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Posts posted by pcana

  1. Hi guys! :luv:

    After a two-long week vacay of my husband in Pinas, we had our flight Feb25 and reached LAX @ 6pm. Biyahe was smooth, Immigration here was okay as well.

    We are extremely happy now, and his family too! Though my family in Pinas cried a lot, but they kept it at bay and I called them up naman as soon as I get here.

    Actually I just woke up, hehe.. cant sleep that much so cold here. :lol:

    Now i am searching what to do next, hehe, but we'll give ourselves a week of gala here first... :lol:

    Anybody knows what should i do next? :lol::yes:

    Viva Vj! :luv:

    -jyz (F)

    So, can i have some happy dance here? :yes:

    :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: Happy for you guys!! I know the feeling!!! my hubby just arrived on the 16th and I CAN"T GET ENOUGH OF HIM!!

    Just enjoy each other to the MAX..

    Good Luck and God bless


  2. Caro,

    Debería estar con colombianos "paisas" porque revolvemos mucho el ud. con el vos. Es una revoltura toda loca. :P


    Hola a todos:

    Ya volvi, estuve una semana de vacaciones y me la pase de lo mas nice,mi esposo gracias a Dios ya esta conmigo,llego el 16 de feb y ya vio la nieve jajajajjajaj parecia un niñito ay como me goze eso Dios mio!! ahora a ver lo q viene estoy un poco confundida en cuanto a lo que se tiene q hacer ahora en cuestiones de inmigracion(mi mayor deseo seria no volver a oir esa indeseable palabra) pero es necesario saber q hacer despues del arrivo.

    Bueno a todos q tengan una linda tarde y a Len gracias a Dios q no te salio nada malo en los estudios y al resto de los chicos un saludo!!!

    PS en El Salvador igual hablamos de vos,ud o tu,dependiendo del nivel de confianza q tengas con la persona


  3. HI all

    just got signed as NEWBEE.........

    I just moved from FBI ...was told VJ is good site and with lot of good ppl to help me to sail my boat....across ocean to bring my wife into my arms...did not think this is going to be long and hard journey ..

    I filed I-130 on 1/8/08

    NOA-1 on 2/8/08 from VSC

    filed I-129 (k3 )on 2/22/08

    touched VSC on 2/25/08

    Consulate :chennai, INDIA

    I think I am literally confused which way I am going in ..needs help from you all ..what to expect next??

    appreciate if we become friends to help each other if any going through or had gone through same as mine (VSC, Chennai, INDIA) .....so I can understand process better and I can prepare myself in advance..

    any help appreciated ....

    Thanks all ........wishing you all good luck

    Welcome!! wishing you a fast and speedy process,I'm sure you'll find anwers to your questions or concerns here.

    Be strong it will pay off

    God bless

  4. Pcana, thats how i feel about the Prayer for Husbands/Wives book too! It was really good and has lots of ways and things to pray about for a blessing on your marriage. Yes THE most powerful tool is prayer in a marriage. I realize that I have a cap on the anger level I can get to when I actively pray....and we all know anger in a cancer in a marriage or relationship. I love the fact that I look to a higher power...THE highest power for guidance and strength and it truly has done wonders in our relationship too. I think I'll order the Hagee book too. I like the idea that its two books in one and me and hubby can read it together.

    Hi Marlita:

    Same here,there's a lot of issues including anger that I feel it comes between me and my husband sometimes but at this point knowing I can't overcome certain issues on my own, I just put it in God's hand, He's the only one who can change hearts and minds and trust me my husband is very patient with me and I love him for that but most of all I just Thank our heavinly father for giving me the most beautiful gift ever a Christian husband where we both know that God has the answers for whatever difficulties or differences that we may face as a married couple.

    God bless you!!

  5. In tune with Valentine's Day coming, I wanted to bump this thread.

    JATam, I ordered those books... The Power of a Praying Husband/Wife, and I must say I LOVE them! :thumbs:

    I got them off Amazon.com about 3 weeks ago and have already read pretty much both of them. Thanks so much for this suggestion, I reccommend it to any husband and wife. I got the "husband' book for my man as a Valentine's gift and will be giving it to him this weekend. I think he'll REALLY like it. This book came right on time for me personally and I think that its a good resource for any Christian household...actually ANY household. Of course it is all about prayer and the effects that it can have in a positive manner on your marriage. Very useful subjects that I believe ALL people come to have questions on whether they are practing Christians or not. I think both partners having a copy and praying for one another and together would be a great benefit to the relationship. (L)

    Thanks Tam!

