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Posts posted by darkchilde794

  1. Yeah, my husband said the same thing. A lot depended on last night's conversation and we both hoped that once MIL gets her points across, the WIL will own up to her mistakes and explain why she's a raving, lunatic b*tch. But she's turned it all around and now she's the one oppressed and has admitted to nothing. She's that good :P

    I don't think I will talk to her... there's no point. I will talk to my MIL though. Before last night, we predicted that there will be a 90% that the wedding will be cancelled. After last night, that prediction significantly dropped to 10%...

    Prior to all the ####### that went on within the last few months (WIL open aggression to MIL), MIL will try to cover up WIL's poor behavior towards me. And when I would bring it up to MIL, she will make excuses for the witch. And then during gatherings, if both the WIL and I are there, my MIL will pay more attention to the WIL because she doesn't want people to think she's playing favorites between the two of us. I think it's also because my MIL is to win the witch's approval.

    Well now that there's just no way this wedding will end, my MIL needs to know that all that ####### has to stop. I refuse to not feel validated for my anger to the witch. I also refuse to keep quiet if the witch is being openly nasty, as I have in the past. And I want my MIL to respect that, and in turn, I will respect her decision to forgive and forget.

    I have had some time to really think about situation and I thought... you know what... if this is the worst thing in my life, I can handle it. My husband and I seem to have a good marriage (knock on wood), we're both healthy, we love and truly care for each others' parents... There is this one really bad thing that goes on in our lives... but we know her name and we know how to deal with her :P

  2. I am so bummed.

    My MIL had the talk with the WIL tonight. The WIL shed a few tears, "appeared" vulnerable, and claimed ignorance over her bad behavior. Now my MIL thinks that the WIL is hard and strong outside but is really shy, sensitive, vulnerable inside. My husband and I were listening to her (MIL) relate this evening's events over the speaker phone, and both of us thought, where is this bullsh*t coming from???

    I know I've whined/vented about the WIL so many times but I really just need to get this off my chest.

    Anyway several years ago, we caught the WIL spanking my BIL's son. She claimed that it was a play spank... but she basically took my nephew (who was 5 at that time), laid him on her lap and spanked his bottom. My MIL told my BIL and my BIL was furious with her.

    Anyway tonight's talk was supposed to be how the WIL has poorly treated my MIL in the last year, and especially the last 4 months. Instead, the talk revolved around the fact that the WIL felt that the entire family has ganged up on her for the one little mistake she made with my nephew. That she really loves my nephew but now she's the child abuser because she made that little mistake that she didn't think was a big deal at all.

    So of course my MIL tried to comfort her and went on and on about how hard it is to be in a relationship with someone with a child... and that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships are really difficult... blahblahblahblahblah...

    When MIL told WIL that she does not appreciate the rude behavior of the WIL, the WIL completely denied any such thing. WIL claimed that MIL was just overly tired from work and is so sensitive and that WIL wasn't blowing her off etc.

    And then MIL brought up the incident at my wedding, when the entire family was supposed to go back to her house for a toast for our marriage... and WIL wanted to go home instead and quasi made a scene... and WIL's response was in the realm of, Yeah I guess that was not something I should have done... I need to think about it.

    Anyway bottom line is, in this entire talk, WIL admitted to doing nothing wrong... except for maybe that tiny incident of spanking, which she is now beginning to realize was not good behavior. WIL has not admitted to her bad behavior, has not apologized. And MIL has basically not settled any issues with her, but she is now in the process of forgiving the WIL and now everything is great and okay... and she (MIL) is so happy because she made WIL think about her actions.

    After the conversation, my husband looked at me and went... "Earlier today I was thinking of what was happening tonight. The Caps are playing... my mom is having the talk with the b*tch. I really want the Caps to win. But then I thought, if the Caps losing meant my mom will have a productive talk with the witch and really drive her point, I don't mind the Caps losing. And now the Caps are losing and my mom has accomplished nothing."

    I'm really sorry for this so long of a post, but I am really, really sad. I am really disappointed in my MIL, but I knew that she would crumble at the sight of tears and show of the tiniest repentance. I also feel trapped because while my MIL is willing to forgive and forget... nothing's changed between the b*tch and I. I intend to still alienate her from my life and I am done with second or third or fourth chances. But now I suspect that in every family event, she will try to be so nice and sweet to me, and if I act indifferent, I will be viewed as the bad person.

    I'm also really disappointed because last night, my husband and I sat down with her to prepare her for this evening's talk (I think she is scared of the WIL). And while I admit I can understand that she does not want to completely blow the WIL off, I also think that she was too forgiving.

    Anyway my husband is even more bummed because the Caps are obviously off the playoffs.

