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Posts posted by darkchilde794

  1. Kayla I am glad that you are okay! Hope that it was just a mistake or Mathew just accidentally forgot to lock the door, etc. I hope that nothing happens to you and Mathew. *hugs*

    I took my spring/summer clothes from the basement and hauled all of them up two flights of spiral stairs. I almost fell and I think I somewhat hurt my back, but I am finally reunited with my clothes!!! I am so excited for the summer, having had such a horrible winter...

    Anyway now I just have to fix the basement as it functions as the "trash" room for both of us :P

  2. If the EAD does not come within the 3 months of original filing, you can call your senator... I think they can intervene in your behalf.

  3. Just wanted to drop in today and say hello to everyone! Ive been quite busy and have not had time to go on VJ. Hope all is well with everyone. Well today is another day of cleaning so I am off to do the chores :)

  4. Marilyn, just wanted to say grats for hubby getting a day shift! That is just very nice!!! And that I thought "awww" when hearing about the 4 year old asking you! Hope you feel better.

  5. Guys, what happened to our weight loss thread??? Where are my peeps fighting off the ugly lb's with me???

    And while Im typing this, Im wondering where the baby thread is too :P

    Anyhow, finally got my exercise routine back. Been running 5k 2-3 times a week and have started running 8k on Saturdays. I wish I can improve on my stamina though... it takes me an hour to finish an 8k run as I lose wind by the 6th kilometer. Ive also started attending the weekly weight classes offered at work.

    I havent looked at any scales but notice that I have been fitting in my clothes better!

  6. Hi! Not sure if you submitted photos this way, but when we filed for our K1, we dated all our photos and wrote down the "event" at which the photo took place (ie. graduation, someone's wedding, random date, trip to this place, etc.). We also included photos with family and friends and I think it helped establish that our relationship was ongoing.

    I would also give them a copy of the passport stamps showing the two of you crossed borders to see each other.

    Good luck!

  7. I agree with Darnell. I called the 1-800 number and talked to a woman who gave me wrong information... so just go to your office and talk to someone face to face who may actually know what they are doing!

  8. So first off I dont know how the SSN production is for your situation, as I came in the country through K1 and had to apply from here.

    Anyway, theres a social security office in Columbia and it should be about half hour or so from where you are. They have weird hours but if your hubby can take the morning off, you can be one with it! Its not crowded in the morning and Ive been able to come there at 9 and be done by 9:30. When I came there, they said they had to check my identity with USCIS and filed some papers in my behalf... anyway card came in the mail yesterday roughly 3 weeks after I came in the office.

    As for MD license, you might be able to get a temporary one or at least schedule your written exam without your SSN and GC. You have to take the mandatory classes if youve never had a license before though. And if you and hubby live in a one car household (like us!), then maybe you can drive him to work as practice (you gotta fulfill the hour requirements anyway).

    Good luck my friend! If hubby does not need the car this Thurs, I can take you to the Columbia SSN office.

  9. Went to dinner at the local Irish pub for a belated celebration of my MIL's birthday -- born on St. Patrick's day.

    I had something called a Seafood Rachel, which I thought was fish and chips... but it was battered fish sandwhich... on some dark bread with coleslaw and mayo. It was bizarre but pretty good. I actually ate the whole thing :P

  10. Woohoo congrats Sam!!!

    Opened the mail today and got 2 letters from the government --

    1.) my new social security card under my married name - WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Was gearing up to go to battle with the social security people, but the card came through!


    2.) my "welcome letter" from the USA -- it says, "your new permanent resident card will be mailed"... LOL! I wonder if they will mail me another one cause I already got it!

    Anyway big sigh of relief. Now I can actually get a new license under my married name... but I think Ill wait til my current one expires before doing so.

    Good luck to those of you still AOSing!

  11. Filled ours right away too! I already posted on the OT thread -- hubby refuses to fill it out... wanted to put his name as Mickey Mouse :P He is crazy, I swear. I guess for some folks (like my crazy redhead) just think its intrusive. I told him that Homeland Security already has a shoe box full of our information, considering I have given everything except DNA samples to them, when immigrating.

    I was happy to fill it out though and got really lucky cause we got the short form! :)

  12. Thank you guys!!! Yes, that feeling of "its over for now" feels sooo good!!! Now I only have to deal with getting a social security under my married name.

    Ashen -- I got my passport from CVS too! But they actually use the pics from your biometrics for the GC, AP and EAD...thank god. My CVS passport pics were horrible :P

  13. It's heeeere!!!

    My green card has arrived!!!!! Not sure why its called a green card, it's not really green. Methinks its cause it cost a lot of greens to get it.

    Anyway I am so relieved and happy. Goodbye for now, USCIS. *happy dance!*

  14. I woke up to a note from my MIL saying that someone left the fridge open a smidge all night, and when she woke up the temperature inside was 67.

    I'm waiting on my coffee and the sanity that follows before I begin to decipher what must now be thrown away. :angry:

    Girl, why cant she do that??? It doesnt take a lot of time to throw away foods! *comf*

  15. Awesome weather today!!! Excited to go for a run again when hubby gets back.

    Wyatt, the waters here are very high too. FIL says he cant go fishing for a while til the water recedes!

    So the agenda for today is to clean and mark papers...

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