    Funny how I told you about it and I have yet to get a copy of it for my husband :lol: I am going to get it for him, plus at one time he wanted me to get the book written by John Hagee and his wife, "What Every Woman/Man Wants". It's 2 books in 1.

    Hi guys:

    I highly recomend this book(John Hagee) it's such a wonderful book, it has to part one for the wife and one for the husband, you can compare notes with your husband as you read it, It has make wonders in the relationship with my husband and make us understand better how we can overcome any differences that we may have.

    But the most powerful tool we christians have is PRAYING...

    God is good I love my LORD and praise and glory for HIS NAME

  6. Mi prometida y yo platicamos del proceso de inmigrar a EUA para que podamos estar juntos para siempre. Hemos empezado leer los foros aquí antes de llenar los formularios para entender cuales son los requisitos por el gobierno de EUA.

    Por leer un poco de aquí ya entendemos que el proceso es largo y de mucho estrés y también que las siguientes ideas debemos tomar en cuanta. Qué opinan ustedes? Hay algo mas que debemos considerar?

    El proceso de inmigrar como novio/a o esposo/a es verdad una prueba del amor y la perseverancia en un tiempo en que muchos parejas recién de ser comprometidos o acaban de casarse. Cada uno tiene que hacer su parte, no importa de cual lado de la frontera estén ellos.

    Sí, es un gran cambio de la vida para la persona se case con un/a americano/a y se mueva a su país. Afecta cada aspecto de su vida: emocional, financiero, cultural, carrera, familia, y aun más importante, la dirección de su futuro. Cada uno de la pareja tiene que confiar en el compromiso y en su pareja.

    Es difícil comenzar a pensar como pareja temprano en una relación o un matrimonio, pero eso es lo que tiene que suceder si la petición de la visa y la vida conyugal después van a ser exitosos. Algunas parejas no lo hacen. Su resolución común no es bastante fuerte. Una pareja pueda todavía pensar como individuo. Incluso si se concede la visa, un patrón ha estado establecido de una persona cargando todo mientras el otro no hace nada.

    Pienso que si una pareja no está en la misma página, cada uno haciendo su parte para entender y para apoyar el proceso de la visa, entonces no presagia bien para su vida futura juntos.

    Esto es un compromiso de 2 sean novios o esposos,este proceso es demasiado desgastante como para q una parte cargue mas q la otra se necesita mucha paciencia y como dije antes un compromiso mas que todo moral y afectivo para aprender a enfrentar las cosas dificiles juntos comenzando con este dificil camino llamado INMIGRACION,lo mas importante es mantenese unidos y no dejar q el stress,la angustia,la espera y todo lo demas tenga algun efecto en la relacion de pareja,a veces siento q despues de todo lo vivido soy capaz de enfrentar lo q sea con Dios primero y con mi esposo a mi lado,esta es la prueba mas grande amor q he experimentado en mi vida vivir esta pesadilla juntos....

    Pesadilla,eso es lo que nos hace el USCIS. :angry:

    Es dificil desprenderse de este sentimiento q a veces nos abruma tanto,aunque en nuestro caso ya todo paso gracias a Dios pero a veces todavia puedo sentir el trauma tan horrible q me ha dejado esta experiencia,deberiamos de demandarlos por TORTURA MENTAL pero bien al fin de cuentas lo que importa es llegar a ese momento del tan ansiado encuentro con nuestro ser amado,es un largo y tortuoso camino pero la recompensa es GRANDE!!!!!!

    Si,la recompensa es grande pero ellos tampoco deberian de ser tan abusivos.Me imagino que hay otras formas de averiguar si una persona esta en una relacion falsa.Por unos no deberian pagar todos.

