandatory to get the varicella vaccine for the I-693A, even if you have had chickenpox. Our civil surgeon didn't need any proof that my husband had had chickenpox when he was younger, she accepted our word, therefore he did not need the varicella vaccine in order to get his I-693A. :)

  7. I've been a strict lacto-ovo vegetarian for about 4 years! Yay for vegetarians! :dance:

    That said, I live in Central Florida, the cow-capital of the world. :unsure: It can be very difficult for me to go out to eat and find good vegetarian options.

    My secret? Order from the side-dish part of the menu! I get side orders of steamed veggies, fried onions, mashed potatoes or a baked potato, seasoned black beans, veggie rice, salad, veggie soup, all kinds of stuff on one big plate, and I usually eat for way less than my meat-eating family and friends. I do this in big chain restuarants when we go out. If we go to a small diner, I just ask the waitress or the cook to make me something special. They usually don't mind at all! :no:

    My other secret is simply not going out to eat at big chain restaurants. :P I love ethnic food! Chinese, mexican, indian, mediterranean, and especially italian restaurants are the most accomodating when it comes to offering vegetarian options. And if they don't have what you want, just ask them. In my experience, they seem to like coming up with something yummy that you can eat. :)

    Mmmm...I'm hungry now. :D

  8. Awww. Sorry didn't mean to do that!

    If you ever do go back, how does it work technically? I have checked into the spousal visa for me should Wes and I ever return to the North.

    I know Ireland and the UK are part of the EU. Can Aidan move to the South without immigration paperwork? What about you?

    I'm sure you DON'T need to worry about this....LOL. I was just wondering how it works.

    From what we've read online, it's a pretty straightforward process. For Northern Ireland, you'd obtain the spousal visa. This allows you to work immediately, no waiting for employment authorization! Here and here is where we were looking when we were going to stay in NI.

    The south (where we would be moving to should we go back) is a totally different story. We couldn't (as of last year) find any information pertaining to visas and immigration. It seems that if you're married to an Irish citizen (which Aidan is, even though he was born in the North), you're automatically allowed to work and live in Ireland without a specific visa or work permit. Oasis.gov is the best site we've found for information pertaining to moving to the Republic of Ireland.

  9. Donegal...*sigh*

    I landed at that tiny airport airport when I went over in September. What beautiful country! A spectacular drive back to Londonderry! Sipped tea outdoors in Dunfenaghy where I saw my first 'tubular' sugar packets and watched some men putting on a tile roof.

    ahhhhhhhhh......... :luv: I had a fun time in Buncrana Donegal when I was a mere lass....such a beautiful place.... :thumbs:

    You guys are gonna make me cry! I miss it over there so much! :(

  10. Well, sending out immigration paperwork has always been such a hugh load of relief for me. So I can't say I felt the way you do about that part of it.

    Otherwise, I can pretty much relate. These international relationships aren't 'normal', you know? Nobody else but those of us in one can understand, so I think that makes the stress level higher. Is there anybody who knows you that understands why you have put yourself through this? I mean, they might think Aidan is a wonderful guy and all, but what I'm saying is that most people wouldn't put themselves through all this nonsense. After a while, you begin to question it yourself.

    The money. Aye. That's SUCH an issue I can empathize with it. It's hard getting going as a couple without the extra expenses of communicating, flights, immigration. It wears you down. I think I just get tired sometimes.

    And I can certainly understand wanting to go back to Ireland - even though it would be the North for us, the basic thing you and I feel are probably the same. There's just something different there. A difference in the people and the values that you don't get here.

    It's hard somedays. But I love him - and he loves me.

    If you ever want to PM me, I'd welcome that.

    Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for responding. You're right...not many people know exactly what we're doing, or why we have to do it in the first place. It's difficult to get support from people in person when they just don't understand.

    Aidan's actually from the north, as well. But if we move back, we'll probably be across the border, maybe up in Donegal. Hey, a girl can wish, right? :P

    Thank you for the words of encouragement. I truly appreciate it. (F)

  11. I don't have much advice because I have not had children yet, just wanted to applaud you for still nursing! :thumbs: I love it when I see mamas nursing toddlers, and I always like to give them words of encouragement to show my support!

    Also, if you are familiar with LiveJournal (or even if you're not, LJ's pretty easy to use), you might want to check out the Natural Family community. The parents there are absolutley wonderful and have great advice on just about everything. Good luck! :luv:

  12. Coagulation to you guys, I hope that everyone goes smoothly and fast. Do not feel to bad about waiting so long before filling your paper work, my husband and I have been married for almost 2 years and I am only now filling my paper work on Monday ( long story) and I’m feeling the same way, worried, nervous, happy and a little scared. This can be such a stressful process, but I’m trying to stay positive and I also am thankful for all the great advice I have received from this forum. So good luck to you and your husband and I hope that things workout….

    Thank you for the words of encouragement, and good luck to you guys as well! :)

  13. I truly can't believe it. After being married for about 5 1/2 months, and Aidan having an expired I-94 since February, we've finally raised enough cash to mail off his Adjustment of Status and Employment Authorization applications.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry, be happy or sad. We've both devoted so much time and energy (and money!) into this whole process...and we still don't know if we're even going to stay in the states permanently (I want to move back to Ireland, he hasn't lived here long enough to make a decision yet).

