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Posts posted by ruby_mtl

  1. so happy to hear about all the great news! I have some to share as well....we are out of AP at NVC, and they corrected their error so our file is on its way to Montreal as of Monday!! So now we're looking at an end-of-July/August move, since there's about a 4months delay in Montreal for an interview....

    I'm going to Albany this week for about 10days, so we'll start to put everything together. I hope they won't give me too much of a hard time at the border!

    To all still waiting, I'm sending positive vibes your way and hope you'll be on your way soon!

  2. WOW what do you know!!! I guess we got lucky because our file was sent to Montreal yesterday!!! So they released us within the limits of time, 10-15 business days, that the told us. And as a bonus, they corrected their error and sent our file to Montreal!! :dance::dance::dance:

    I'm so happy....although my stay here was fairly short and quiet, it's been a great help and support. Hope they'll be many more releases this week! :energy:

  3. Congrats to everyone out of AP and happy continuation with your journey!

    My SO called last week about the AP but also about the fact that NVC is planning to sent our case to the wrong consulate here in Canada (Vancouver unstead of Montreal). He was told to e-mail our request of having our file sent to Montreal and he did....I just hope that we won't be stuck in "double" AP because they will also have to realize and fix their mistake! LOL

    I already contacted the consulate in Vancouver and they said that our case needs to go to Montreal and that if they receive it, they'll forward it directly to Montreal. We shall see. My SO is getting very frustrated with NVC as well which is not good cause he's the cool headed one in the couple! I try to give him all the info I read on here, but he doesn't wanna hear it. Guess I'm the one who will have to calm him down for once! Take care all and hope we all get released soon so we can go on our merry way!

    Just on a side note who on here (non-USC) feels that, when we call NVC and they see that we are the beneficiaries, they treat us like they are doing us a favour by even speaking to us?? LOL The few times I called they made me feel like all I wanted was to enter the US and "abuse the system"....so frustrating. I just hate to be treated like nothing cause I'm trying to immigrate in thier country. Especially because I would've loved to stay in Canada and for us the raise our children here, but circumstances decided otherwise. Anyway, just wanted to vent out ONE of MANY frustrations with NVC!

  4. Congrats Beans!!! That's great news!!

    It's true not much movement here. That's excatly what's happening to us right now: NO MOVEMENT!! We are still stuck in AP at NVC. Seems like the average delay is 50days, so we still have a long wait if it applies to us. I'm secretly hoping a release this week! :)

    I found another family on VJ (Stuck at NVC), but this will always be home! (F):luv:

    Have a great trip Chels. Hope the interview will go smoothly and that you'll be coming back with your sweety!

  5. Thank you Joe & Nadya for showing me the way here!!! It's reassuring to know that other people are going through the same thing...helps me to be a lot calmer since we've been in AP for 10 business days only (since March 20th 2009), but at the same time afraid that it can be a long time before we move on. I'm just soooooo annoyed by the people at NVC....it's frustrating not to know what's going on. it would make the wait so much easier to have a little info. but as someone else mentioned, maybe we should call once a week, or is it too soon? I'm even more mad that they intend on sending the file to the wrong consulate (Vancouver instead of Montreal), but luckily, the people in Vancouver are much more helpful and will forward the file to Montreal as soon as they receive it.

    Well you can have most of our info in my signature and timeline. I'm Julie, the non-USC, glad to be around people who understand! I loooove VJ!!! :lol:

    Welcome aboard Julie. Bienvenue a notre maison :)

    (I grew up in Ottawa, and still have family in Montreal. There's nothing like a good Schwartz' smoked meat sandwich!)

    You will get out of AP, just sit back and relax this will all pass in due course.

    Merci pour l'accueil!! I will try my best to relax....but can't promise anything. I'm so aggravated by the people at NVC and the situation, but hey! What can I do right? I just have to wait!

    Looking forward to share stres, frustrations, and of course joys with all of you! :)

  6. Thank you Joe & Nadya for showing me the way here!!! It's reassuring to know that other people are going through the same thing...helps me to be a lot calmer since we've been in AP for 10 business days only (since March 20th 2009), but at the same time afraid that it can be a long time before we move on. I'm just soooooo annoyed by the people at NVC....it's frustrating not to know what's going on. it would make the wait so much easier to have a little info. but as someone else mentioned, maybe we should call once a week, or is it too soon? I'm even more mad that they intend on sending the file to the wrong consulate (Vancouver instead of Montreal), but luckily, the people in Vancouver are much more helpful and will forward the file to Montreal as soon as they receive it.