    No se habran otras formas de comprobarlo pero lo que si se q con nosotros se pasaron de la raya en la entrevista q tuvimos,te sientes tan impotente y vulnerable,la verdad es q no he visto en estos foros del vj algo parecido a la experiencia q vivimos en el consulado salvaradorenño,son unos barbaros y te tiran a matar,no se andan con contemplaciones ay es horrible pero ya paso y gracias a Dios mi esposo llega este sabado,me cuesta creerlo pero es cierto me da miedo pensar q esto es solo un sueño y voy a despertar a la horrible realidad de seguir esperando,estoy traumada creo yo

  7. Hola a todos que bueno encontrar este foro, estoy un poco asustada, obtuve mi visa fiance a finales de enero, tengo programado viajar a finales de febrero cuando termine un curso. Tuve un ex novio americano que cuando estuve alla era un guache complet, por eso me vine. Conocí un hombre super lindo que mi actual prometido y ya tenemos todo listo para irnos. Mi preocupacion es la siguiente...Cuando regrese de USA, por vengarme de mi ex y su mal trato, me meti a su correo electronico adividando la pregunta secreta, descubrí muchos email de otras niñas que el estab engañando y lo que hize fue reenviarlos a todas de tal manera que supieran ellas que el las estaba engañando y se dieran cuenta de la clase de guache que es. El por su intuicion y a raiz de todos los problemas, esta seguro que fui yo la que hize, eso y amenazo con que hablo en INS y que yo tendria seguro problmeas para entrar a USA,en caso de que decida volver aUSA.Pues segun el lo que hize fue un delito.

    Mi pregunta y preocupacion es esa...UDS creen que me puede afectar mi entrada a USA?,




    Me voy a tratar de explicarme en espanol, pero si no me entiende quisas alguien mas puede traducir mis palabras para ud.

    Ud. ya tiene su K1 visa....asi gue hasta el punto cuando ud recibio su visa su ex novio no "hablo con INS" para causar problemas para ud. Ademas eso es una pura mentira que el dijo nada mas para que ud. tenga miedo. Que hizo, entrar en el e-mail de otro sin autorizacion, no es una cosa buena (quisas es ilegal tambien, no se los leyes de 'internet') pero eso no tiene nada que ver con la visa or con immigracion. Quisas si ud estaba viviendo en estados unidos sin visa, y este hombre queria hacerle dano, podria el informar a ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) y asi causarla problemas....pero asi no tiene nada que hacer.

    I'm going to try to explain myself in spanish, but if I'm not successful, perhaps someone else can translate what I write.

    You already have your K1 visa, so up to the minute you received that visa your ex boyfriend did "not speak w/ INS to prevent you or cause you problems for your re-entry in the US. Furthermore, that is just one big lie designed to make you fearful. What you did, accessing someone's e-mail without authorization, is not a good thing (perhaps even illegal, internet law is still unclear in many places) but this has nothing to do w/ the visa or immigration process.

    Maybe, if the situation was different...you had overstayed your visa and this ex wanted to do you harm, he could have informed ICE in the hopes that it would cause you problems....but even that is a stretch....There is nothing he can do.


    Crystal clear.... very well said

  8. We sent packet 3 to the embassy as required January 15th, we are waiting for packet 4.. and for what i know you can schedule the interview when you receive packet 4, but how long does the embassy take to give u the appoinment date? like if they give it with 2 weeks in advance or how long?

    Does anybody know about that?

    thanks :)

    Hi there:

    Just be prepare for the waiting,ES embassy is very slowwwww,our case was for CR1 which is a different procedure from k1 in our case NVC schedule the interview(thank God) but still took 2 months for the interview after our case was complete.

    Good Luck

    Thanks pcana!

    You are right, they are super slow!... But Im hoping that they will give me a date soon :D

    I've heard about people that schedule the appoinment within 2 weeks , so Im just wondering if that is possible for anyone?

    It's been 2 months since our case reached the embassy and this seems to get more slow with the time.

    I guess theres no other choice but wait :(:unsure:

    Hello again:

    I guess the US embassy in ES is one the bussiest, God!!! the day my husband and I ahd our interview it was literally crowed,there were so much people.

