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100% Al Ahly Fan

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Status Updates posted by 100% Al Ahly Fan

  1. Welcome back Sandra! Glad you had a nice trip! Can't wait to hear more about it. Hugs!

  2. Good luck for hubby's interview tomorrow!! Best wishes!

  3. Welcome to VJ! May you have a fast and easy journey!

  4. Welcome to VJ! May you have a fast and easy journey!

  5. Welcome to VJ! May you have a fast and easy journey!

  6. Welcome to VJ! May you have a fast and easy journey!

  7. You two make a very cute couple! May your visa journey be smooth and quick!

  8. Welcome to VJ! May you have a fast and easy journey!

  9. Welcome to VJ! May you have a fast and easy journey!

  10. Hey Anna girly! All is well here...had the best birthday weekend with an approved I-130! God willing it will come fast for everyone else. Ahmed hates being apart and Tariq is wonderful as always. How about you?? Keep me posted.

  11. CAn't wait for the recipe book! Hmm...hmm!!

  12. Best wishes on hubby's interview! Keep us posted on how it goes. Hugs to ya!

  13. Hey Terry...just stopping by to say hello. Call ya soon...wanna talk about next weekend. Laterz!!

  14. Hey sis...thanks for checking in. I been thinking about you and hope all is well in your world. Still sitting on the waiting couch...come join me we'll have some shay, lol! Big hugs to ya!!!

  15. Just wanted to stop by, say hello and an official welcome to VJ. Good luck on your visa journey!

  16. I didn't get a chance to say have a great trip, but enjoy and talk when you get back.

  17. Enjoy your trip and try to stay cool. Also an early Ramdan Kareem to you. Hugs!

  18. Just wanted to say Mabrook on your NOA2!! Best wishes on the rest of the process.

  19. Glad to see ya posting!! Sorry to hear your case online. Have you called? Anyhow, keep us posted how things go. Hugs!

  20. Welcome to VJ and MENA. Wishing you an easy and smooth journey.

  21. Happy Birthday, girlfriend!! Hugs!

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