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    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from user19000 in My wife threw her marriage and life here away   
    Taking the risk of becoming a target in this discussion, I have something to say ... so help me God
    Has anybody considered the possibility that this girl in fact entered the marriage in good faith?
    We will never hear her story (so it seems) and we need to be open minded. There are always three sides to every story between two people: Each person's side (that makes two) and the truth (the third). Based on what I have read and what I know about girls who come to the USA on a J-1 visa, I am willing to give HER the benefit of the doubt ... until I am proven otherwise.
    Enough said!
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    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from TBoneTX in The wife wants to return to Russia   
    What is the problem with meeting my wife on MySpace, Facebook, or their Russian equivalents Moi Mir or Vkontakte?
    Does doing so make me any less of a man than you are?
    Please explain your motivation to denigrate people who do not follow your standards, without first checking up whether your information is actually accurate.
    People mentioned the word "#######-hole," but comments like that bring to mind another ".hole" word.
  3. Like
    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from james&olya in Jackson Lee blasts 'demeaning' Pepsi Super Bowl ad   
    I seriously would like to know what are the particulars of my shortcomings or issues that in the USA I am not interesting for women, while in Russia, Ukraine, and other FSU countries many women, some of them very attractive and interesting, found me to be a great guy and very likeable. The only conclusion I have so far is that women here don't find me attractive, while in eastern Europe the women always took the time and made the effort to get to know the real man under the unattractive facade.
    If that is the case, what should I think about the women who think of me in a negative way without even trying to get to know me?
  4. Like
    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Article on Russian marriage fraud:   
    Sorry Charles, but I need to use the word "hijacking" again because there is somebody in the RUB forum who likes to hijack every thread for his personal judgmental and conceited rants. It is impossible for him not to show the world how perfect everything is in his life and how wrong everybody else is. It is sickening, to say the least.
    I am married to a Russian woman and some times I also feel sorry for her ... why?
    1) she left her family and friends behind just to be with me
    2) she's not able to get a job because she speaks "differently"
    3) she has only me to depend on in a country where many people are only motivated by greed
    4) she's living alone (just with me) in a country where many people hate immigrants (an old man heard her speak and told her to go back to her country)
    Yes! She made a huge sacrifice to be here, because she wanted to be with me. I am proud of her for being so brave, but at the same time I am sorry for putting her through so much grief. This is not the most friendly country in the world and the thread hijacker is a clear example of the intolerant attitude of many here.
    Words are not an insult unless people let them be so. Words are just words unless offense is taken by the reader (or listener). The only insult I saw in this thread was when somebody dared to call a group of people "terrorists." But that person can get away with it, because he is perfect.
    So Charles, I apologize again for using the word, but I am sick of thread hijackers.
    I recommend those who feel alluded to answer the following questions:
    Do you think you're the best at everything?
    Are you really the best?
    Do you think you're hot?
    Are you the most popular out of all your friends?
    Do you think you're the prettiest?
    Do you think everything is your idea?
    Do you have to have everything your way?
    Do you get your way?
    Do people tell you you're concieted?
    Do alot of people hate you?
  5. Like
    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from Nina~ in Article on Russian marriage fraud:   
    Sorry Charles, but I need to use the word "hijacking" again because there is somebody in the RUB forum who likes to hijack every thread for his personal judgmental and conceited rants. It is impossible for him not to show the world how perfect everything is in his life and how wrong everybody else is. It is sickening, to say the least.
    I am married to a Russian woman and some times I also feel sorry for her ... why?
    1) she left her family and friends behind just to be with me
    2) she's not able to get a job because she speaks "differently"
    3) she has only me to depend on in a country where many people are only motivated by greed
    4) she's living alone (just with me) in a country where many people hate immigrants (an old man heard her speak and told her to go back to her country)
    Yes! She made a huge sacrifice to be here, because she wanted to be with me. I am proud of her for being so brave, but at the same time I am sorry for putting her through so much grief. This is not the most friendly country in the world and the thread hijacker is a clear example of the intolerant attitude of many here.
    Words are not an insult unless people let them be so. Words are just words unless offense is taken by the reader (or listener). The only insult I saw in this thread was when somebody dared to call a group of people "terrorists." But that person can get away with it, because he is perfect.
    So Charles, I apologize again for using the word, but I am sick of thread hijackers.
    I recommend those who feel alluded to answer the following questions:
    Do you think you're the best at everything?
    Are you really the best?
    Do you think you're hot?
    Are you the most popular out of all your friends?
    Do you think you're the prettiest?
    Do you think everything is your idea?
    Do you have to have everything your way?
    Do you get your way?
    Do people tell you you're concieted?
    Do alot of people hate you?
  6. Like
    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from Ms. Squirrel in If you have an accent   
    You indeed have a beef against Mexicans. And it is you calling racist anybody who dares challenge your bright ideas.
    Great example of the "Pot Calling the Kettle Black."
    Until now I had my doubts, but now it is clear. Anyway, what else could I have expected from ... Gary.
    In case you were not informed, there are thousands, if not millions, of illegals from Asia, Europe (Poland and Ireland are the worst offenders), Africa, and even Americans who do not speak Spanish (Canadians and Haitians, for example).
    You like to talk wonders about our lovely neighbors to the North, but the Urban Institute estimates "between 65,000 and 75,000 undocumented Canadians currently live in the United States." DHS estimates THIS NUMBER higher. And you affirm that there is no reason for Canadians to become illegals in the USA. You just don't like Mexicans. That is your motivation.
  7. Like
    clueless_in_usa got a reaction from Tarumba in Good information here   
    I empathize with you. I understand what you are going through ... and be prepared for what is coming. Some laws in the USA are so screwed up that you will not see the end of it for a long while ... and be prepared in case the tables are turned on you, especially for abandonment in a foreign country.
    Be very careful! The law is NOT on your side. You are the man, so you can get easily screwed.
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