    Just try to be on top and make sure you collect all the requested paperwork for the interview,you'll be fine and trust me I know how difficult the "waiting" is but Hang in there, I'm sure you'll be hearing the good news soon

    God Bless


  9. Hola a todos que bueno encontrar este foro, estoy un poco asustada, obtuve mi visa fiance a finales de enero, tengo programado viajar a finales de febrero cuando termine un curso. Tuve un ex novio americano que cuando estuve alla era un guache complet, por eso me vine. Conocí un hombre super lindo que mi actual prometido y ya tenemos todo listo para irnos. Mi preocupacion es la siguiente...Cuando regrese de USA, por vengarme de mi ex y su mal trato, me meti a su correo electronico adividando la pregunta secreta, descubrí muchos email de otras niñas que el estab engañando y lo que hize fue reenviarlos a todas de tal manera que supieran ellas que el las estaba engañando y se dieran cuenta de la clase de guache que es. El por su intuicion y a raiz de todos los problemas, esta seguro que fui yo la que hize, eso y amenazo con que hablo en INS y que yo tendria seguro problmeas para entrar a USA,en caso de que decida volver aUSA.Pues segun el lo que hize fue un delito.

    Mi pregunta y preocupacion es esa...UDS creen que me puede afectar mi entrada a USA?,





    No te aflijas tanto, si es un delito o no realmente no se pero de que puedas tener problema a tu entrada a EU lo dudo mucho,asi que relajate y confia en Dios q todo saldra bien.



  10. We sent packet 3 to the embassy as required January 15th, we are waiting for packet 4.. and for what i know you can schedule the interview when you receive packet 4, but how long does the embassy take to give u the appoinment date? like if they give it with 2 weeks in advance or how long?

    Does anybody know about that?

    thanks :)

    Hi there:

    Just be prepare for the waiting,ES embassy is very slowwwww,our case was for CR1 which is a different procedure from k1 in our case NVC schedule the interview(thank God) but still took 2 months for the interview after our case was complete.

    Good Luck

  11. Mi prometida y yo platicamos del proceso de inmigrar a EUA para que podamos estar juntos para siempre. Hemos empezado leer los foros aquí antes de llenar los formularios para entender cuales son los requisitos por el gobierno de EUA.

    Por leer un poco de aquí ya entendemos que el proceso es largo y de mucho estrés y también que las siguientes ideas debemos tomar en cuanta. Qué opinan ustedes? Hay algo mas que debemos considerar?

    El proceso de inmigrar como novio/a o esposo/a es verdad una prueba del amor y la perseverancia en un tiempo en que muchos parejas recién de ser comprometidos o acaban de casarse. Cada uno tiene que hacer su parte, no importa de cual lado de la frontera estén ellos.

    Sí, es un gran cambio de la vida para la persona se case con un/a americano/a y se mueva a su país. Afecta cada aspecto de su vida: emocional, financiero, cultural, carrera, familia, y aun más importante, la dirección de su futuro. Cada uno de la pareja tiene que confiar en el compromiso y en su pareja.

    Es difícil comenzar a pensar como pareja temprano en una relación o un matrimonio, pero eso es lo que tiene que suceder si la petición de la visa y la vida conyugal después van a ser exitosos. Algunas parejas no lo hacen. Su resolución común no es bastante fuerte. Una pareja pueda todavía pensar como individuo. Incluso si se concede la visa, un patrón ha estado establecido de una persona cargando todo mientras el otro no hace nada.

    Pienso que si una pareja no está en la misma página, cada uno haciendo su parte para entender y para apoyar el proceso de la visa, entonces no presagia bien para su vida futura juntos.

    Esto es un compromiso de 2 sean novios o esposos,este proceso es demasiado desgastante como para q una parte cargue mas q la otra se necesita mucha paciencia y como dije antes un compromiso mas que todo moral y afectivo para aprender a enfrentar las cosas dificiles juntos comenzando con este dificil camino llamado INMIGRACION,lo mas importante es mantenese unidos y no dejar q el stress,la angustia,la espera y todo lo demas tenga algun efecto en la relacion de pareja,a veces siento q despues de todo lo vivido soy capaz de enfrentar lo q sea con Dios primero y con mi esposo a mi lado,esta es la prueba mas grande amor q he experimentado en mi vida vivir esta pesadilla juntos....

