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100% Al Ahly Fan

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Status Updates posted by 100% Al Ahly Fan

  1. Happy birthday! InshaAllah your NOA2 will be a your birthday gift soon!! Hugs!

  2. What a cute baby!! You guys make a very lovely couple!

  3. MashaAllah I am so happy your mom got the visa!! Hugs!!

  4. Congrats on the NOA2!

  5. Just wanna say hello from one Minnesotan to another!!

  6. Mabrook on the interview. InshaAllah you and your wife will be reunited soon.

  7. Salaam....just wanted to say hello. Will say du3a for you and your loved one to be reunited soon. Take care. Salaam

  8. Best of luck with the interview. May you and your wife have a blessed reunion!

  9. Welcome to the U.S.!!

  10. Best wishes for the interview. May you and your loved one have a blessed reunion!

  11. Best wishes for the interview. May you have a blessed reunion with your loved one.

  12. Best wishes with the interview. May you have a blessed reunion with your loved one.

  13. Very cute family you guys make :-) Welcome to the US

  14. Congrats on the visa. May you and your loved one have a blessed reunion.

  15. Congrats on the Visa. May you and your loved one have a blessed reunion.

  16. Congrats on the VISA!!! May you and your loved one have a blessed reunion!

  17. Best wishes with your interview! Mabrook!

  18. Best wishes with your interview!

  19. best wishes with your interview!!

  20. Mabrook on the interview! Best wishes!! Salaam

  21. Life's been crazy. Need to check on you. Will call soon. Hugs!

  22. Hey Besty! YOu bet I am saying prayers for you! Two more days, wow!! Hugs!

  23. Just wanted to say thanks for the info. Very much appreciated and all the best with the interview, insahAllah!

  24. Just wanted to say welcome to VJ!

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