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Posts posted by TomD

  1. Well its been almost 23 hours since my wife had her interview appointment and I have not heard anything. I dont know what to think. Actually the last time I heard from her was about 18 hours before her interview when we spoke on the phone. Guess I will just have to wait and see what the heck is going on. I dont like playing Colombo if you know what I mean. I hope she can defend her actions as I dont see this as cultural but plan #### ignorant. As you can tell I am getting really pissed and know body like me when I am.

    I misplaced her cell # because she always calls me and they have no phone at her house. I will email her sister in Australia and she what she might know.

    I cant think of anything we were missing in our package. I am thinking that she forgot to do something on her side after all this time and is scrambling now to correct it before speaking to me but that's just a guess on my part. I tried early on to get her more involved in this process but she basically said she was doing it but was but didnt always tell me because she was too busy at work... I really dont need this SH*****

    I will keep you all posted as I find out whats going on. Hopefully she is okay and just stupid. :blink:

  2. HEY :)

    Well, I called 6 times today and nobody answered. However, another user on VJ from Bulgaria told me that her envelope was the same and she had no issues. :star: So, I'm hoping all will be OK. I think I will still try to get a hold of the USEM to ask - just be safe.. :P Thanks for asking tho.. :)

    Any news on ur interview yet?

    ps: Bought my ticket today! :dance: Only 550$ one way with 2 suitcases! Yeaaaaah! *rock*

    Great Stuff . Thats seems to be a good price to me.

  3. I've noticed the invoice changed from IN PROCESS to PAID between 15:30 or 19:30 CST.

    OMG. I'm on a frigging phone meeting. And it's not ending. They're going to take their sweet whole one hour. I hoped it ended quickly so I could go to the Post Office and mail my IV package. Why do people try to waste time on phone meeting. It's so stupid. I don't want to hear some thick-accented country boy talk for 1 hour into my ear and I'm a captive audience. Grr.

    Loto, any thoughts on when my AOS package will get processed by NVC.

    You missed the early mail already so relax cause your package will just sit till the evening mailing anyway. 1 Hour or two will not matter. At least that's what I noticed here.Does he speak slowly also hahaha

  4. Everything is in English. In Bangladesh, you can opt to have all official documents in English or Bangla or both. Obviously the Bangla Nikahnama is in Bangla. But we also got English Nikahnama. Nikahnama is basically a marriage certificate. One difference is that all Muslim grooms are required to give some valueable to the bride. Usually it's money and/or gold. This document will have the amount in this. Since most Bangladeshis are Muslims, this certificate holds more sway than the secular marriage certificate. Though both are equal since both secular and religious courts in Bangladesh have pretty much the same power when it comes to personal, civil issues.

    Very Interesting. Thanks for the education.

  5. My DS230 or IV package is done. I'm going to ship it out today during lunch break. Here's the final list of items for everyone's benefit.


    • Bar-coded cover sheet
    • Cover letter
    • 2 Passport-sized photographs of the beneficiary
    • Completed and signed form DS-230, Part 1, by the beneficiary
    • Completed and unsigned form DS-230, Part 2
    • Photocopy of the biographic data page of the beneficiary's passport
    • Original birth certificate of the beneficiary
    • Original marriage certificate of the beneficiary and the petitioner
    • Original Bangla Nikahnama (religious marriage certificate) of the of the beneficiary and the petitioner
    • Original English Nikahnama (religious marriage certificate) of the of the beneficiary and the petitioner
    • Original Police Clearance Certificate of the beneficiary


    • Photocopy of the biographic data page of the beneficiary's passport
    • Photocopy of birth certificate of the beneficiary
    • Photocopy of marriage certificate of the beneficiary and the petitioner
    • Photocopy of Bangla Nikahnama (religious marriage certificate) of the of the beneficiary and the petitioner
    • Photocopy of English Nikahnama (religious marriage certificate) of the of the beneficiary and the petitioner
    • Photocopy of Police Clearance Certificate of the beneficiary

    Nikahnama is religious marriage certificate, applicable to Muslim wedding. I've assembled my package in the same order as they appear above. I stamped my NVC case number on all pages except the bar-coded cover sheet. On original documents, I stamped a peelable address label. Then I applied the address label on the original documents. This thing looks frigging beautiful. I'm so relieved. I'll be even more when I have it mailed in few hours.

    I am not familiar with the Bangla Nikahnama and only have one question. Are all of these documents in English? If not then is the English Document you listed a translation of the other? As you know translations are required for any document being submitted that are not in English. If it is in fact a translation then you might want to identify it as such.

  6. TomD, wish you good luck and waiting to hear the good news. I am really happy for you. I know how glad will you guys be after your wife gets her visa. Hope this days come soon for me too :)

    I am still waiting for my IV fee bill to clear I paid it last saturday. I was hoping to get it cleared by today but it didn't. now I think it will be cleared by tomorrow sometimes.