    Pesadilla,eso es lo que nos hace el USCIS. :angry:

    Es dificil desprenderse de este sentimiento q a veces nos abruma tanto,aunque en nuestro caso ya todo paso gracias a Dios pero a veces todavia puedo sentir el trauma tan horrible q me ha dejado esta experiencia,deberiamos de demandarlos por TORTURA MENTAL pero bien al fin de cuentas lo que importa es llegar a ese momento del tan ansiado encuentro con nuestro ser amado,es un largo y tortuoso camino pero la recompensa es GRANDE!!!!!!

  12. Hi! I got here in US through k1 fiance visa. During the day of our marriage he almost got killed me in the car. Then he told me that he just needed me here to become his housemaid and if i dont want to,he told me to go back to Philippines. After that event,things have changed.He always yell at me and blame me for a miserable life. I cannot just call a police because he warned me already that if i will call a police He dont know what he can do to me.I am scared. Then last night and several times he told me to choose between: to go back home or to wait for the greencard then he will divorce me. What kind of husband is he?Just because i told him that he will be the one to wash the dishes he used,he wants me to choose between those two options..Please do help.we didnt file adjustment of status yet,but it is set on friday which i dont know if he wants to or not.What will i do?

    No much to offer here but please be safe!! look for help ,follow the advise of the most experiences people here

    God bless you.

  13. Congratulations!!!


    you know how i feel, such a great attitude and soon xxxxxx your mate will be with you - Thank you for the encouraging words and my hugs and only the very best to you and yours - tell your mate this "WELCOME TO AMERICA" from Kris and I yes lolxxxxxxx

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words!!!!!!!

    Gosh I see my original posts and it sounds like I'm giving a speech after receiving an OSCAR jajajja like like to thank.....

    I'm so happy and I'll be happier when all of you receive the GOOD NEWS soon!!!!!!!!!

    Love and God bless

  14. see unapologetic people who believe they are somehow entitled to more than others and I'm not impressed with the attitude. If you want to be like a spoiled child and call the RFE line for something o ther than its stated purpose, don't expect anyone to approve or to be upset that someone there gave you a hard time. Becky probably has to deal with dozens of people just like you every day and I'm sure that it wears on the staff.

    .............................................I think Becky has more than a dozen people to deal with and for obvious reasons. To categorize the OP as unaplogetic is somewhat shallow, he made a remark, he said yeah I am sorry, lets stop bashing each other and try to say something a little more constructive than your a child, your spoiled.

    The RFE trick can be useful in certain situations (hmmm Gogo where did you go lol) but I believe that the OP has figurered out that calling every day is not going to gain him any more information that they day before. Could be wrong, and if so, well then ok -

    If people chose certain avenues to pursue and there are many examples on this forum, whether it be Congress person, Senator, media, then God Bless them for that is there right. But to state this paragraph ....

    "When my kids get in trouble for talking in class, I tell them they are stealing from the rest of the students. They are stealing time, attention and resources. They do it because they are immature and also they think that whatever they have to say is the most important thing in the world. But of course, they are wrong."

    SUSIE YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs:

    Apply to the children who do not know what is going on and then look closely at this situation and ask yourself, do we know what is going on? Answer I think is the same in both cases. Problem is that we paid for a service, and expected certain guidelines. We learned that they no longer apply.

    Stealing time, draining the resources - time yes, but again, if the resources were accurate then I guess we would not have to even debate this subject. **Hence Maybe why Becky is having a bad day hmmmm could be ya think?" I should try this when I am having a bad day and see what happens - the calls I get are beyond this and yet if I told them basically "whatever", guess what, bye bye 125% of poverty guideline -

    Re read the post he was told that the application was being given or had been given to an adjudicator - ok did this happen??????? That is the rant....

    Chapter Two:

    What we have to say is the most important thing in OUR WORLD right now, and since we can not fight the battles of sending more troops or bringing troops home from IRAQ, economy, health care, school issues, as we all know that our voices are but a mere squeak, then hence where does one come off telling someone that they are immature - maybe upset, frustrated and above and beyond, not understanding what is going on since no one really is saying it in plain language to the people. They admitted in the outline from last month about the I-130 fiasco in a great useless memo from the head hefa - typical - But immature - hmmmm

    Tis but an opinion but again, who are we to say what is right for the OP - and one other item someone mentioned......we have the god send of seeing our SO's during this time....no ....this is not the case for quite a few of us. Another issue another day.

