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    Leatherneck got a reaction from Free_Dom in Teen uses "assault weapon" to shoot home invaders   
    "Hopefully" is not a good plan for defending one's self or family. Just as the kid in that story find himself in a "position" to have to take action, many times it is others that put us in a "position" without our consent that cause us to have to defend against an immediate attack.
    It is unfortunate you see causing bodily harm to a person who is intent on cause you bodily harm as "revenge." At that moment of the attack it is called self defense, long after the attack has occured it is revenge.
    I'm not trying to change your attitude about self defense or violence, but turning the other cheek or walking away is not always an available option.
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    Leatherneck got a reaction from VanessaTony in No RFE for DS-3025...now interview. Need advice!   
    I 2nd the statement by Vanessa &Tony.
  3. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from missicy in Should I wait?   
    Get started on your AOS, what does your husbands license (drivers lic or what?) have to with filing the AOS?
    The local offices have dealt with inclimate weather before, be concerned about the weather
    when that time arrives.. You don't want a situation where you are out of status and months away from a GC.
    I did some cold weather training in Bridgeport, and it does get beyond cold up there.
    Good luck
  4. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from sachinky in Birthright Citizenship   
    Well said, too bad so many feel they are entitled to a free ride paid for by someone else. With real freedom comes responsibility, which most people are afraid to be truly free-that is, free to succeed and free to fail. They want government there to catch them with someone else's money.
  5. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from dindo and patty in Get married before the fiancee visa apporved   
    The threads with advice to avoid ceremonies are numerous on this site. The CO's view of a "religious ceremony" is quite different from an opinion.
    Besides, not sure how there could be a "religious ceremony" that wouldn't be viewed as a marriage, in a country that takes such a serious view of marriage as to not allow divorce.
  6. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from cmoore25 in CSC NOA2... do you have any idea what's going on?   
    You're still well within the range of normal. Your patience will be tested.
  7. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from SMR in Clerk kills would-be robber who grabbed daughter   
    That mother not only protected and saved her child, she removed a piece of scum from the gene pool.
  8. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from luckytxn in Clerk kills would-be robber who grabbed daughter   
    That mother not only protected and saved her child, she removed a piece of scum from the gene pool.
  9. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Amby in Clerk kills would-be robber who grabbed daughter   
    That mother not only protected and saved her child, she removed a piece of scum from the gene pool.
  10. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Sofiyya in Clerk kills would-be robber who grabbed daughter   
    That mother not only protected and saved her child, she removed a piece of scum from the gene pool.
  11. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Fandango in McDonalds 365Black strikes again.   
    Uhhhh, maybe that little beat-down will be a lasting reminder that slapping someone is not a good idea. You never know if the person you assault will open a big can of whoop ####### on you. Their problem was running into a guy that didn't believe in turning the other check.
    Mickey D's get your checkbook ready.
  12. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from marklovetina in Can status go from approved to unapproved?   
    What did the CO tell your fiancee after the interview?
  13. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Alex & Rachel in Our journey is over...   
    Wow Paul, that is a tough place to be in and an even tougher decision to put the brakes on your K-1 plans.
    As a guy I understand your decision, because we as men are responsible for the financial health of the family. No one looks at a wife and blames her for not earning enough money to provide for the family.
    Based on your post, you would've had issues meeting the poverty guidelines. Did you try to explain to Haidee it's best to postpone the K-1 process until you can improve your financial situation and get more stable with regards to income? Thus avoiding the emotional stress the lack of money can place on a newly married couple. If she is reasonable, show her it is better to sacrifice being together now, so you can position yourself career wise to provide for her and your future family.
    Research your income potential with a chemical degree vs where you are now financially, do it online with her so she can see the future income potential.
    Reassure Haidee that you're postponing the process because it is the responsible thing to do, it will increase the chance of a successful and smooth visa process and more importantly, to ensure your future marriage can survive the challenges of being newly weds, because you love her too much to subject her to a life of 'barely getting by.'
  14. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from JimVaPhuong in Denied due to Step Child   
    I can understand your frustration over the denial of your petition and wasting 15 years waiting for an approval. As mentioned before, the USCIS determined there was a stepchild relationship as a result of your father's marriage to your stepmom.
    Also, a visa petition is only used to demonstrate a qualifying relationship. An approved petition does not grant any benefit, it simply creates a place in line for visa processing...per USCIS.
    You wanted to see the section of the 1996 Immigration and Nationalization Act pertaining to "stepchild." There is no "stepchild petition," only a stepchild relationship as a result of marriage.
    There are amendments to sections of the current act, (with footnotes listed for reference) but no other Immigration Act since 1996 to supercede the currrect INA.
    Note the relevant section that pertains to your case, you can read the entire section if you wish. Note the link to USCIS below.
    Act 101(b)(1)
    (b) As used in titles I and II-
    (1) The term "child" means an unmarried person under twenty-one years of age who is-
    (A) a child born in wedlock;
    (B) a stepchild, whether or not born out of wedlock, provided the child had not reached the age of eighteen years at the time the marriage creating the status of stepchild occurred;
    Now that you have the section of the Immigration Act pertaining to "stepchild," you've read it here and can now read it on the USCIS website yourself, hopefully it will be of help to you.
    I'm not sure how any lawyer can change the fact you were never eligible to immigrate with regards to being a "stepchild" based on your age at the time. The 20 year old brother you mentioned, slide under the radar on oversight. Anyway, good luck to you.