  3. Marilyn -- I saw a show on TV where the host made ice cream from basic ingredients without any equipment. Seemed pretty simple. Anyway if I find that recipe Ill let you know. You seem to have done a great job with your home made version though :)

    I picked up a bag of fresh cheese tortellini from Costco. I guess it is fresh pasta, just with lots of additives :P Where I lived in TO, there is this little Italian deli that sold actual bags of fresh pasta that was probably prepared that day or so. Anyway I guess this is the closest I will get to it!

    I am planning on simmering some pasta sauce and adding some ricotta to make it a wee bit decadent and just toss the tortellini in it for dinner.

  4. Care First Blue Shields suck. They should call themselves Money First Blue Shields instead.

    I purchase individual insurance from said company and have been paying my premiums on a timely fashion since January. But then while paying for the April premium, they double debited me and then pretended to return the amount to my bank and tell me that I have not paid for my insurance.

    Complete bullcrap. Hubby and I saw that they took payment from us TWICE and did not return the payment at all. So after battling customer service for almost a week (we tried to call them, we were on hold for 45 minutes, we then wrote them emails, no replies, call again, and again, and again, and again), we finally got in touch with some decent billing department person who said that we have to contact our bank, who will contact their company, and then our payment will be returned. In the mean time, Care First recognizes that I'm covered for April and that I need to only pay for May.

    Well last night someone sends us a reply to the email we sent asking for clarification about my case. They wrote that they returned the payment (no such thing), and that I am not covered for April. UGH. Not again. So here I am, trying to get in touch with someone from this insurance company from hell... finally got in touch with another billing person, who has no idea what's going on, and then transfers me to members services, and I've been on hold for 20 minutes.

    My premium is only 73 dollars... it's such a small amount of money. But I do not like being stolen from... no matter what the amount. AND there is just no way they can compensate the hours I've accumulated on hold waiting for them to do "customer service".


  5. Sam, hope you get you get a decision soon. Happy to know that your interview went well at least, and I am sure they are just crossing their t's and dotting their i's to get your paperwork rolling.

  6. lol!

    You lead an exciting life, Flames! just awesome!

    Glad you had a good trip, save for the cops coming to haul you away.


    Haha Flames your story is the most excitement Ive had today too. Thanks! ;)

  7. My SIL is a spoiled brat too. She complains because she has to pay a whole $50 rent/month. That money covers all her food, internet etc. But she can go out and buy new rollerblades and then get mad at people because shes broke and we should have the money to do whatever. Thank god she has a BF atm so shes stopped hounding my husband about going out for food or something all the time (not that he went, he doesn't really talk to his family much :lol:). I think thats the only saving grace, I don't have to see my in-laws often because he doesnt enjoy spending time with his family, so I can just pretend I don't exist.

    Good thing that your hubby does not insist that you spend time with her, and that you and him are on the same page when it comes to his family. I am blessed with awesome in-laws (I REALLY get along with them more than my own extended family), except for the WIL. We don't hang out with her often except for when we have family gatherings which is almost every month -- and really, it just takes one sour apple to ruin an entire basket of good ones. It's like she is not happy unless everyone is miserable around her.

    I have decided to take a one week break from whining about the WIL. I just cannot expend any more energy being angry at her...

  8. Yea I get along with my exes parents (sons grandparents) better than I do with my MIL. I mean we always try to see one another when I am in Canada. They're really good people... too bad about their son :P

    LOL!!! Yeah, that's tricky :P

    On the serious note, that's pretty awesome cause at least Ethan can have a decent relationship with them.

  9. I guess it's a hit or miss with in-laws. Sometimes youre lucky, sometimes youre not... And we have all been graced with a crummy SIL or BIL or MIL. Thank god my husband is normal (90% of the time) :P

  10. So Bride-witchzilla had her shower on Saturday that I boycotted. Apparently she was a complete b*tch to EVERYONE in my BIL's family -- basically left them sitting in the living room alone, did not talk to them at all except for when they came and left. She was rude to my MIL again, even though my MIL spent $$$ on her cake, present, and food. Nothing new really, but finally, everyone in the family suddenly decided to talk to my MIL about her.

    Needless to say, my MIL and FIL are finally speaking to BIL. And MIL is going to talk to her on Wed. I told my husband and his parents that if nobody in the family speaks out, I will talk to my BIL, no matter how awkward it will be, and if it means we are never talking again. So I am really relieved that MIL is doing it, but if she chickens out, Ive decided I will.

    Some of the highlights of the shower that was related to me include:

    WIL was getting a lot of knives as a bridal shower present. My husband's grandmother who has Alzheimer's and has basically lost any thought-filters, went, "God, look at all the knives she's getting. We better have a shower for Matt so he gets his own knives".

    My MIL bought a huge sheet cake from a really nice local baker for the witch. The baker wrote "Showers of Happiness" on the cake. One of her sisters commented, "It should say, "Showers of Happiness, you f*cking b*tch". But then, you would need a bigger cake, so really, it should say, "You f*cking b*tch"."

