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    Naturalization (pending)
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    Philadelphia PA
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  1. a DHL package is en route to my fiancé from the consulate. We won't know what is in it - good or bad - until Monday or Tuesday.

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    2. monyfer


      I hope it is not an AP slip but another VJ member told me it happened to her that she got a DHL shipment and was so excited only to see that. But, I am staying positive! Thanks for reminding us not to open the pkg if its a visa......but we can open the DHL envelope right just not the envelope inside? I assume the passport w/visa would be apart...did u get your DHL tracking # yet?

    3. mugumogu


      I'm not sure if you can open the DHL envelope or not. We haven't got a tracking number yet. Your interview was 2 days before ours so there has been more time for a tracking number to be assigned. I hope we get one soon. It's weird that they didn't tell you one way or another about approval at the interview. I've read about that happening a few times, but I think all the stories I read about that, they just send out the visa. I would bet that's what's coming i...

    4. mugumogu


      in the mail for you. I told my fiancee that one of my Visa Journey friends (you) didn't know whether or not they got approved and we were concerned about that happening as well. She's been asking if there has been any updates for you so we have been following your situation. It sounds like it will be over for you soon.

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