  15. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from marklovetina in Date of entry   
    There is no date you must travel 'by,' however, you have 6 months to enter the USA.
    So you can travel any date you want, just get here before 6 months.
    Congratulations and best wishes with the rest of your journey!
  16. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from luckytxn in Texan freed by DNA test after 25 years exonerated   
    Overzealous DA's with zero to little concern of being punished for misconduct are the root of the problem and bad judges (many, former DA's) add to the problem.
  17. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Jerry Brown signs ban on open-carry handguns   
    An occupation may put you at sufficient risk, like transporting valuable property frequently.
    Like that of a diamond dealer or high end jewelry merchant.
  18. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%   
    Unions are about force, forcing those that want no part of the union to join if they are voted in. You join or quite. How is that not forcing you to make a decision you would not otherwise have to make? And no, you do not need public sector unions. How on earth did we survive without unionized public employees?
  19. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%   
    Unions are about force, but in the private sector, if employees want to do that, fine. But public sector, nope.
    I'm also for right-to-work, so go figure.
  20. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from mawilson in Myth busting Right Winger talking points on Economics   
    Hey DFH,
    "Myth #2: The deficit is our biggest problem right now."
    Only someone not aware of the true indebtness of this nation would think the "long term" deficit will be taken care of using the current approach of more spending and taxing or that adding more debt in the short term is not a big deal.
    This is just more Keynesian economics, and how is that working out for the USA and the rest of the world?
    The real deficit is much bigger than $14+ billion paraded before the public, that figure only accounts for the total or gross national debt as the sum of the debt held by the public and intragovernmental.
    You may want to ignore the fiscal mess we're in and the federal government can leave things off the books...but the day to pay the piper will arrive.
  21. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in 5 Facts About the Wealthiest One Percent of Americans   
    Wal Mart is governed by a board of directors, what any CEO is paid should not be be determined by what SOME in the public think is too much or excessive. The shareholders can protest executive pay at the annual meeting and the board can make changes, and if Wal Mart did not pay such a huge salary, some other company would.
    Where is your outrage for salaries of over paid bureaucrats and politicians, both federal and state level? They too make a helluva lot more than some poor guy working 16 hour days that can barely feed his family. Those clowns in government produce very little in terms of value to the rest of us, but they sure can pump out layers of red type to strangle the productive citizenery.
    Why is it if a professional boxer makes 10, 20 or 30 million for one fight, no one gives a rip?
    Why is it when those progressives in Hollywood, make 10 or 20 million per movie, no one cares or bemoans how much actors/actresses earn. And isn't it ironic many of those Hollywood types speak ill of wealth and huge salaries when it is Wall St. or corporate earned? Yet, they don't refuse 10 or 20 million dollar film contracts, no refusal of $300.000-500.000-750.000 per episode syndicated TV shows, nor do they refuse multi-million dollar endorsement deals because they feel they make so much more than the average working Joe.
    Same goes for well paid atheles earning multi million dollar yearly salaries...no one screaming about what those guys (women also) earn.
    I guess earning millions is okay for some and not so for others...what people earn is determined by competition (and rightfully should be) and what the market will bare.
    And that $8.75 per hr you have above, how much should a person with little to no skills earn per hour? That is an entry level starting wage, usually for high school kids, college students, retired people, those seeking a second job to earn extra income and those with no skills or for those using such a low wage as a stepping stone to a better income in the future. But, if one wants to remain at places like Wal Mart for many years and work their way up the ladder, that is an option only they can determine if years of low wages is worth the chance at better pay in the future.
    Of course you can not adequately provide for a family on such a wage, that is not its purpose nor should one remain in such a job unless their skills will not allow them to compete in the market for better wages. Yeah, even folks with no skills need to eat and their is a place in the market for them to earn a living. When you have little to no skills, you have to start somewhere while you improve your skills and education, you can't demand high wages with physical labor only and no skills to accompany such labor.
    I am sure sir, you are not still working at the same job you had as a high school kid or college student, if you worked during those times, you had no intention of remaining at a low wage entry level job...that is of course why you continued your education, so you could earn more. Entry level is just that, entry level...a place to start, not a place to stay.
  22. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in 5 Facts About the Wealthiest One Percent of Americans   
    Correct! Have never understood the disdane for rich/wealthy people, it is not as if there is one giant 'wealth pie' and there is no pie left for those not in the 1%. Creating wealth is a matter of creating your own pie, an all together different slice of wealth.
    A visit to Cuba, North Korea or Zimbawa might give those Alinskyites a dose of reality about poverty in a country void of rich people.
  23. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from mawilson in 5 Facts About the Wealthiest One Percent of Americans   
    Correct! Have never understood the disdane for rich/wealthy people, it is not as if there is one giant 'wealth pie' and there is no pie left for those not in the 1%. Creating wealth is a matter of creating your own pie, an all together different slice of wealth.
    A visit to Cuba, North Korea or Zimbawa might give those Alinskyites a dose of reality about poverty in a country void of rich people.
  24. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from simplynice12 in POE in Honolulu HI!   
    Congratulations, now that was commitment!
  25. Like
    Leatherneck got a reaction from Welshcookie in Immigration specialist to file a K1 petition   
    You're welcome. No need to worry, remember this..."A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao-tzu.
    So walk where others have already walked and made a trail for you, like VJ.
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