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Posts posted by pcana

  1. The first time me and my husband had to say goodbye after our honeymoon was the most sad moment in my life,little I knew what was ahead of us!!!

    the second time was even harder to the point where I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it without him! many,many tears,sleepless nights,not able to eat for days at a time (the best diet ever lost 15 punds in 2 months) The feeling is certainly overwhelming,like there's no way out! my life has been on hold for the past 8 months I haven't been able to function normal, I won't be till he's with me and start our new life together and never ever be apart again EVER....

    I must say that my faith in God it's been essencial in the whole process without him I don't know where I'b be.

    Our journey is almost over with my husband having his interview tomorrow it's not on our control anymore is in God's hands.

    I pray for each and one of you for a speedy reunion with your loved ones with God everything is possible!!!!!

  2. OF-169 is also called DS-2001, it is a check-list indicating that you have gathered required evidence needed for the interview. (Police report, birth cert, etc...)

    This form is consulate specific.

    Examples of OF-169, (AKA DS-2001)

    http://sansalvador.usembassy.gov/consular/docs/DS-2001.pdf (El Salvador specific one)



    Thanks a million for the input. Do I need to worry about that form?? bring it to the embassy as well?

    Thanks again you're a big help as usual

    You could have it in your packet of stuff brought with you to the embassy.

    THANKS :thumbs:

  3. OF-169 is also called DS-2001, it is a check-list indicating that you have gathered required evidence needed for the interview. (Police report, birth cert, etc...)

    This form is consulate specific.

    Examples of OF-169, (AKA DS-2001)

    http://sansalvador.usembassy.gov/consular/docs/DS-2001.pdf (El Salvador specific one)



    Thanks a million for the input. Do I need to worry about that form?? bring it to the embassy as well?

    Thanks again you're a big help as usual

  4. Hi guys:

    Just a quick question we're reviewing all the forms and paperwork needed for the interview(NVC sent all the origianal to embassy) but we're bringing all the copies to the interview just in case...anyway everything seems to be OK except for of-169 what is that? it says yes/document complete/reviewed (nvc) but I have no idea what that is, anybody can shed some light??

    Thanks to all

    God bless you and pray for us!!!!!!!! :help:

  5. If things didn't work out, why on earth would an alien who came here under the graces of a well-intended U.S. Citizen have the audacity to seek permanent resident status. Jeez!!! What NERVE! Things didn't work out? SEE YA!

    The SUCCESS for such a story would be DEPORTATION!

    That may sound a little harsh and un-American in terms of welcoming foreigners. But come on. Get a ticket, it's not for the full ride. I find it offensive when aliens come here without ANYTHING at risk, all on the dime of the USC who gives up so much in terms of money, time, effort, heart, and if things don't work out, the alien wants to stay! Again...what nerve! I vote for MY version of a success story. Things didn't work out? Too bad. The USC suffered enough. Say, "thank you" and "I'm sooo sorry" and have the common courtesy to say good-bye, good luck, because the USC is saying GOOD RIDDANCE!

    Oh, you could always try the ol', "I'm a victim of abuse" routine...but please. Have some dignity and just leave it be...the USC is the one who gave everything up for you, so let it be.

    Actually, I find that all rather offensive. You are entitled to your point of view but the way you put it forward is obnoxious to say the least.

    Both parties give up things to be together, not just the USC and not just the spouse. I am giving up a well paid job (I earn FAR more than my husband does), the country I have lived in all my life, close contact with my friends and my family (it's not just a small car journey or walk anymore), a country I am comfortable in and understand. All to be with my husband and I do it gladly... but how can you say that is not giving up important things? Not everything is about money. Those other things you mention: effort, heart and time... well, we both are equal is those, he gives no more time, love or effort than I do. No relationship should be so one-sided as you seem to show, otherwise it's no relationship at all.

    Also, the money used for a USC to petition for their spouse is THEIR money, not just the USCs money. It may be old fashioned but once you are married, everything is shared, there is no "his" or "mine", there is only "ours". If the marriage breaks up and then the story changes to it was the "USCs money" then that is resentment talking. If you are talking about fiance(e) visa's then that is different but a marriage license doesn't have to be the first moment your posessions become "shared".

    Marriages break up for numerous reasons and your comment implies that it is always the non-USCs fault. If a foreign spouse gives up his/her home country for a year or so, gets a job, helps support the family and the marriage breaks up due to unforseen circumstances, I don't think the foreign spouse should be immediately told they have to leave. After all, they have worked for that amount of time to create a new life for themselves. Not all marriage splits are non-amicable either, it could be a joint decision to separate and on good terms.