    Sometimes I feel like this whole thing just isn't worth it. All the times we were separated...all the money we've spent on plane tickets and hotels and interviews and fees...the good-byes at airports and nights filled with loneliness. But then I just think back to our wedding day, and how beautiful it was, and I realize that I would not change that day for anything. And regardless of whether or not we stay in America, I do know that beginning our lives together here was the right decision, and in the end, no matter where we are, being with my love is all that matters. (L)

    Don't mind me, I'm just tired I suppose. But I am curious, am I the only one who feels this way? Did any of you get as confused as me when you sent away your AOS packet? Were you happy, excited, nervous, confused? I can't be the only one out there who has so many mixed feelings about all of this. :unsure:

  14. Sorry for the 3 posts in a row - but OMG I had to comment on some of this unbelievable bullsh!t!! And I am not usually this blunt but I seriously wonder how old some of these posters are (Mrs Knight excepted) and how much real knowledge/experience they have of mens minds!!!

    However, one thing I do know is that many of my male-friends (and many are single) would not agree with you. They simply have much more respect for themselves and for women than to behave this way, no matter what the world tries to program into their heads. :P

    So you are telling us that these male friend of yours have never ever in their lives looked at such a picture alone or behind the bike sheds with their mates- yeh right. Did you ever think they might be telling you what they know you want to hear!!

    A seriously wound up Sarah!!!

    Whoa, Chica. Chill. :huh:

    I'd appreciate it if you did not put words into my mouth. I never once said that my male friends have never once in their whole entire lives looked at teh pr0n, I simply stated that they do not behave in the way that gimygirl would have you believe to be the typical behavior of every man on this planet. Read my post again before you make assumptions, because we all know what happens when we assume. ;)

  15. Goodness, I think many people are missing the main points of CanGal's original post.

    #1. It doesn't matter HOW trivial you all THINK him looking at porn/bikini models/whatever is. It doesn't matter if you think using pornographic material to aid in masturbation is healthy. It doesn't even matter if you think "all men are doing it." As one poster said earlier, different strokes for different folks. You enjoy looking at porn with your spouse? GREAT! She is not you, she has different opinions and beliefs, and she will never be able to "just get over it."

    #2. She has stated over and over again that she's not merely upset that he was looking at these scantily-clad models, she is upset because he said he would stop and then CONTINUED DOING IT. This, my friends, is called lying. And lying is not good. :no:

    #3. Respect. There seems to be a major lack of respect going on in this relationship. HIS ACTIONS ARE BREAKING HER HEART. What else matters? Whether it be gambling, taking drugs, smoking, drinking, looking at porn...if his actions are hurting her so much, he needs to either stop or the relationship will need to end. There truly is no compromise, imho.

    And gimygirl (and I mean absolutley no offense by this), I truly respect your opinions, but that is what they are...opinions. Please do not continue putting thoughts into CanGal's head that all men are naturally designed to be closet perverts that simply cannot refrain from envisioning the naked breasts of every beautiful female. If this were true, there would be no such thing as homosexuality. All studies are based on theory. And while some theories go on to become fact, this is one theory that will always remain a theory. We humans are not mind readers; we will never truly know whether or not all men will always look at all beautiful women and then think of all the sexual aspects of her body. However, one thing I do know is that many of my male-friends (and many are single) would not agree with you. They simply have much more respect for themselves and for women than to behave this way, no matter what the world tries to program into their heads. :P

    sweetie .... do you know how many guys do that on a daily basis?!?!?! :wacko:

    anytime ANY man sees a cutie he IMMEDIATELY thinks what her breasts look like, what it would be like to sleep with her, what color panties is she wearing, does she swallow .... and these thoughts happen within mere seconds of each other and then they are out of his head until the next woman prances along!! am i wrong guys??

    i know that you weren't talking about masturbation ... but i'm sure you know he's not reading the newspaper or clipping his nails while the porn slideshow is going on ...

    i think you need to work through some of your own issues before you try to tackle this one as a couple. there are ways to reduce your insecurity and to make you feel better about yourself.

  16. Hello everyone! :)

    I was in Ireland (unemployed) for part of the 2005 tax year, and didn't start working again in the states until the end of July 2005. Therefore, on my tax return, I only had wages for about 5 months, and although they were above the poverty line, they weren't very good wages.

    Do I need to include a memo/coversheet with my Affidavit of Support explaining this? I now have a very good job with a salary well above the poverty line, so will my 2005's taxes (or lack thereof) make much of a difference?

    What would you guys do?

    Thanks in advance! :luv:

  17. Definitley call around. Different civil surgeons charge different prices.

    We were quoted (for the vaccination supplement) $50 (lowest, and the ones we chose) all the way up to $595. :blink:

    Check with health departments and doctors that specialize in children's medical care for the varicella vaccine. The civil surgeon's fees are ridiculous for the chickenpox shot.

    All I can tell you is that this whole thing is one giant rip-off. :yes:

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