    God, I hope they do break up.

  11. Wow, so you can interview for no other reason than everyone who immigrates to that particular state gets slapped with an interview...? That is crazy. I thought they would at least consider a particular factor that is common across the board among everyone who interviews.

    When most of our batch came over, a lot were just getting transferred... so I thought oh maybe they are changing the interview process as most already interviewed in Montreal/Vancouver, so maybe they don't require an interview anymore. Then I thought it was a co-sponsor thing, but now, meh its a location thing? :P

    Anyway good luck folks! I know everyone will do great :)

  12. We are both done with him...I think my husband is more angry over it then I am, and he was the first to say that he will have nothing to do with him anymore. I am happy that he is making a stand, as there are a lot of people who would continue to try to help because it is 'family'.

    That is great, in spite of the horrible situation you are in. I am glad your husband is taking this problem face on and is doing something about it. Nothing like trying to make excuses for a family member, or pretending nothing has happened *roll eyes*

    And it is hard to help anyone, including family, if they don't help themselves first.

  13. 5 days until my party wedding. I also have grown a huge zit on my chin in anticipation of my wedding :(

    Also, Arabella get's married on Thursday!... but she's not around much anymore :(

    BAH you'll still look beautiful and that is why you hire those $$$$ make up artist... so they can do MAGIC!

    Yeah where is Arabella??? I wanna see pics :P

  14. Ant - where's Option #3 where you stay in bed and have breakfast served by D + Baby A? :)

    YEAH!!! LOL!

    Back home, we'd go to grandma's and spend time with mom and grandma -- not close to my dad's family at all. In fact, have not spoken to anyone including my biological father for 5 years :)

    Hubby buys a gift and card to his mom (my MIL) and we normally all go to whichever family is holding a mother's day party. Typically it's in his paternal grandma's house.

    My own family does not particularly celebrate it... but I do send my mom a super long letter (email or snail mail) about how grateful I am to have her :)

  15. Honestly, I am sure Treble wished she had talked to her BIL before he got married because he ended up in divorce right after the honeymoon.....<snip>......... I know in most situations its awkward. I hear people say that often: "Its not my place". If it's not your place, then who's is it? If they're marriage doesn't work out, it's going to come out later: "Oh I saw that one coming".

    I think you are right. I've been thinking about this for almost a month now and I'm pretty annoyed that I'm still thinking about it... my biggest worry is that if I talk to BIL and he still pushes through the wedding, the witch (who knows I hate her) will turn the family against me (she is super nice to the rest of the family members she "deems" important). And I truly worry that BIL will also prevent me from interacting with his son, whom Ive grown to love so so so so so much.

    And I agree with the statement I boldfaced. That's what I told my MIL -- if you or any in your family does not talk to him about it and they divorce, he will blame you for the divorce and might say, you should have said something, etc.

    I do have to say that in the state of Maryland, if a couple gets a divorce within 5 years (I think) of their marriage, they don't split properties, which may be good for BIL cause it looks like this one is heading for divorce-ville too...

    So my in-laws call and want invite us over for dinner tonight. My husband says: "It's up to you" and I say: "Well I have a lot of stuff to do..." and then he gets upset. Like why tell me it's up to me and then get upset when it's not the answer that you want? I mean I'm not stopping him from going over, but I have plans this weekend, and most people give SOME notice prior to inviting you over for dinner but whatever.

    Yeah, why give you a decision if you already have a decision in mind? I dont get it. It is one thing to ignore an invitation and then not show up, but I applaud the honesty of just saying no, period. So good for you!

    Today is the bride-witchzilla's shower and I decided not to go. I RSVP'd no. Im super pissed bec my MIL tried to "cover" up for me and say that "oh Frances really wanted to go, but she has work and has an event with my son later, so she really cannot go". Gawd, I did not want to go, period. No need to fabricate a story.

    I wonder if crazy in-laws (BIL, SIL, MIL, FIL) realize how negatively they effect the people around them.

    I am sure they do that's why they keep doing it.

    Hopefully your husband will come to realize how your MIL affects you, and he needs to be able to control her or respect your decisions.

    On Thursday evening after our wedding my husband asked his brother to come over to help move some of our newly arrived goods into storage. His brother came over with a friend to help out. But later in the evening I noticed that my rings were not where I thought I had put them. I told hubby about it because I thought maybe he had moved them. We were looking around, and then he realized that his ring was missing as well (we decided not to wear our rings until our formal wedding in july so he had taken his off an put it back in the box). Both the brother and the friend have a history of stealing things, but to steal someones wedding rings on their wedding day....does it get any lower than that?????

    Oh Colleens, I am so sorry *hugs*. I hope you find the rings :(

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