    I have no idea what the future will hold, but I have hope that my husband and I will grow old together. Should things not work out that way, I don't know whether I will come home to the UK or want to stay in America. However, I would like to have the option... not just be thrown on a plane and told to leave (exaggeration, obviously). At this point, it is only my husband and his family that are my reasons for wanting to be in the States but, after living there for a while, who knows.

    Well said C and J!!!! every story is different,it's easy to judge withour knowing the FACTS!! :angry:

  6. Yes US standard passport photos.


    NVC is part if Department of State, and DOS defines the passport photo standard used by USCIS.


    Thanks YuandDan:

    these pictures are the ones required at the time of the interview right?

    Thanks again I trust you,you always come out with good anwers and seems to know what you're saying.

  7. Hi, everyone! My son just got tourist visa in embassy in Bulgaria and he's coming may be next week. Now we start seeking ways to change his status after he come from tourist to something else, so that he'll be able to receive sec.num. and start working... What do you recomend as procedure??? Thank's in advance. :)

    A tourist visa was issued because your son lied about his plans for the US. This is where immigration fraud has started. Not a good way to start the process. One of the reasons everything takes sooo long for everone else who follows the rules, is when people go around them and hop over to the US on tourist visa's and think they can stay and set up a new life and work.

    Tourist visa is max 6 months and depart. Isn't that what your son promised the Consul?


  8. Congrats

    ok so mine and my husband age difference is about 12 years, is this going to be a problem? :unsure:

    I guess at the end the big factor for us (age difference marriages) will come down to how much evidence we present at the interview.so let's prepare,be confidant and remenber we don't need to prove our love at the CO we just need to prove of our bonafide marriage here and so far all our stories are genuine and real so there's nothing to worry about.. Good luck to all of you and GOD BLESS

  9. Last night I checked this site and the timeline said 161 days. TODAY I got notice that it has been approved. It has been 141 days!!!!!!! I want to encourage all of you WAITing, i know it is so hard. Also want to encourage all of you with GREAT age differences. I believe ours is the greatest I've EVER heard of ANYwhere, (except for ONE celebrity relationship) so great that I do not even want to say it, and yet, with the plentiful proof of real love, they APPROVED IT! Only believe, cast down doubts DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE, IF and only IF you never let go of the dream! My love in Morocco just sent me a wonderful letter. Either he spent a lot of time composing it, or copied it but if it expresses what he feels in his heart, who cares? :) HE is definitely worth the wait!

    It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while holding you in my arms and gazing into your eyes. But since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this. Love, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated for so long. Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly our devotion and love for one another. After all, it is said that "True Love" is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence. Our love has been assaulted many times, and I am convinced that it is true because the longer I am away from you, the greater is my yearning to be with you again. You are my Princess, and I am your devoted Prince. I cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.


    Congratulations!!!!!!!!! big age different here ( 14 years) and waiting anxiously for our the interview on the 29th of Jan. May I ask you what kind of questions did they ask?? and what evidence did you present? I'm very excited for you you have no idea how much I relate to you and your story..You truly have touched my heart and give me hope.....

    God bless you!!!!

  10. My husband just called from the medical office it seems like everything is goin well than God! we didn't think it was going to take all day and he's not even done yet,(waiting for the results and the vaccinations) anyway he heard somebody at the doctor's office comment about having to have all the forms already submitted refilled again??? I keep copies of everything i don't mind send them to him is just that this doesn't seem right to me anyway if you have any experience on this please let me know.

    Guess they aren't members of VJ!

    The only reason you would need to bring updated forms is if they are no longer correct. For instance, say you filed in 2006 and your interview isn't until later in 2008, then you would need to bring an updated affidavit of support, with your tax transcript for 2007.

    Just that kind of thing. If the forms stand as they are, if they don't need updating, no need to fill them out again.

    I guess they're NOT!!!!!

    Thanks trailmix that's exactly what I think. this guy offers inmigration advise and told my husband he'll help him refilled all the forms for $40 which I think is a scam but thanks for your help!!!!!

  11. My husband just called from the medical office it seems like everything is goin well than God! we didn't think it was going to take all day and he's not even done yet,(waiting for the results and the vaccinations) anyway he heard somebody at the doctor's office comment about having to have all the forms already submitted refilled again??? I keep copies of everything i don't mind send them to him is just that this doesn't seem right to me anyway if you have any experience on this please let me know.

  12. hi guys:

    I guess i'm just feeling scared and anxious,I couldn't sleep last night(neither my husband) he's having his medical exam this morning.

    Anyways here's the evidence we're presenting at the interview:

    chats logs since the day we met on line till present.

    telephone bills


    2 affidavis of evidence ( one from the owner of the company I work which happens to be a very good friend of mine) and another one from the pastor of the church I attend. He's also presenting a letter from his pastor (we both Christians)

    3- boarding passes

    4- money exchange receipts.

    5- a copy of my passport.

    Now here's the reason a feeling so anxious.

