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Posts posted by darkchilde794

  1. Spoom, just saw your post on the other thread that you want merged here --

    If you did not have an income here, you dont need to file taxes. I remember in 2009, I got the US tax booklet mailed to my Canadian address from the US for the 2008 tax year, even though I had not lived in the US for a year and had no income. Asked the accountant (hubby) what to do and he looked it up and said to just ignore it. As I did not work, I dont have to file taxes. I could have filled out the 1040NR and put zero in everything but I elected not to do that... and so far Im not in jail and have gotten residency, so I should be okay...? :D

  2. And by that I mean, I want people to stop asking me why I don't watch the show. Less than zero interest.

    Why don't you watch Glee? :devil:

    Reven -- cant you "borrow" a baby who will vacation to Canada with your car seat??? LOL bad joke, I know.

  3. This thread is starting to bum me out. Even miserable people need a hug once in a while! :thumbs:

    I know! Its my fault. Im so sorry, I should have posted in the vent thread... but I like to reserve that thread for when Im really venting :(

    On the super duper uber bright side of things, TOMORROW IS APRIL 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you guys know what that means??? It means my husband is going back to working like a normal human being and we will have time to be a married couple!!!! Umm, I cant seem to find the dance icon...

  4. My husband told his mum to tell the WIL that she cannot spend more than 1k for the rehearsal dinner because she needs to save up for BIL's next wedding :devil: Sad to say that she is making as big of a mistake as he is making, because if she is so miserable now even before walking down the aisle... well "forever" is a long time... and ending forever is very $$$...

    I dont know if St. John's Wort will work on her though... unless she can get in a truckload :lol:

    Peachey -- one night I was reading about seating charts from a bridal magazine, and how one should try to really seat people who like each other, etc. I asked hubby, "how do we seat WIL outside the hall???"

  5. Do you have any clue at all what her issue is? Someone should just call her out on it.

    In the last 3 years of our relationship, Ive rationalized why she doesn't like me. She is very shy and very insecure of herself and I'm super bubbly so I thought maybe I intimidate her. She has had very little interaction with non-white people, and I'm not white so maybe she doesn't know what to do with me. She is a super healthy, exercising, organic eating person and I'm fat, and she does not like fat people. I also thought maybe she is jealous that I have a great relationship with my MIL and pretty much my entire husband's family, but I dont want to feel bad about that. I have been told many times (by hubby's family members) that she is jealous of my relationship with my husband, but that's her fault for being in a relationship with a man who does not love her.

    Anyway this year, after one final attempt to try to be her friend, and getting shot down for it, I said #### it. I think I vented about her last time and some VJ buddies PM'd me and told me what I needed to hear: that she doesn't like me. And I realize that there's no need to find a reason why, and since I don't like her either, I am okay with it.

    It does make a lot of family events uncomfortable bec she is all mopey when I am there. And it pains me to watch my MIL try to be so nice to her even when the witch is treating MIL poorly. You are right, someone definitely needs to call her out on it, but they won't let me do it. My husband asked me not to confront her... and I promised him I won't unless she does something really bad to me directly. It is a tough position to be in because my hubby's family is really close, and we both know that by purposely avoiding her, we would be asking his parents to choose between us or her (them).

    And Sprailenes, in a non-freaky, non-weird, non-homosexual, and non-perverted way, I find you really pretty. I dont know what your in-laws are seeing.

    Good for you, Peachey-girl! Dont let the extended family bully you to how you and Varba want to celebrate your marriage.

  6. Yea my husbands family will go to a wedding even if they don't like someone. They'll complain all the way, and get up and leave early and then complain afterwards, judging everyone who was there... I really don't get that. If I don't like someone, I won't go. Why go and be miserable? I can't put on that fake front of "Aww I'm so happy for you" if I'm not.

    You know, you have a really good point. My husband and I have an agreement that we will never go to her house if she or his brother invites us, and that she is never invited to our house, ever. We've also agreed that we won't go out with them to hockey games or restaurants like we used to. And unless it's a big family event, we're going to avoid any contact with her, period. We did not want her at our wedding, so we did not invite her. She showed up anyway and was completely miserable and that made me angry.

    I don't have a problem going to her wedding because my presence will make her miserable. I am a b*tch too, but after reading your post, I will make a better attempt to be an honest b*tch.

  7. If I don't like someone, I just wouldn't show up to their wedding. I don't care if it's family.

    It's so much simpler to just not show up than to worry about it.

    Who's saying I'm worried about it.

    I couldn't pull that off, not with my family, at least not without a well thought out lie. :whistle:

    Drama at family events like weddings is only fun when you can make things even worse. :devil: If it's just going to be irritating and annoying, why go? Haaaa choooo, I think I hear someone coming down with a really bad flu.

    Right on.

  8. Oh oh. Now you're doomed! :lol:

    Good morning, everyone. I guess I have things to do today. Maybe go to the post office to see if they have started forwarding my mail from Florida yet. I freaking love the US postal system. I have no idea why people complain! lol. I also need to find a hairdresser and a nail salon. I stopped by a couple of places for a price list. They're so expensive here. :(

    They are if you are looking in the DC area... but they get cheaper as you go to the suburbs :)

  9. Rhiann -- red is a big thing in Chinese culture. During weddings, everyone wears red or gold, as its lucky/money color.

