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Posts posted by mista

  1. On 1/31/2023 at 4:47 AM, B3zo_Mimo said:
    I am the petitioner for my mother who is suffering from Dementia. We have an interview schedule in the Lebanese consulate next week, and I just read on the website that the sponsor/petitioner cannot be present during the interview. I have legal guardianship.
    Did someone experience a similar situation? Were you able to attend the interview with your parent?


    Could you let me me know if (a) your mom's dementia was noted during her medical exam and (b) what questions were asked, if any, regarding her dementia during her interview? If you don't mind sharing your mom's age that I'd love to know that too. My dad (who has mild schizophrenia which we disclosed during his medical exam) has his interview next week and we're trying to figure out if there's any questions or paperwork we can possibly prepare for.

  2. My dad got his medical exam and truthfully answered the question about what mediations he is on. Which then prompted the question about what they were for -- he then gave them a letter from his doctor saying he has mild schizophrenia and that he has been stable for decades and travels frequently. The doctor said he would write exactly that on his form which would be submitted to the embassy electronically along with a scan of his doctors note. Interestingly there was no blood test (just his chest x-ray and 2 vaccines given at the same time as the exam).


    Anyone have thoughts on how this will play out during the interview so he can prepare for potential questions then about his schizophrenia? 

  3. 1 hour ago, DaryaDel said:

    On Step 3, you do not need to go back to Dr. unless the test results show another review with the Dr. They told us that if blood tests don't look good, he will call us and we need to go to see him, it may also then require x-rays .

    On my case, we were just able to send the Dr. the vaccine records via text instead of going to visit him again. Blood test results for my mom was OK and vaccine records sent to him via text, so only getting the exam package for the Immigration office


    Seems like it's a little different where my dad is. They were trying to schedule my dad for the day before the interview and said the embassy would get the results within 3 hours of the exam electronically. Not sure how that would leave any time go get vaccines or do follow ups later. We were able to (with some pleading because they said they're really busy) schedule the medical exam a week before the interview. Maybe they give vaccines and do x-rays to everyone during the medical exam is the only thing I can think of and it doesn't seem like there's any physical packages to take.

  4. 1 hour ago, DaryaDel said:

    we spread out the vaccines within 2-4 days depending how fast we could get an appointment at the pharmacies. He did suggest we should go to pharmacies as it is cheaper than going to primary care office for vaccines. 


    Oh I didn't know we could choose where to get the vaccines from -- we were assuming they would be giving the vaccines during the medical exam. Am I missing anything from the steps below?


    (1) medical exam which includes blood tests and current medication review

    (2) get vaccines from outside

    (3) go back to the doctor after all vaccines are done, and maybe get the chest x-ray done based on step (1)

    (4) get packet to take to the interview

  5. 59 minutes ago, DaryaDel said:

    Hi Mista, i had my mom's medical exams few week ago and the Dr. did ask if she has any mental issues which we answered no. Otherwise he just took some blood tests and chest listening and told us if the blood test results comes back , we may have to go for an x-ray or he will have a chat with us. Once again, the mental question was a quick one but he kind of looked very intensive and long at my mom when she answered.

    Thank you! This is super helpful -- couple of questions. Did the Dr ask for a list of medications your mom is on? My dad wouldn't be lying by saying he doesn't have mental issues since his condition is so mild and he's fully functional but he is taking medication so we don't want to lie about that. 


    59 minutes ago, DaryaDel said:

    *Forgot to mention, they require 5-6 vaccine records which we did not have for a 87 years old women during her move to U.S. So she had to take them all again. Make sure that you get those from his Dr. too

    Did your mom have to get all the vaccines on the same day as the exam? Or did they let her spread it out over a few days

  6. 8 minutes ago, nelmagriffin said:


    Read On page 9 of 14 of the form itself. 

    reference: Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record (uscis.gov)

    Oh this is helpful, thank you! This is the first time I've seen Form I-693 and I see that part 1 and 2 is to be filled out by the applicant -- is this something we need to print and fill out before the exam or will it be provided during the exam? I'm glad to know about this -- there's no way my dad would know his "Alien Registration Number (A-Number)" or his "USCIS Online Account Number" off the top of his head.


    Parts 5 through 10 are to filled out by the "civil surgeon" so maybe we can bring the form with parts 1 and 2 filled out to the exam?

  7. 9 minutes ago, nelmagriffin said:


    I think that you might want to read the following:

    reference: Medical Examinations FAQs (state.gov)

    What if the applicant has been treated or hospitalized for psychiatric or mental illness, or alcohol or drug abuse?


    Applicants treated or hospitalized for psychiatric or mental illness or alcohol or drug abuse must present written certification including the diagnosis, duration of treatment rendered, and prognosis.


    What if the applicant is being treated for a chronic medical condition or is taking medication on a regular basis?


    Applicants being treated for chronic medical conditions, or those taking medications on a regular basis, should be familiar with the medical conditions being treated, and the names of the medications they are taking. Applicants unsure of their diagnoses must present a certificate describing the condition(s), the current treatment, and prognosis with a list of prescribed medications.


    Thank you. These 2 questions (and answers) are helpful. We'll go ahead and have his doctor make a written certification of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and list of his medications to take to the medical exam in case they ask for it.


    Does anyone know if there will be a questionnaire (written or verbal) about mental health or (I'm hoping) it's just a physical exam with blood tests and x-rays and vaccinations.

  8. 21 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:
    So he has been diagnose with Residual schizophrenia

    Can he still be approved with residual/mind schizophrenia?


    21 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    It will be in  his medical exam 

    I don't think they can diagnose him since it's mild schizophrenia with an exam. Or will there be a written questionnaire?



  9. 12 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    (b) If asked, he must disclose it during the medical.

    I don't see any issues.  However, medical care is very expensive.  He will not be able to receive Medicare for 5 years. Even that will be costly.  I wish the very best for you and your family (I am 70 years old, myself). 

    I noticed you phrased it as "if asked" in which case we definitely will not lie about it. So if he's not asked there's no need to voluntarily disclose it?


    Thank you for your well wishes and I understand that medical care is expensive. Being there for and caring for my aging dad after everything he's done for me is something I very much want to do and moving to where he is to do that would be more difficult.

  10. Hi everyone. I am a US citizen helping apply for a IR5 visa for my dad and I see that there's a medical exam he will have to go through. He has had mild schizophrenia for over 50 years and is stable and even come to visit me in the United States over a dozen times without any problem on a tourist visa before. Our questions are:


    (a) especially since he doesn't have harmful behavior (and he's over 70 anyway) will he qualify?

    (b) since he has a mild case do we need to disclose it during the medical exam to keep things simple?


    Thank you for any thoughts or suggestions

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