    Yes I will most definitely be happy and sooooo glad that its over!!! :lol: Just like everyone will be who came before and will be coming after me. I know She will be even happier. I am hoping to hear something tonight but she sometimes makes me wait. :( Then of course I start thinking wow maybe she was rejected and afraid to call me...haha :P But I dont think that happened. Let see what the morning brings as I am giving up on her calling me tonight...

    Your day will definitely come, it just will not seem soon haha... Good Night all. :D

  7. good luck for interview and i bless pray for your journey

    Thanks Sunny29,

    My wife has been at the Embassy for about 4 hours now so I am hoping that she will be done soon and I will hear from her once she gets out of the embassy. I hope she doesn't think I am sleeping and waits to call me tomorrow morning..haha :bonk: Who can sleep... :blush::blink: I feel like I have been drinking lots of strong coffee! :lol: I kept telling her to relax and stay calm and here I am nail biting...haha :bonk::bonk:

  8. While I don't really fall in this category, I have been following this forum since we received the NOA2 for my inlaws. I have gotten so much useful information here. Thanks for that. I do have a question. I am just waiting for my paid status to send off IV package. I just realized that I do nto have the original or the certified copy of military service, I only have a copy. Here is my question, if I send the package with the copy will I automatically get an RFE. Would it be better to send it like I have it and send the original in a week when I receive it? or to wait and send it ALL together? Is it possible that they would just ask for the original to be taken to the interview in Juarez?

    thanks for your advice

    If it were me I would wait if you really can get the original in a week. The reason is along the same lines as my explanation I sent to lady_bug. You will most likely not have Dec Interview so rather than sending in a incorrect package wait the week. It really your choice this is just what I would do. Keep it simple and do it right. Give the NVC a call and see what they tell you. They are open for another hour. Good Luck.

  9. Lady_bug, I agree with Loto it might delay you a little bit but I would not worry too much. I dont think it will really matter. Here is why, in my view. The thing you need to remember is that you will most likely not get a SIF and Case Complete until sometime after Nov 12. If you get it earlier then you should be very happy as you might get a Dec interview. But Dec might be a little different than other months because of the holidays and people taking time off. If you dont get SIF by the 12 the delay will really mean nothing because you will be sitting around anyway waiting for January Interview. You will know in the next few week which it will be. Just hand in there its a wait and see game for you now.. Others may see it differently.

  10. Thanks to all for the Best Wishes. She has been at the Embassy for 2 hrs now but I have not heard anything. They dont let them bring in Cell Phones so she will have to call me once she is totally finished and her brother picks her up.. That poor guy just has to sit and wait out side and find something to do. :bonk:

    I just finished washing and waxing her car. Well the one (95 Camry) I am going to give her. I did this just to keep my mind off what might be going on. I figure she will most likely wreck it within the first yr so I will wait till then to buy a new one. :lol::yes:

    I will most definitely shout out when I get any news. Might even dance..

  11. I just wish they would tell me the reason for AP. I thought AP was for additional security checks? My wife has a clean police record. She's a German from farm town next to an air force base!!. #######?!?

    I think Administrative Processing is a catch all phrase that is used to CYOA when they dont have a better explanation for we are running behind or something to that effect. They never want to admit their short comings. You know shes clean so I wouldn't worry about it. Regardless this shouldn't happen at this stage. BS for sure.

    @ OBX in reality she will be at the embassy in about 2 hours from now. Wish I could be the fly on the wall. Just wonder how she is preforming under pressure...haha... :hehe:

  12. It's not a big deal. I need to vent for a bit. I was frustrated with myself. Everything is good so far. I have one signed page. I can make it work using a type-writier. Good tip on the relationship part. Moving to another country is still a big change. I'll have to be mindful of that in future.

    We all do and sometime wont.haha Just imagine that it's us moving to her country. I know I would be super challenged, frustrated and yada yada ... All that I know is different Oh God what have I dont... The good news it they are moving up at least in our way of thinking haha..

  13. Thanks for explaining. I've had a moment to calm down now. I'm just going to take this lemon and make lemonade. The signature page of DS230 doesn't require much typing, especially since my wife and I don't have any children and she has never worked in her life. I'll just use a typewriter. God, I haven't used one of those since the Precambrian Period.

    I know this is way obvious but I'm going to ask. Does DS230's signature have to be original? Can it not be scanned, pasted, 'n' printed?

    They will need the original signature for the second page and then she will need to to sign it again after being sworn in at her interview.

    Indigo you will also need to understand that your wife will not have the level of knowledge you have when she gets here so dont assume she knows this or that. It might surprise you what needs to be explained to her. Might save you some frustration. I know I will need to do this also with my wife. Thats probable our biggest challenge when it comes to understanding each other. We all have our preconceived Ideas... and they are wrong sometimes.

