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Everything posted by MaxP22

  1. Getting married to you is a negative for her application. You are focusing too much on yourself, her application has nothing to do with you. She needs to show strong ties to her home country, why she will return, such as employment. What ties did she show?
  2. Stamp means nothing. Always go by online i94
  3. Why are you checking an application when all you have done is fill out the DS160 and haven't even gone to the interview yet? What are you expecting to see?
  4. I'm assuming the question you are referring to is about having stayed in the US longer than the admission period granted to you. ESTA will most likely be denied, so B2 will be your option left.
  5. Nothing to do with luck, he was rightly denied. If he can't afford a holiday then his job is not much of a tie.
  6. When I applied and got my B2 visa as a 3rd country citizen in the UK, a colleague of mine who had the exact same job and exact same salary was denied at the same time. Only difference was I had a European (non VWP) passport and he had a Nigerian passport...
  7. You won't be getting approved with that family history, save your money and don't even apply, this is one of those moments where it's not even worth wasting the application fee.
  8. Why on Earth would you go to Russia? You do realise there is a War going on? Especially from PH, I can see an offload incoming and rightly so.
  9. Not sure what you mean there are now two appointments? It's one appointment, biometrics (fingerprints) are taken at the interview, mine certainly were.
  10. Doesn't sound like it's an emergency for your sister at all. Anyone can do what she is planning to do. What's the real reason? Be honest, it's so your sister can immigrate here.
  11. So what ties do they have to Denmark to show at the interview? My guess would be none, especially if they came as tourists and not residents.
  12. From what you have posted, it is very very very unlikely she will get approved, and rightly so.
  13. Just admit you are the US 'friend'. The reasons your friend in Madagascar was denied are already listed in this thread, no point going over it again. She was rightly denied. The solution here is so easy, go and visit her instead, like you should have done in the first place instead of getting her to apply for a B2.
  14. If it wasn't 'serious' you would not have received a caution. Stop trying to fit the question around to suit your needs. The answer to the question is a clear 'yes' for you. ESTA is for the squeeky clean. You are not.
  15. You were arrested and cautioned so accepted you commited a crime. How can you think the answer to the ESTA question is no? It should be yes.
  16. Yep it's normal. Why don't you just go to Mexico if that's also on your list? Better destination for a holiday anyway.
  17. Last sentence is referring to selecting premium delivery - not pickup/dropoff. They are different services, not interchangeable.
  18. First you said the person inviting the applicant to visit has retirement income they want to show (which as stated is irrelevant) and now it's the applicant themselves who want to show retirement income? You are making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. The applicant applies and answers the questions on the form. One of them will be asking about level of income, so the CO will see that at the interview. No documents are required (again as already mentioned) but if they want to bring a bank statement (which will show their retirement income being paid into their account) there's nothing stopping them.
  19. That's alright. Unfortunately it is difficult for Filipinos/as to get visas for other countries due to obvious reasons I am sure you already know. Doctors appointments are not really a tie and probably bring more questions than answers, such as adequate travel insurance and possible medical expenses if needed. As you work freelance, this is also against you as you don't have a regular paying job with a contract etc that will show you will return to PH. Overall your chances of getting approved are not very high, but the only thing you have to lose is the application fee. There is no documentation required, certainly none of my documents were looked at when I went for my B2 visa interview. All the information is on the application form and they will ask any further questions. In your specific scenario I would probably bring a bank statement just in case they ask for your available funds. I'm not sure on the current wait times for an appointment so if I was you I would book it ASAP.
  20. You missed the most important part of the equation - what country are you from?
  21. No it is not sound advice. No need to involve any agency for a B2 either. Let her apply, assuming she has ties to China she should be approved.
  22. Yup. As mentioned though I don't see what benefit there is to changing names after getting married. Much better keep original.
  23. Not sure why you think it's not her fault. Sudan is not the only country in the world. Plenty of other options (countries) to leave the USA on time.
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