    Well you can have most of our info in my signature and timeline. I'm Julie, the non-USC, glad to be around people who understand! I loooove VJ!!! :lol:

  7. Hello all,

    Does anyone know what NVC does during AP? I'm trying to call them and get info, just to know what's going on not to bug them to move faster, but all I get is a robot answer "M'am, the only information we can give you is that your case is in additional processing". It's so frustrating and it's starting to transpire when I call that I'm so aggrevaded by the supervisors at NVC, that I decided to let my calmer better half do the calling for me.. :lol:

    Could we be in AP for the simple fact that I changed my address? Oh yeah and on top of everything, they want to send our case to the wrong consulate know (Vancouver instead of Montreal). :angry:

    Thanks for your replies!

    hmm kim and russ had ap at nvc level but i think it was only like a week or two and not sure she ever found out why u could pm her and ask her about it


    Thanks Sara, I will do that.


  8. Hello all,

    Does anyone know what NVC does during AP? I'm trying to call them and get info, just to know what's going on not to bug them to move faster, but all I get is a robot answer "M'am, the only information we can give you is that your case is in additional processing". It's so frustrating and it's starting to transpire when I call that I'm so aggrevaded by the supervisors at NVC, that I decided to let my calmer better half do the calling for me.. :lol:

    Could we be in AP for the simple fact that I changed my address? Oh yeah and on top of everything, they want to send our case to the wrong consulate know (Vancouver instead of Montreal). :angry:

    Thanks for your replies!

  9. Hey again!

    Here's Vancouver's answer to my request:

    As far as I know, Montreal do process K visas. Unless they have recently changed their processing procedures which we are not aware of. Generally, we will forward your case to Montreal directly if you live in their Consular District. To date, we have not received your file from NVC.

    What is your new address???

    K visa unit

    Vancouver, Canada

    Guess I'll be going through Montreal after all! I'm gonna contact NVC to try and save time!

  10. Thank God I'm not alone in this situation!! I'm in Montreal and my file is also being sent to Vancouver :(

    I e-mailed both Vancouver and Montreal. Here's my answer from Montreal:

    Yes we do conduct K1 & K3 appts at our office. If your file is in Vancouver please contact their office to have them transfer your file to our office. You may reach them at 604-642-6621.

    Thank you


    From: Julie

    Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:03 PM

    To: Montreal, IV

    Subject: K1 visas - case number EAC.....


    My name is Julie, and my fiancé Dexter has filed the 129f petition that was approved on March 17th, 2009 by the Vermont service center. I called the National Visa Center on March 20th, 2009 to change my address from an address in Montreal to another address in Montreal. However the people at NVC tell me that my interview will be held in Vancouver instead of Montreal because they say that Montreal does not issue K1/K3 visas? Is that true? If so since when because I know of many people who received their K1 visa in Montreal.

    Also, I would like to know if it would be possible to transfer my file from Vancouver to Montreal and how would I go about it.

    Thank you for your reply,



    seems that it is possible to transfer but at what price? we are unsure of what we will do. I'm still waiting for Vancouver's reply. I think that what is happening is that Montreal is too busy so random cases are being sent to Vancouver. What pisses me off is that people at NVC don't know what they are talking about (including supervisors) when they say that Montreal NEVER dealt with K1s. It might be a good thing not to go to Montreal since there's more or less a 4month wait for an interview....and Vancouver makes an expensive trip so what to do??? we're still trying to figure it out.

    good luck to you!

  11. Oh Man! That stinks!!! I still have no idea whats going on with our case at NVC. I would take the Vancouver interview - Vancouver is faster! ;)

    It is faster but very expensive!!!! Besides I donèt get....why would they send me there if they do the exact same thing here! Nvc said today that our file should leave for Vancouver this week.....:(

    Have you seen this link http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...=188862&hl= ?

    Seems it's been happening to others too.

    Good Luck Julie. If Montreal is that backed up maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

    Thanks Laura! You are so resourceful!

    Kendra, I'm starting to feel this way also...I might just go with Vancouver although the trip will be expensive, it might be worth it. Dex and I are still debating wich option is the best. As of this Monday, we are still at NVC....and it's official, our daughters are dual citizens!!! :):)

  12. Hey guys, just to let everyone know I changed the info on the consulate page for the Medisys Clinic in Montreal...it went up to $215 from $210.

    Anyone who has already interview at the consulate in Montreal, I am taking my car, is there parking close by or should I just take the shuttle bus from my hotel by the airport? THANKS

    there are meters where you can only stay a max of 2 hours and there's a big parking lot that you could stay longer but for $$$$! if the shuttle bus brings you somewhere downtown, that will probably be your cheaper option. good luck!

  13. Hello all! I haven't seen much movement for Oct. filers at VSC lately...what's up with that??? They need to wake up!!! For those of you who are still waiting, STAY STRONG!!