    Cheers and good luck mates on this journey - at least we can support each other and walk in each others shoes and understand.

    bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh USCIS





  16. Why are ppl calling 'using' the RFE line as if this is some standard procedure? :unsure: I see others asking for "instructions" on how to "do the RFE trick"... :huh:

    I understand the frustration, of not hearing anything for months....but calling the service center's RFE dedicated line only to ask them to check the status of your case, is in effect trying to "jump ahead of the line". Then to call every single day....well there's some selfishness there. It just so happens that the OP got someone on the "RFE line" who called him on being selfish....and now she's the rude one?! :blink:

    We don't liken USCIS to a "black hole" for nothing.


    I have to agree..... if this line you are calling is for the people who have got a RFE and you are using it to try to get info about your non-RFE case then you are trying to jump the gun..... how would you feel if you got a RFE and were trying to find out important info about the RFE and you could not get through all because of people abusing the RFE line to pester the USCIS about your case..... sorry but that is out and out wrong.... if it were a general info line then yeh call every couple of weeks if you must but to abuse a line that is not ment for general calls is SELFISH.....

    Wait till you all get to AOS stage or Removal Stage where you can wait for months or even years to hear anything with no phone numbers to call....


    Easy for you to say when you have your wife/husband with you and the wait doesn't seem like an eternity

    Good for those who have the ability to be patient, every situations is diferent though,we're all different and act in different ways!!! just my opinion

    You may wish to remember that most of us that are almost at the end of this visa journey have been where you are right now.... we all had to learn patience and yes some find it easier than others..... but to call a number that is not a general enquiry number and then be angry because they dont help you is just silly..... the number is there for people who have received a RFE not for everyone to use to chase up their case as and when they feel the need....

    Sure if you feel your case is taking too long write to everyone you can think of.... make an infopass appointment at your local office and talk to a immigration officer about it.... but dont use a dedicated line as a general info line and then complain when it does not get you what you want....


    did you have to wait 7 months for your petition to be aproved? again sometimes we have to take extreme measures to make things happen!!!!!!

  17. Why are ppl calling 'using' the RFE line as if this is some standard procedure? :unsure: I see others asking for "instructions" on how to "do the RFE trick"... :huh:

    I understand the frustration, of not hearing anything for months....but calling the service center's RFE dedicated line only to ask them to check the status of your case, is in effect trying to "jump ahead of the line". Then to call every single day....well there's some selfishness there. It just so happens that the OP got someone on the "RFE line" who called him on being selfish....and now she's the rude one?! :blink:

    We don't liken USCIS to a "black hole" for nothing.


    I have to agree..... if this line you are calling is for the people who have got a RFE and you are using it to try to get info about your non-RFE case then you are trying to jump the gun..... how would you feel if you got a RFE and were trying to find out important info about the RFE and you could not get through all because of people abusing the RFE line to pester the USCIS about your case..... sorry but that is out and out wrong.... if it were a general info line then yeh call every couple of weeks if you must but to abuse a line that is not ment for general calls is SELFISH.....

    Wait till you all get to AOS stage or Removal Stage where you can wait for months or even years to hear anything with no phone numbers to call....


    Easy for you to say when you have your wife/husband with you and the wait doesn't seem like an eternity

    Good for those who have the ability to be patient, every situations is diferent though,we're all different and act in different ways!!! just my opinion

  18. Now I am going to have 2 backpacks (one for just pictures , so you can tell how many there will be).. at least there will be 5 photo albums (wedding photos, my trip photos, our tour trip - honeymoon, even regular visits with her family members, aunts + uncles, photos of us with BOTH parents)... about 500 pictures at least... I'll be adding more and more this weekend... the other backpack would be just the folders (along with the evidence)...

    read more about what I would bring here (as not to repeat) :


    now, I decided to bring a portable DVD player (to SHOW THEM two DVDs)... 1) wedding studio developed pictures (4 songs included while pictures play in the background).. 2) wedding studio developed of our "car parade" (we had 7 cars) when I was picking up my wife.. :blush: she is so pretty!! :lol:(L) and also video from the wedding dinner where we invited her parent's village (about 50 tables x 10 each) ==> around 500 people... also with some of my dad's friends too.. about a 20-minute video for each... hopefully this new "addition" would help me even more.. but I am still concerned about what would be questioned..

    countdown is 10 days!! if things go bad, I am going to move back to China to be with her.. This immigration thing is NOT RIGHT... they TEST innocent people, while illegal people and terrorists can just sneak by...

