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Posts posted by thirdsjen

  1. oh my gosh, DUH! of course i can send it in myself! i don't know why i kept thinking it has to come from my address over there.. my brain is soo tired.. thanks for pointing that out!

    it is quite expensive to send it fedex though.. about $30 and it will take 3 days. it's not a P.O. box, is it? because if it is, then my sister has to send it USPS

    i have read about the whole auto response too but nothing seems to solve my problem. you got an auto response, right?

    yesterday i just said to myself that some really big truck is passing, then when it wouldn't stop shaking and rolling, i started getting nauseated and decided it was indeed a REAL earthquake!

    i live on top of the San Andreas fault. in fact, if you drive by the 14 freeway, you can actually see the faultline. you pass through it.. weird, i know.. but for somebody who lives on top of the San Andreas fault, you would think that we would have some huge earthquakes, but we actually don't. most of the big earthquakes felt are farther out. but last big one i heard was back in 1999 in the Mojave desert. 7.1 i think. i don't remember that. where the heck was i?

    I got so used to them, I would just say "Oh, another earthquake".

    A year ago, I moved to Seattle from San Francisco. We would get them all of the time, it was normal. In Fact, I was in San Francisco in 1989 when they had the big one there during the World Series. I had just came out of the shower, so I was standing there naked thinking what should I do. Do I stand there or run out of my apartment naked? I just sttod there.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  2. yesterday i just said to myself that some really big truck is passing, then when it wouldn't stop shaking and rolling, i started getting nauseated and decided it was indeed a REAL earthquake!

    i live on top of the San Andreas fault. in fact, if you drive by the 14 freeway, you can actually see the faultline. you pass through it.. weird, i know.. but for somebody who lives on top of the San Andreas fault, you would think that we would have some huge earthquakes, but we actually don't. most of the big earthquakes felt are farther out. but last big one i heard was back in 1999 in the Mojave desert. 7.1 i think. i don't remember that. where the heck was i?

  3. That's what I am wondering.. I have his police certificate, translated and stamped as well as his birth certificate do I need to send them back?

    don't do anything yet.. if you are going to pursue CR1, then hold on to them, if K3, then send them back as you don't need them.. HE DOES

    waaah! steve beat me to answering! now i look like a dork! :D just kidding!


  4. before i got the IIN, the AVR just kept repeating that they entered it into their system on July 25, please wait 6-8 weeks for the beneficiary.. blah blah blah.. didn't say anything about sending the AOS fee, generating any DS-3032.

    as soon as i got my IIN, i immediately logged into the payment website.. Payment status for the AOS fee stated that it was invoiced so i went ahead and paid.. after that, status changed from INVOICED to IN PROCESS.

    the IV fee status is of course, NOT INVOICED at this time..

    so, i gave it 4 hours before i called NVC again to listen to the AVR. now it says that they received the AOS fee bill on July 30 and they will send further instructions within the next few weeks..

    That's great, Now, when your AOS shows paid online, you will be able to print the barcode page and send in the AOS package.

    Then sometime next week, your husband should receive an email saying they accepted the DS-3032.

    A few days after that they will invoice your IV bill, and you can pay that. After it shows paid, you can print the barcode page and send in the DS-230 package. And about a week later, you should have case complete.

    My prediction, you could have "Case Complete" the week of August 25th. Then the first week of September they can schedule your husband for an October interview. :thumbs:

    august 25th.. nice dream!!

    i won't even be back to the states until the 27th! so far, i have emailed the DS-3032 about 5x already. i haven't received any automated response. should i? still says IN PROCESS but then the west coast just woke up.. maybe the bank isn't even opened yet.. i don't know. just making myself feel better! hehe.. i hope by friday i can send the AOS package..

    by next week, the NBI clearance and his extra birth certificate will be ready. i will be there in the philippines already so i will just fedex it here to my sister.. she can then pay the IV fee online IF everything goes as planned!!

    steve, thank you so much!! valuable valuable advices!


  5. i feel tiny quakes here all the time but i just pretend it's a big truck passing by the house.. :wacko:

    yup, you submit those with the DS-230 when the time comes. remember, part 1 needs to be signed by Reda and part 2 he leaves unsigned. Sara just posted Loto's shortcuts.. it's been a great help! too bad he can't make NVC accept my DS-3032 right now! :lol:

    but IF you really want him here fast, and the k3 is approved as well, then just go with K3. you don't have to turn in anything, i believe. all the stuff that needs to be turn in you give to Reda to take with him to the interview.. something like that.. waaaah! bad advise! haha!

  6. i'm a geek so i carry two phones.. i have had my SMART number on roaming for almost 5 yrs now. use TMOBILE to reply then SMART to receive... then because i was spending all my money with texting, decided to give YM another try. so i registered my husband's cell with YM then i just text him through there. he replies to my SMART number. it used to work last year then it stopped working. but now it seems to be working just fine and i'm saving soo much money! i have the really old $2.99 for 500 txt messages from tmobile.. that doesn't exist anymore.

