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  1. We are indeed crossing Windsor/Detroit. I'm almost positive it's a visa program that's just for Chinese passport holders. But I appreciate the advice! Thank you!
  2. Hi! Thanks for this. Looking in to it on another forum, it looks as if it might be the EVUS program that was brought in in 2016. My wife is a Chinese citizen, with Canadian residency, and EVUS is just for Chinese B1,B2 or B1/B2 visa holders. Other issue we just realized is that her passport expires in early 2024, so it seems as if we're out of luck since the EVUS program needs at least a year's validity in the passport to apply for. But I appreciate your advice. Thank you!:)
  3. Hi all, First time here with a first time question. My wife, a Chinese citizen holding Canadian permanent residency, also holds a multiple-entry US visa. Mainly because of the pandemic, she hasn't been back to the United States in a few years. Before the pandemic though, we travelled to China out of Detroit Metro Airport. At the time of our crossing into Detroit, (January 2018), she was pulled into secondary screening because until that particular time she hadn't been into the United States for over a year. I can't quite remember what the exact phrasing was, but it definitely had something to do with the length of time between entering the country, and that to avoid delays in being processed at the border, she could pre-register in future for any other US trips. In a few weeks time, we are hoping to go to Detroit for a concert. We absolutely can not remember what this pre-registration was/is. I've tried Google and am unable to find anything. I've tried contacting various customs related numbers and that's been a dead-end as well. Would anyone here know what this pre-registration is? Again, she has a multiple entry visa, (which doesn't expire until June 2025) and has never been denied entry into any country. We just can't afford to be delayed at the border this particular time as we're attending a timed event. Thanks in advance for any hints or help! Paul
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