    We'll be praying for you GOGO everything id going to be OK

    GOD bless you!!!!

  19. Mi prometida y yo platicamos del proceso de inmigrar a EUA para que podamos estar juntos para siempre. Hemos empezado leer los foros aquí antes de llenar los formularios para entender cuales son los requisitos por el gobierno de EUA.

    Por leer un poco de aquí ya entendemos que el proceso es largo y de mucho estrés y también que las siguientes ideas debemos tomar en cuanta. Qué opinan ustedes? Hay algo mas que debemos considerar?

    El proceso de inmigrar como novio/a o esposo/a es verdad una prueba del amor y la perseverancia en un tiempo en que muchos parejas recién de ser comprometidos o acaban de casarse. Cada uno tiene que hacer su parte, no importa de cual lado de la frontera estén ellos.

    Sí, es un gran cambio de la vida para la persona se case con un/a americano/a y se mueva a su país. Afecta cada aspecto de su vida: emocional, financiero, cultural, carrera, familia, y aun más importante, la dirección de su futuro. Cada uno de la pareja tiene que confiar en el compromiso y en su pareja.

    Es difícil comenzar a pensar como pareja temprano en una relación o un matrimonio, pero eso es lo que tiene que suceder si la petición de la visa y la vida conyugal después van a ser exitosos. Algunas parejas no lo hacen. Su resolución común no es bastante fuerte. Una pareja pueda todavía pensar como individuo. Incluso si se concede la visa, un patrón ha estado establecido de una persona cargando todo mientras el otro no hace nada.

    Pienso que si una pareja no está en la misma página, cada uno haciendo su parte para entender y para apoyar el proceso de la visa, entonces no presagia bien para su vida futura juntos.

    Esto es un compromiso de 2 sean novios o esposos,este proceso es demasiado desgastante como para q una parte cargue mas q la otra se necesita mucha paciencia y como dije antes un compromiso mas que todo moral y afectivo para aprender a enfrentar las cosas dificiles juntos comenzando con este dificil camino llamado INMIGRACION,lo mas importante es mantenese unidos y no dejar q el stress,la angustia,la espera y todo lo demas tenga algun efecto en la relacion de pareja,a veces siento q despues de todo lo vivido soy capaz de enfrentar lo q sea con Dios primero y con mi esposo a mi lado,esta es la prueba mas grande amor q he experimentado en mi vida vivir esta pesadilla juntos....

  20. In my defense folks, let me point you back to my original post, where I said that I have not called since. Lesson learned. You guys are correct with your comments. At no time before this rude woman was I told to wait for 30 days before calling back though. THAT part was never said to me until her.

    Also my appologies if I came across snippety in follow-up comments. I'm very much on edge because of exactly what you guys are saying here: I have no control, squeeky wheels DON'T get any grease, I've been chastised for something that I shouldn't be chastized for, and now I feel I may have put my processing timeline at risk. None of this is fair to petitioners, yet because this is a government agency, there is nothing to do but put our lives on hold for several months while we wait for what amounts to a an hour or so of work. And now I'm seeing Virginia filers from August post their approvals. I hope you all can understand where I'm coming from.

    I didn't post this story to get ridiculed or snapped at. I already get enough of that from USCIS. I posted it for your benefit to learn from.

    You don't have to justify yourself, you're only doing what many of us did when we were in your position,no need to apologized for that whatsoever!!!!

    We perfectly know how you feel and to be honest I don't think that calling is going to affect your case AT ALL,we all know this people(uscis) are masters in in trying to confuse us when they reallly don't have anything to say about your case..

    Keep strong,the day will come and please never,EVER loose hope!!!

    God Bless

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