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100% Al Ahly Fan

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Status Updates posted by 100% Al Ahly Fan

  1. Hey...all is well over here. You're littles ones are so cute!! Keep us posted to when the NOA2 comes, should be any day now.

  2. Congrats on your wifes visa!

  3. You have been around MENA lately, where ya at?? Hope all is well in your world. Salaam!

  4. Nope you are not alone girlfriend! I will even crazier then I already am after all this. Anyhow, feel free to chat me up anytime :-)

  5. Hello from one Minnesotan to another!

  6. Welcome to VJ and hello from one Minnesotan to another!

  7. Hello from one Minnesotan to another!

  8. Hello from one Minnesotan to another!

  9. Just wanted to say hello from one Minnesotan to another :-)

  10. Just wanted to say hello from one Minnesotan to another :-)

  11. Welcome to Minneapolis from someone else who lives here.

  12. Hello from one Minnesotan to another!!

  13. Thanks for stopping by and congrats on the wedding!! You make a lovely couple.

  14. MashaAllah, what a cute baby!! Mabrook!

  15. Still waiting for a nvc case number?? This is driving me nuts!!

  16. Hi there...you still waiting on a NVC case number?? This waiting is driving me nuts!! Best of luck to you and yours!

  17. Hi there...we got our NOA2 same day! Isn't this waiting for a NVC case number driving you crazy???

  18. Salaam sis! MashaAllah I am so happy for you! You deserve a BIG MABROOK for your acheivement! Hugs!

  19. Today is the day! At least in Egypt it is :-) I am sooooo happy for you! I will say a prayer for you and Tarek. Let us know how it goes! Big hug!!!

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