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100% Al Ahly Fan

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Status Updates posted by 100% Al Ahly Fan

  1. Happy belated anniversary!! Hugs!!!

  2. InshaAllah....InshaAllah! I wish us both a fast reunion wiht our loved ones! Keep me posted, girlfriend!

  3. Yep, i don't know why. I think they just moved it. Not like they did any REAL work, but InshaAllah...something. I miss my man :-(

  4. Just stopping by to say hello! Hope your well!

  5. What's the word, Anna? Any news?? Nothing here! Just patiently awaiting!

  6. In the Mpls!! Are you around there?

  7. Brenda!!!!! Mabrook, Habibtee! Talk soon!

  8. Happy birthday! Kol sana wa enty tayiba!!!! Hugs!

  9. Just wanted to say mabrook and welcome to Islam ya ukti. Big hugs!

  10. Tasha bigs hugs for mom and a du3a for your son. Let us know how it goes.

  11. Hey thanks for stopping by the other day. I hope all is well in your world. Just patiently awaiting...talk soon!

  12. Love the new pic!!! You look gorgeous, darling :-)

  13. I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling. I my thoughts are with you. I will say a du3a for you and her family.

  14. So sorry....been a week from hell! Call ya soon.

  15. Just wanted to let you know you are on my mind. I said a du3a for you two. InshaAllah things will go very smoothly. Keep us posted. Hugs!

  16. Just stopping by to say hello!! Kisses to your little one. Take care.

  17. Hey Amy, I know you have to be on pins and needles!! InshaAllah all wil be fine when it's time. Will say a Dua for you. We should have our hubby's talk. Anyhow talk soon!

  18. Hey Holly!! We should have our hubby's talk. I'll try calling you this weekend. Talk soon :-)

  19. Hey Beth, hope you feeling better. Just stoping by to say hello!! Take care!

  20. Alf Mabrook, habibtee!!! So happy for you. All I can say is Allahu Akbar! Again congrats!

  21. Hey Anna, all is well over here. My son is great, thanks for asking! It stinks this waiting....really really stinks!! You visiting your man anytime soon??

  22. Hey Anna...very cute new pic!! Either he's really tall or your really short, but either way you two are cute together!! Anyhow, how's it going?

  23. Hey Tasha! You son is so 3asal! Post more pics! Love little boys, my baby is not a baby anymore...InshaAllah Ahmed and I will have another boy! I just love 'em!! Later chicka!

  24. Hello from one Minnesota to another.

  25. Just wanted to say congrats!!! InshaAllah, your hubby will be here soon!! I'm so happy for you!!

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