    SMART roaming is really easy. when i'm in the phils, i just text ROAM ON, send to 333 and i'm all set. but first, i make sure to load it with at least 100 pesos.. before i leave, i make sure i have at least 100 pesos, then i text ROAM OFF, send to 333.. then that's all the loading i ever do. if for some reason i don't receive any txt messages for a day, probably means that it needs to be reloaded. just have them eload you 30 pesos and you'll be fine..

    you can eload yourself. just go to ebay and search for smart eload..

    so there's my geeky story! :blush:

  7. good morning, girl! you should've been here in southern california. we had a nice little earthquake yesterday.. i was in the middle of typing in here too!

    what i meant by docs: his birth certificate, police clearance, marriage certificate, passport photos, biographical passport page.. i think that's about it. my brain is too tired to think right now..

    remember i showed you this before?

  8. well, we only lived together for 1 month after getting married then i came back here in the states.. that's what i put down for that question..

    as for evidences, just show your marriage certificate/license, marriage pics, any other pics of you together with other family members. i even sent in my wedding invitation. i also sent in a copy of my passport showing how many times i've visited him and the stamp of our honeymoon cruise: we went to singapore, malaysia, and thailand. sent it a couple pagees of my cell phone bill showing texts and numbers and that is about it, i think. can't remember! but you really won't have any other evidence of marriage since you will not be living together for that long..

    by the way, i got approved with CSC in 82 days.. hope this helps!

  9. i never heard the AVR telling me that anything has been generated. After a couple of days of hearing the #######, i decided to call and get my IIN. big mistake calling in the afternoon EST. they wouldn't give it to me. well, the lady didn't even probably know what that was. anyway, i waited again to call around 11 pm EST and this really nice lady just told me to hold on while she looks, then asked if this is for the AOS bill, then gave me the number right away, no problem!

    so then i logged into the payment website, saw that the AOS fee bill status showed INVOICED, i went ahead and paid it. it is now IN PROCESS as i type this.

    4 hours later i checked NVC's AVR, it finally changed to "we have received the AOS fee bill July 30, please wait blah blah blah weeks.."

    BUT, i tried emailing the DS-3032 for my husband and i can't get an automated response.

    did i jump too far ahead with this one since i didn't wait for them to generate the DS-3032??

    Dear Lord, please grant me patience NOW! :bonk:

  10. Jen, congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I hope ours will follow soon!

    By the way, the RFE Richard received is for his divorce papers. I130 didn't require it so we didnt include it in our first mail. It sucks that we have to wait again. I'm crossing my fingers it wont take another 3mos to have our NOA2. :huh:

    oh i hope that as soon as they receive the papers, they will approve it right away! good luck, sassy_girl!

    THIRDSJEN AND LONGBRANCH, CONGRATS TO BOTH OF YOU!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!........WE will get approved soon yeheeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!..hopefully

    wishing you were with CSC right now, couple0426! thank you! we are moving along with NVC at this time.. totally new world where something is always happening every week! love it!

  11. before i got the IIN, the AVR just kept repeating that they entered it into their system on July 25, please wait 6-8 weeks for the beneficiary.. blah blah blah.. didn't say anything about sending the AOS fee, generating any DS-3032.

    as soon as i got my IIN, i immediately logged into the payment website.. Payment status for the AOS fee stated that it was invoiced so i went ahead and paid.. after that, status changed from INVOICED to IN PROCESS.

    the IV fee status is of course, NOT INVOICED at this time..

    so, i gave it 4 hours before i called NVC again to listen to the AVR. now it says that they received the AOS fee bill on July 30 and they will send further instructions within the next few weeks..

  12. Rajaa, you are not the last.. i looked. hehehe... it just feels like you are the last..

    but then, don't you have to wait until January for your husband so that he can move back from spain? so you see, it's ok even if you are last.. :unsure: just trying to cheer you up, girl! although i don't think i'm doing a good job.. hehe

    FINALLY was able to get my IIN from a very nice lady at NVC! really is better to call at night rather than in the day. they're kinda mean during the day.. i don't know why.. so i was able to pay my AOS fee bill online.. it's showing IN PROCESS right now.. on the AVR, still keeps saying that my case was received on July 25, blah blah blah blah.. nothing about anything being generated.. the USCIS website still has my case pending not approved.. not one email from CRIS.. :wacko:

    off to email the DS-3032!

  13. and of course, TMOBILE had to cut my signal off!! there's no signal!!! what the heck! it was just a little earthquake!!

    sure, i'll just tell them that that Steve wanted to know when you guys are going to send his stuff over to Argentina.. they will for sure give me the answer to that one! haha!

    i give up.. i'm going to call when it is near their closing time tonight. i won't even mention paying online.. just say something like "i just want it for my records, please.." and hope that that will work..

  14. Yeah... a girl married a moroccan last month started their journey and we just found out he passed away this weekend. It's heart breaking he was so young and she so far there is nothing that can be done..... Started freaking me out again. Called my husband just to hear his voice I told him and he was calm as usual I love him so much.......

    how sad.. i don't even know what to say..

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