    I'll take that advice for myself as well, since we are officially stuck in AP at NVC :crying: On top of it all a supervisor repeated to me that my interview will be in Vancouver instead of Montreal...I feel that they really don't know what they are talking about since I also follow a thread here on VJ about people waiting for interviews in Montreal. I'm going nuts since we can be stuck in AP for a while and then I might have to have the file transfered from Vancouver to Montreal - don't know how that works yet, and I hear that the delays to get and interview in Montreal is 4months!!!! :angry::crying:

    I thought that things would run smoothly for us as well after we get the NOA2, but noooooooo.....I feel even more helpless now......

    good luck everyone

  14. Hello all!

    I was waiting for my packet 3 to "officially" join this group, but I'm in a situation now that makes no sense to me.

    I've been a visitor here for a little while (I like to know what's coming ahead!), so I'm pretty sure I can find good advice. Here's our situation (you can find all the important dates in my signature):

    We got the notice of approval (NOA2) March 17th and I called NVC on the 20th to change my address - from one address in Montreal to another address in Montreal...I've lived here my whole life. After the lady changed my address she gave me another file number starting with VAN. I asked why VAN and she said that my interview will be in Vancouver....WHAT????? but I live in Montreal!!! She said: "M'am, all K1s in Canada are being dealt with by the Van consulate." I said, it's not possible I see all these people (refering to VJ) going through MOntreal if they are in Eastern Canada. She repeated that all K1s went through Van....

    I called my fiancé who called them as well. the person he spoke to said the lady i had spoken to made an error and that in fact I would go through Montreal. He then sent our file to "supervisory review" so the error could be corrected. Said to call back last Friday, which I did. Spoke to a supervisor who told me that I would not go through MTL, but VAN...WTH????? Repeated that all K1 in Canada go through VAN - or rather that all K1s leave NVC to go to VAN. I can't believe it...and to top it all, we are now stuck in AP at NVC for an indefinite period of time for reasons that cannot be disclosed according to the guidelines! I AM SOOOOO FRUSTRATED!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

    Has anyone else gone through the same thing? Did you all contacted VAN to have your file transfered to MTL? Am I missing something?? I also planned to contact VAN and MTL consulate to help shed some light as well...any thoughts? Thanks!

  15. Hello all!! Congrats on the new NOA2s :dance::dance:

    On a side note, I urge all of you to call NVC as soon as possible especially is there are more than one consulate dealing with K1s in your country. I just called them and was told that our file was going to Vancouver because that is the only consulate in Canada dealing with K1s... that's BS!!!!! I'm in Montreal and the consulate here deals with it to. I was trying to tell the lady that she was wrong but she wouldn't hear it. So she finally went to check with someone and came back with the same answer!?!?!?!? WTH???? Dex is on the phone with them now cause I couldn't get a hold of them....always busy....but for some reason a USC got a line right away....interesting!!!!!! LOL

    I REALLY don't want our file to go to Vancouver, cause I know it will be hell transfering it back to Montreal. For those of you who don't know, Vancouver is about a 6-7hour plane ride from here and very pricy :angry:

    I'll keep you posted!

    WHAT?! OMG!!!!!! I talked to NVC yesterday and they said they didn't have it input yet. Have you gotten your NOA2 in the mail? I receieved mine today and it said the consulate was Montreal. You? Keep me posted, please

    Well we're still waiting for the hard copy. When I called, the lady actually gave me the new case number which started with VAC.....When Dex called, the person who he talked to said that it was an error and that we are supposed to go Montreal not Vancouver. She told him to call back on Monday and she would run it by her supervisor. Thank God it didn't leave NVC!!! Hopefully, all will be back to normal on Monday. As for you, if the notice shows Montreal, I'm sure you are fine, but maybe you'd like to double check just for your peace of mind....good luck!

  16. Hello all!! Congrats on the new NOA2s :dance::dance:

    On a side note, I urge all of you to call NVC as soon as possible especially is there are more than one consulate dealing with K1s in your country. I just called them and was told that our file was going to Vancouver because that is the only consulate in Canada dealing with K1s... that's BS!!!!! I'm in Montreal and the consulate here deals with it to. I was trying to tell the lady that she was wrong but she wouldn't hear it. So she finally went to check with someone and came back with the same answer!?!?!?!? WTH???? Dex is on the phone with them now cause I couldn't get a hold of them....always busy....but for some reason a USC got a line right away....interesting!!!!!! LOL

    I REALLY don't want our file to go to Vancouver, cause I know it will be hell transfering it back to Montreal. For those of you who don't know, Vancouver is about a 6-7hour plane ride from here and very pricy :angry:

    I'll keep you posted!

  17. Hey Kendra!!!! Congrats!!!!! I'm sooooo happy for the 2 of you. i agree you are not over reacting. People can be very judgemental. I do hope that you write a letter to the Embassy because it might make a difference in somebody elses life. Sorry that you had to go through that, but guess what YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED TO THE MAN YOU LOVE!!!!! Just focus on that hun ;):luv:

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