    Age difference ( I'm 14 years older than my husband) if you see us together is hard to tell , Idon't look my my age than GOD for that.

    I'm only been once in El salvador to visit my husband (back on May 2007)

    We never met each i person before we got married (we didn't need to We just knew we're were meant for each other)

    I know this is all in God's hand now and I trust him with all my heart since He's the one who really has control of our lives.

    But anyways i've just need to hear from you guys and give me your thoughts.

    God bless you all and thanks in advance for your advice

    It sounds like you have the standard items they request for proof of an ongoing relationship.

    I think they only really look at the age difference when it's a huge gap (e.g. when a 55+ year old man with pot belly is marrying 21 year old bikini babe) and when it's from a country that has high occurrences of visa fraud.

    As far getting married the first time you met, you will have some of the call and chat logs prior to that to show that the relationship developed prior to actually meeting. Remember, this is a new era of dating and people saying that met on line doesn't raise any eyebrows; internet relationships tend to grow differently then ones that started when two people first met in person.

    Just be confident in your answers and in your marriage and it will show.

    Thanks Dylan's wife:

    That's exactly what i keep repeating myself "things have changed" in terms of how we get to meet people these days and found your SO on line (without actually planned it that way) and I hope th CO see it that way too, thanks for making me laugh on your comment about the age difference I guess you're right ,that's not our case at all I'm 42 (female petitioner) my husband 28(beneficiary) you don't see a big difference when you see us together but that's irrelevant at this point what really matters is our feelings for each other.. Thanks again and congatulations on your visa approval God bless

    We have the same age difference but the opposite way. I'm 63 and my wife is 49. We are also going to submit proof of phone calls and if you are chatting on messenger, I don't know about the others, but in Yahoo you can have archive turned on and it gives the date of the chat and click on the line and it brings up the pages that can be printed. I'm printing out the log and first page of one chat a month for the last 2 years. Best of luck.

    Hi Rip44:

    I printed one from each month(yahoo) startting from the very first time we got in contact till the end of december,the more I think about the more confused I feel do you think one conversation per month is OK? knowing that we've been in touch for the llast 2 years on a daily basis it's almost imposible to think about printing more than one per month,anyways I wish you the best for you and your wife and as far as the age difference go I guess there's nothing to worry about God is our primary EVIDENCE Thanks again.

  13. hi guys:

    I guess i'm just feeling scared and anxious,I couldn't sleep last night(neither my husband) he's having his medical exam this morning.

    Anyways here's the evidence we're presenting at the interview:

    chats logs since the day we met on line till present.

    telephone bills


    2 affidavis of evidence ( one from the owner of the company I work which happens to be a very good friend of mine) and another one from the pastor of the church I attend. He's also presenting a letter from his pastor (we both Christians)

    3- boarding passes

    4- money exchange receipts.

    5- a copy of my passport.

    Now here's the reason a feeling so anxious.

    Age difference ( I'm 14 years older than my husband) if you see us together is hard to tell , Idon't look my my age than GOD for that.

    I'm only been once in El salvador to visit my husband (back on May 2007)

    We never met each i person before we got married (we didn't need to We just knew we're were meant for each other)

    I know this is all in God's hand now and I trust him with all my heart since He's the one who really has control of our lives.

    But anyways i've just need to hear from you guys and give me your thoughts.

    God bless you all and thanks in advance for your advice

    It sounds like you have the standard items they request for proof of an ongoing relationship.

    I think they only really look at the age difference when it's a huge gap (e.g. when a 55+ year old man with pot belly is marrying 21 year old bikini babe) and when it's from a country that has high occurrences of visa fraud.

    As far getting married the first time you met, you will have some of the call and chat logs prior to that to show that the relationship developed prior to actually meeting. Remember, this is a new era of dating and people saying that met on line doesn't raise any eyebrows; internet relationships tend to grow differently then ones that started when two people first met in person.

    Just be confident in your answers and in your marriage and it will show.

    Thanks Dylan's wife:

    That's exactly what i keep repeating myself "things have changed" in terms of how we get to meet people these days and found your SO on line (without actually planned it that way) and I hope th CO see it that way too, thanks for making me laugh on your comment about the age difference I guess you're right ,that's not our case at all I'm 42 (female petitioner) my husband 28(beneficiary) you don't see a big difference when you see us together but that's irrelevant at this point what really matters is our feelings for each other.. Thanks again and congatulations on your visa approval God bless

  14. hi guys:

    I guess i'm just feeling scared and anxious,I couldn't sleep last night(neither my husband) he's having his medical exam this morning.

    Anyways here's the evidence we're presenting at the interview:

    chats logs since the day we met on line till present.

    telephone bills


    2 affidavis of evidence ( one from the owner of the company I work which happens to be a very good friend of mine) and another one from the pastor of the church I attend. He's also presenting a letter from his pastor (we both Christians)

    3- boarding passes

    4- money exchange receipts.