    My mother lived in the US for 50 + years and was just starting to get it haha... I think we imprint at a young age like geese and other animals and its hard for us to change if we change our life style after a certain age. Just my view.

  14. well the wife just had her interview yesterday. everything worked out great there. They had no problems with the paperwork and didn't ask any off ball questions.

    However today she gets an email stating that her visa will require administrative processing. She called the embassy and they stated they could not give her any information or estimate on when the administrative processing would be complete.


    This is exactly what's wrong with the government.

    GET OUT OF HERE!!! WEll Congratulation anyway!!! :dance::dance: Your right about whats wrong with the Government. I guess its propriatory information for only those who need to know excluding the ones who it impacts the most. Good God!!! What a joke. I would think they would have a better response than than after all that they have already put us through. I bet its because they dont know either and just need more time to waste because someone is on Vacation...

    People just remember things like this and vote for smaller government whenever you have the chance...

  15. -sigh-

    Yeah. I just wanted to save time. Now i'm conflicted. Should I go ahread and send this sh*ty paper. Or should I FedEX her the DS230. Then she'll get it in 3 days. Then I'll get it in 7 days. I can kiss my December interview's #### good bye. I'm so figging mad at myself. Nothing ever works for me. No wonder why pessimism is so appealing to me. But now and then, it's hard not to be optimistic. And that's why I'm angry at myself. I shouldn't have been optimistic or excited about this. I should've anticipated this. FML!

    Chill just a little Indigo, what is done is done. I dont think its as bad as you think really. Although I can see you like your instructions to be followed haha. So do I but its easier for me to deal with others issues than my own. I think sometimes were are more cridical than NVC is because we want to get through this process without any additional trouble. Just scan the completed document she sent you that was signed so you have a copy to print out and send in the Original one on the bad paper and a copy on good paper to the NVC. Its not a perfect world and I think we would all be amazed at what people send in to the NVC for documentation.

    If you feel its necessary send her a copy on good paper and have her sign that one and take it with her to the Interview. You have time and probably can get it to her using regular mail.

    My wife did somewhat the same to me. She sent me only the signature page and the paper she sent was substandard and off colored but I sent it in anyway with the other pages being what I had. I think it will be fine as I have not heard anything with regards to my doing this.

  16. Hey guyz, sorry for jumping in the middle like that but I am FREAKING OUT!!! :unsure: DHL delivered my passport with the visa and the infamous yellow/brown envelope... The envelope however has a really weird "design" - the upper left corner has a whole!!! I mean, it looks like it is cut out but it looks like it is the design of the envelope... Is that possible?? Idk if that is the way it is supposed to be cos I thought it's a whole envelope (like for a letter or smth)... :bonk: Help please???

    Guess I dont understand Mrs D. Why worry about the envelope? Its your visa and passport that really matter, isnt it? Does the envelop have any significance that I am not aware of? I though it would just be a vessel to mail your documents in. What am I missing? :unsure:

  17. Are you suggesting that many married couple chose the illegel immigration route? Bahaha! Most illegel immigrants are young, able-bodied male. Not spouses of USC. Secondly, please tell me what sort of benefits do illegel immigrants get? And what sort of restrictions don't they not get placed on them? Perhpas this is an OT topic. Feel free to not answer.

    No I am not suggesting that. I am suggesting this process is exceedingly long and not completely necessary. It in my view does not achieve the objective of its original intent.

    I guess since we are on the subject Illegal Immigrants would be those who dont renew there visa which were obtained legally. Illegal Aliens are those who just bypass everything to achieve there goal of living and working here.

    With regards to benefits. First I will say this. If there were no benefits then what would be the point of coming here. Agree or disagree? We cant look at the from our comfortable position.

    We also can not assume that once someone is illegally here that they start following our laws and rules.

    Restrictions not being followed are :

    • No accountabilithy - Freely Move (relocate) about the country without notification

    • No periodic reporting to Government Entities on Status

    • No paying of Fees

    • No waiting 8 months or more and dealing with all of this

    Other Benefits in my view include:

    • Jobs

    • Living and raising their families in a safer environment

    • Citizenship of there offspring

    • Public Education of their children & reduced tuition's for College as they get residence rates

    • Free emergency Medical treatment

    • Public assistance for children (welfare, food stamps)

    • Use of all public facilities (Parks, Libraries, roads, etc)

    • Some even vote

    • Ownership of property both personal and real

    All of the above are major benifits in my view. I am sure there are more that could be added but I think this is enough to show you they get benefits.

  18. Why can't we use a pen to write this info? I can write very gingerly without embossing the other side. Alternatively, I can use ink-jet printers to write this info directly on the back of the photo. Is there a rule that says we cannot use a pen or printer on the back of the photo. Why do they care about the back of the photo.

    For the same reason we do all the other things we do here because they said to do so in their instructions. They probably didnt have your gingerly writing ablilites in mind when they came up this this requirement. Why fight something so simple just use the pencil.

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