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Everything posted by 00_Clara_00

  1. In this type of court, which is always held, a complaint is made by the plaintiffs (us) to the US Federal Court against the US Embassy due to the excessive delay in the visa case. The embassy itself has allowed such a complaint to all interviewees after six months have passed since the interview. And the court has its own specific time frames and complexities that I won't go into details at the moment, it's just good to know that there is a deadline by which the embassy must have answered the visa cases, which for us is the deadline of January 27. After that, the embassy can request an extension time in reviewing the case or give out the result. The whole point of court is speeding up the administrative process. I appreciate is if you tell me when the US embassies will start their work in the new year, if you know.
  2. Hi everyone, I had F1 visa unterview on late May 2022 in Yerevan. Due to delay in administrative process I deferred to spring semester starting on Feb 7. I am exhausted, frustrated, broken and feel any negative feeling that comes to your mind. I really appreciate it if you say anything thay could help me. have several problems, I devide them into three parts: 1-I hired lawyer in a group case of five people and the court due is on Jan 27, 2023. Unfortunately, I am the only one remaining from that group and other four students were cleared 27 days after the starting court! Does this have something to do with program starting date? Because mine start in Feb and theirs start in Jan. 2-Why is this taking so long? Do you have any information why a visa processing is taking this much long? Why some people are cleared 70 or 60 days after interview and some, like me, have to wait more than 200 days!!!!!!! (My case had no problem according to the lawyer) 3-Also, I noticed the last case cleared from US embassy in Yerevan was Dec 28, 2022. No one is cleared since new year. Is there a reason for it? Do you know when the embassy might start clearing cases in 2023? Thank you.
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