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New Romantics

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Posts posted by New Romantics

  1. 31 minutes ago, camtex said:

    CONGRATS!!! @New Romantics when/how did you get the notice?! I am an October 14 filer as well, if that means anything at all 😅

    omg another one yay!! i just looked up my case status online (as i do every morning lol) and there it was !!! couldnt believe my eyes for a few seconds at all haha. wishing you a speedy approval!! keep an eye out in case you hear back today!

  2. 2 hours ago, AndiB said:

    Go to that link. It'll tell you what the expectation is per document per country. Just find your countries instead of Italy.


    I can't remember which country but I've helped someone and they weren't expected to get a police cert because it was only available to residents so if you'd moved it was impossible to obtain so US didn't require one.


    Majority of countries have a way to obtain it from abroad though.

    Ohh thank you! I think I'm gonna call the US embassy where I will interview and ask them to see if they need one. I think they will because I'm a citizen but we'll see

  3. 2 hours ago, AndiB said:

    you don't need to enter Italy to obtain it. Generally US won't expect a police record from a country that requires you enter the country (unless you are a current resident) as they're aware not everyone can just go pick one up or afford to fly somewhere just for a document.


    Check police records here, it lists instructions on how to obtain police record without being present in Italy

    Have you read this somewhere? First time hearing this but it's of importance to me because I hold two citizenships

  4. 26 minutes ago, AndiB said:

    Ah yes it's very different to europe, I grew up in a similarly open place and houses were fairly spaced out, living with a shared wall was not even a norm outside of apartments 😂


    I've lived in 4 countries (5 if you wanna count scotland) and 2 never felt like home, bf's place does so I'm excited. If you love the feeling of being there I'm sure you'll love living there 😍

    The appreciation of open space never really goes away, I personally find European cities exhausting although I know US will have similar, like NY!

    100%. I love nature and big open spaces so I enjoy every moment I'm there! I'll be visiting this summer (last time I was there was last October) and I can't wait! I wanna go to California this time haha

  5. 15 minutes ago, AndiB said:

    I agree! US is so big it's difficult to completely write off I feel. There's a lot of Kansas I wouldn't wanna live but he's in a very liberal, friendly area. He also lives near family and we get on so I'm excited to move there.


    Also originally from South Africa so I find UK waaayyyy to claustrophobic for me, look forward to wide open empty space again 

    I think you will like it just fine, especially if you have friends and family! 


    I had never really been many places before I visited the US, specifically Arizona (which in my opinion is an incredibly beautiful state, a must see for sure). I was floored when I did! It is so big and wide and everything feels spacious and like you can breathe. I grew up in a very densely populated European capital so to me it was like a different world.

  6. 1 minute ago, AndiB said:

    You're the only one to say so 😂

    I was fortunate enough to be a phd student last yr so did 3 trips, two were 2months so yeah. I really like his town, dunno if I could stay there long term, I'm used to the ocean and cities but at least while his nephew is growing up!

    Aw that's so sweet! I think it truly depends where you are in a state. There are great places to live in every state! The US is amazing in terms of diversity. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ChiuA said:

    USCIS is truly something else lmao first their website sucked and then everything is a fiesta lmao haha. I def have an earlier range than u (seeing ur range on the bottom so very confusing lol) Honestly once this is all done we should meet up and eat food :)😕😆 USCIS should pay us our michelin star food xd 

    Totally haha. Is anyone here moving to the Southwest when they get their k1?

  8. 5 minutes ago, AndiB said:

    I get that. I'm 100% dreading waiting every day and seeing others getting theirs however even with a delay at this point, unless it's an extreme I should have an approval a lot earlier than I expected. When I filed we were looking at 22-24months until they got to oct 2022 filers, now it's 10-12 months so even if I wait an extra 6 months, it'll still be 4-6months sooner than best case at filling.


    I know I'm going to lose it with stress and upset when my time comes unless I'm lucky but I'm trying to be grateful for it being sub 2yrs 🙏


    I think early 2022 filers (and before) expected about this or better at filling so it's maybe not really an improvement, esp if they're in the last 20% 

    Yeah I think people who filed late 2022 knew very well how bad the situation was so everything looks like an improvement to us. On the other hand, those that had filed earlier expected a shorter waiting time so they got disappointed as time went on and the waiting times rose. Unrelated, but I think the 93% processed statistic which dictates when you can inquire about your case will go down by the end of the year, probably to something like 14 months or so. I can't see them having enough of a backlog at that point to justify keeping a small amount waiting 16.5 months or more.

  9. 12 minutes ago, AndiB said:

    Yeah we're going to do a ceremony of essentially a small elopement to get everything signed and start AOS ASAP then have a reception etc prob 2nd Oct with family. My family needs warning for flights etc anyway. I also realised I would quite like a day just him and I rather than having to worry about an event and guests etc. Does mean we're going to have to work out what date we want as an anni after we have visa though 😂

    Haha I have thought about the double anniversary as well! I wouldn't mind getting two gifts a year. I deserve it for putting up with this process 🤣

  10. 36 minutes ago, AndiB said:

    I originally wanted to get married on our anni, 2nd oct 2024 and was so stressed it wouldn't happen and I'd end up with a winter wedding cause yeah fall 2024 was absolute earliest, now it's like....oct 2nd is too late 😂

    Ha! I had thought of a great date myself for August 2024 but I don't see it happening now. I really wanted a summer wedding. We might just do a civil ceremony in the winter once I get my k1 and then a proper wedding later, in the summer. I won't complain no matter what, this whole process makes you grateful for even having then opportunity to marry your significant other

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