    5- a copy of my passport.

    Now here's the reason a feeling so anxious.

    Age difference ( I'm 14 years older than my husband) if you see us together is hard to tell , Idon't look my my age than GOD for that.

    I'm only been once in El salvador to visit my husband (back on May 2007)

    We never met each i person before we got married (we didn't need to We just knew we're were meant for each other)

    I know this is all in God's hand now and I trust him with all my heart since He's the one who really has control of our lives.

    But anyways i've just need to hear from you guys and give me your thoughts.

    God bless you all and thanks in advance for your advice

    hi pcana

    age doesn't matter i am 11 year younder then my wife lol.. and embassies are used to deal with these kind of applicants....

    Thanks liberal.. I know for a fact that age is not an issue for us,my husband is a blessing for me and I'd woldn't change anything because everything that has happen to us is just wonderful and I thank God everyday for it

    God bless you!!!!!!!!!

  15. Well, as you already know, the fact that you had never met each other before you got married and that their is an age difference might be a red flag for them.

    All you can do, in terms of evidence that you do have a bonafide marriage, is present as much evidence of that fact as you can - and from your list it looks like that is what you have done.

    They might ask you about the age difference, about not meeting before arriving to get married, practice your answers. While you don't want to sound like you are an actor in rehearsal :) you do need to think about what you are going to say.

    Just be prepared and you will be fine.

    Good luck!

    thanks a lot for your response, honestly I can't think of anything else as evidence, but any suggestions are welcome,Yes we are preparing for the questions that they may asked without sounding rehearsed!! I just love my husband with all my heart and being with him is my ultimate goal!! God's in control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. hi guys:

    I guess i'm just feeling scared and anxious,I couldn't sleep last night(neither my husband) he's having his medical exam this morning.

    Anyways here's the evidence we're presenting at the interview:

    chats logs since the day we met on line till present.

    telephone bills


    2 affidavis of evidence ( one from the owner of the company I work which happens to be a very good friend of mine) and another one from the pastor of the church I attend. He's also presenting a letter from his pastor (we both Christians)

    3- boarding passes

    4- money exchange receipts.

    5- a copy of my passport.

    Now here's the reason a feeling so anxious.

    Age difference ( I'm 14 years older than my husband) if you see us together is hard to tell , Idon't look my my age than GOD for that.

    I'm only been once in El salvador to visit my husband (back on May 2007)

    We never met each i person before we got married (we didn't need to We just knew we're were meant for each other)

    I know this is all in God's hand now and I trust him with all my heart since He's the one who really has control of our lives.

    But anyways i've just need to hear from you guys and give me your thoughts.

    God bless you all and thanks in advance for your advice

    Thanks I wish you the best in your journey too, Thanks for your response I can breath easier now, you're kind words has make realize how important is this site when we're can support each other God Bless you

  17. hi guys:

    I guess i'm just feeling scared and anxious,I couldn't sleep last night(neither my husband) he's having his medical exam this morning.

    Anyways here's the evidence we're presenting at the interview:

    chats logs since the day we met on line till present.

    telephone bills


    2 affidavis of evidence ( one from the owner of the company I work which happens to be a very good friend of mine) and another one from the pastor of the church I attend. He's also presenting a letter from his pastor (we both Christians)

    3- boarding passes

    4- money exchange receipts.

    5- a copy of my passport.

    Now here's the reason a feeling so anxious.

    Age difference ( I'm 14 years older than my husband) if you see us together is hard to tell , Idon't look my my age than GOD for that.

    I'm only been once in El salvador to visit my husband (back on May 2007)

    We never met each i person before we got married (we didn't need to We just knew we're were meant for each other)

    I know this is all in God's hand now and I trust him with all my heart since He's the one who really has control of our lives.

    But anyways i've just need to hear from you guys and give me your thoughts.

    God bless you all and thanks in advance for your advice

  18. hi guys, i had the interview and it was fine but they told me that i need to submit the return taxes of my co-sponser! my wife has applied for it (of course with the help of the co-sponser) but it has been 1 month and some day and we havent received anything from the IRS! does it really take that long to receive the return tax paper ?can u guys estimate how many days t it takes ? ( i think us citizen would know about this)

    I ordered mine back in July, I called them several times, they said they had been mailed out. After about a month I called them and asked them to fax them to me.

    They did this (27 pages for 3 years) while I was still on the phone with them.

    I would give them a call and ask them to fax them.

    By the way, I never did receive them in the mail.

    I never actually got to talk to a person it was throught an automated system which bassically asked my ssn, my adress and the years I was requesting the taxes for. Got them in the mail with no problems.

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