    The WIL has one bridesmaid and she is wearing kelly green. Apparently the color theme is kelly green and coral... reminds me of the Irish flag :P

  10. LOL!!! Thanks guys for the advice ;)

    Huggles -- I think it's ok to wear black now... the WIL DID dress in all black at my wedding, which I did not mind... but I did mind that she LOOKED like she was going to a funeral rather than a wedding (she was gloomy, did not smile except for the 4 times her picture was taken, did not talk to me or congratulate me, and pouted all night long). I can't wear black to hers because... but as Rob suggested, I might wear red... with a tiara ;)

    Aww Minnew, with the WIL, the wedding hasn't started and she is already a whiny b*tch. There is no way to upstage such b*tchiness, but I might consider what Rob is suggesting... after all, she cannot hate me more than she hates me now :P

  11. If your brother in law ends up going through with this marriage. The ultimate "F$*# You" to a bridezilla is to wear a red dress to her wedding. She'll hate you til the day she dies. :lol:

    Hmm... why red dress? Is there some kind of hidden code about wearing a red dress in one's wedding?

    I debated on finding a white dress at some point :devil:

  12. I got my wedding invitation sample today! I got some paper samples too and have decided on what it will be (with the hubby's consideration of course ;) ).

    Of course I am not marrying until next year... but I am so excited! :D

    Edit: Hmm I tried to link the site but it's not working... bah. Anyway if you are interested, it's under the Botannical collection, named "Daryll & Jennifer" in this website: www.handcraftedexpressions.com The picture shows it in bright yellow, but I am having it changed to deep violet and cream.

  13. Gosh lots of buzz on the OT thread!

    Krikit -- sorry to hear about the upped "budget"! Hope you will find your home soon :) *big hug* You can also look close to Baltimore *winknudge*

    OMG Kimbear, I thought you were getting married!!! OMG Congratulations! Sounds like your reception dinner was fantastic and the menu is definitely better than my chicken or beef meal ;) OH, have you tried onion rings in tacos? There's a local Mexican place that does that, and though it sounds gross, its really good!

    The WIL is a b*tch. I feel so vindicated now that her true colors are out, and people are noticing. I thought it was just me at first, and now everyone sees it (probably even the BIL). My husband told his mom to tell the WIL that she cant spend that much money because she needs to save for her son's (BIL's) next marriage. :devil:

    Lgg, the witch's photographer costs -1.6k- -- and he's only taking still shots for 5 hours. She's flying him from TN on top of his rate. I dont think the BIL knows any of this...

    Hope your Telus dude gets there TM!

  14. Oh my god Kayla, I am so sorry to hear this. *BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG HUG* I hope that your congressman pulls through and gets in touch with Montreal.

    Is there a way to also contact the higher ups in the embassy? The gentleman who runs it seems to be super duper nice and is passionate about his job. I wish there is a way to let him know about this horrible mess!

  15. Hi Gina! We waited almost 4 months for our NOA2. I think you are okay so far :) There seemed to have been a lag period in immigration (at least for AOS) in the past few months, but lately a lot of people have gotten their applications approved or have been scheduled interviews. I dont know if this will relate to your situation, but if there's "movement" elsewhere in the immigration system, then perhaps your application will get touched soon. Good luck! :)

    Edit: You might also want to check on the processing time for I-129F's for your application. You can do so with the processing timeline tab above or checking USCIS.

  16. Now, I thought it was the groom's family who made all of the decisions about the Rehearsal dinner as well as footing the bill. The bride takes care of the wedding.

    I know! What upsets the MIL most is that of the 33 guests, the only members of her family are herself, her husband, hubby and I, the BIL (groom) and BIL's son. Everyone else is either her family and her friends. MIL can't even invite her dad to the event. MIL also offered to have the event catered at her house because it will still be cheaper than taking 30+ people to the restaurant. But WIL is having none of that. Oh and the MIL has already given money to contribute to the wedding! My husband is so furious.

    We didn't even have one..we quickly went over vows where ppl will stand and went out to dinner..Parent in laws brought us to Olive Garden ( was my choice) and we had a nice dinner.

    On the night of our wedding, my mom took us all to dinner to a local grill where hubby and I had our first date. There were maybe 20 people there but it was such an inexpensive place that the bill was not much at all! It was all about the company, the intimate post-wedding moment and not about the $$$ dinner. For our rehearsal dinner in '11, we've decided on a local Chinese joint that holds a lot of good memories for us... and even with a wedding party of 15+, we can still have 3 or 4 rehearsal dinners in the WIL's 1k tab :P

  17. *nods Huggles* When my husband screws up, he does it all the way :P

    I am so upset with CareFirst Blue Shield. I am on their individual insurance plan and they double billed us. So hubby called them at 6:15 (their office hours are from 7 am to 7 pm EST). He was on hold until 7 and the call was dropped at 7:01. So he wrote them a very angry letter... and copied the document and saved it as "CareFirst must die.doc" :P:no:

  18. Krikit, Eggspectations is a good restaurant! Its super pricey (like 4 dollars for a itty-bitty glass of OJ, but freshly squeezed OJ!). There is one in Columbia that's awesome with wonderful service if you are interested ;)

  19. I'm starting to get angry at the IRS. I really want my tax return! We had to paper file because we're getting the home buyers credit which involves showing documentation that you bought a home. It's going to be a sweet chunk of change so I'm getting impatient... I want stuff :P

    Huggles, my husband - the ACCOUNTANT, filed our taxes and forgot to attach the W2's for both the federal and the local government :P *SIGH* It's gonna be a while before we are reunited with that sweet chunk of change...

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